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Posts posted by Mensh

  1. Wonder how much that cost EA? Probably not much, in the grand scheme of things. I'd guess around $1M.


    Speaking from experience (I used to work in television) it probably cost EA nothing. The writers probably heard about SWTOR and thought it would be funny to put into an episode (much like Blizzard probably didn't have to pay South Park to do an episode about WOW). It's mutually beneficial to both parties.


    lol @ 1 million, I'd be surprised if Big Bang Theory's budget per episode is that much. On the off chance money was changing hands, it would've been Big Bang Theory paying EA to use their product, and it was probably under $10 grand.

  2. ...because Black Talon is a Level 10 Flashpoint with its difficulty adjusted so that you can run it as part of end-game content as well. It wouldn't make sense to take down a Sith Lord / Jedi Master when you've barely chosen your Advanced Class would it? There are plenty of boss encounters where you fight multiple bosses at once.


    I see what you're saying, but I don't think that using only one example of a FP adjusted for endgame validates the argument. Let me make a similar counter-argument using the same method - The Foundry feels super duper Heroic! Some of the boss battles made me feel like my character is a truly significant Sith / Jedi and should be feared / revered across the galaxy!

  3. This is just my opinion, but I played both a Sorc and Trooper (BH mirror) during beta and am playing a Sorc now at launch.


    I feel like a Sorc makes for a better healer because of easier resource management (for a Trooper your Ammo would regen slower if you had less of it, I assume BH is the same way with Heat), no cooldown on your quicker heal, and a damage shield that the Trooper was lacking. On the other hand, the Trooper seemed to do better damage than the Sorc, especially when it comes to AoE. Additionally a damage-specced Trooper gets a hard-hitting attack with an armor debuff, and an armor piercing self-buff.


    It really depends on what you prefer, but I decided that the Sorc was a better choice for me as a healer.

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