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Posts posted by Seylija

  1. LOTRO have also compensated ALL players in the past! and that's f2p friendly too!


    LOTRO gave me a useless reusable food item that regenerated like 60 Moral and 30 power when out of fight for missing like 1 month in game because they messed up the Character log in. *slowclap*

  2. Petition !! SHARE IT ALL !


    PLEASE !!!!


    We need that TaunFawn Mini-pet , just give to all players ingame mail this pet ! At least do one time a good intervention in your subs base players and put some little sugar on this today angers !!!


    JUST DO IT ! and make us to forget for a second all problems !


    why not?

  3. Why is that?

    `cause one is paying? Thats why?


    What kind of argumentation do you try?

    Would you tell your car mechanist customer "what do you except here? Is is narcissism why you want us to work on time?"


    Strange, isnt it? ;)


    wow. just wow. haha

  4. Good for you. I got nothing. But hey, at least you got yours, right.


    you see. you feel like you deserve something for being here. why is that? is it narcissism? i didn't expect to get anything, but somehow i got lucky for the first time since 2011.


    maybe i will post a video of me destroying the pets in game and buying something out of the cartel market with my 450 cc and destroying it too, later.

  5. the complaint is a simple one. If the codes were real (not saying they weren't) they were gone in 0.5 seconds, and the amount of players who got anything verses the subscriber/f2p entire list is flat insulting. Bioware has always done just the right thing to keep subscribers happy, which is why sub have left this game in droves every expansion and the new players have not replenished the numbers.


    the codes were not meant as compensation. they were meant as a giveaway for ppl who followed the thread. the codes did work. i used 1 of each and i even had to relog into the forum in order to redeem them. so i wasn't super fast.

  6. i can't complain. i redeemed one of each code and i wasn't even fast. was watching pubg streams on the side. :S

    following you people lapse into hysteria, trying to lynch a Dev that only wants to do some good to you, is just a bonus on top. plebs will be plebs. if you ever wonder what went wrong with modern society - just look into the mirror. do you still think you deserve any better?

  7. ...traditional MMO's are starting to lose popularity to both MOBA's & the Division/Destiny style online games.


    I'm sorry man. I agree so much with most of what you said... but this is just a lousy excuse. People still demand MMO's very much. The market is healthy. I just played the recent FFXIV expansion and the amount of new/returning players just destroyed their overall q'times - so they had to open up two completely new servers with free transfers and all. It actually felt like a MMO. Just google the games history if you are not impressed enough by that fact alone.


    Also - some of my TS buddies still play WoW. I don't hear them complaining about the lack of peoples interest in MMO's either.


    The one thing i always hear from other people i play/played with tho: The Number 1 MMO Killer is lack of endgame content. AND lack of endgame content alone.


    It killed every MMO i played so far. And i played a lot of MMO's.

    You have to keep investing money and produce big endgame if you want to keep people interested.


    Let's be honest here for a moment. It is exactly that easy to keep a MMO running. And Swtor was - even after its meh release - one of the better MMO's around. I'm still impressed by how fun WZ actually were and still are. And how well all the Raids were made. TfB might still be the best Raid i ever had the honor to play in a MMO so far.


    Just because a lot of MMO's failed to attract players over the years - doesn't mean it is not their fault alone. DO A BETTER JOB. End of story.

    Wildstar may be the one exception here, with their 0 advertisement.


    Edit: stuff still needs to be rewarding of course. but this was never a huge problem in Swtor anyway.

  8. Ich finde imo nicht, daß der Schatten/Assa irgendeine Verbesserung nötig hätte... Ich gebe zu, ich hab wenig Arena Erfahrung (grade mal 10 Spiele solo ranked) und seit TFB auch keine größere Ini mehr gemacht, aber Kraftprobleme habe ich mit meinem Schatten keine (trotzdem ich so gut wie alle skills regelmäßig benutze, außer wirbelschlag ---> der suckt!) und mein Schaden hält in random WZ's und solo Ranked's auch einigermaßen mit dem anderer Klassen mit... Auf infiltration ist man halt single target hiter und dementsprechend klein verhält sich die Zahl des Gesamtschadens im direkten Vergleich mit Klassen, die über einen mächtigen AoE verfügen (600000 zu 1200000 in entsprechenden BG's/ aber auch da kann man, wenn man das nötig hat, auf hybrid mit force in balance skillen). Relativ betrachtet würde ich dennoch sagen, daß infiltration zwar etwas schwächer geworden ist (was meinem schlechten Erinnerungsvermögen geschuldet sein mag), sich aber immernoch als sehr gut spielbar beweist und vor allem Spass macht.


    Über die Schadenserhöhung freue ich mich natürlich trotzdem!



    Natürlich gilt das nur für infiltration - tank und balance spec spiel ich gar nicht - auch keinen Hybriden.

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