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Posts posted by Nicoae

  1. This really needs more attention than it's received. Bug or not the ability to dye grey/white items is utterly and completely harmless. 'fixing' that (which most of the player base actually appreciated, lul bioware), when there's much, much more important bugs to fix and just generally stuff to do is foolish and short sighted.


    Idiots. All I can say about it. You're idiots bioware, utter and complete idiots and should, for just one day, stop being idiots. You messed up, reverse it. Call it a Christmas present if you want to save face from your idiotic mistakes. Hell use it as a way to pretend you 'listen' to the community, you like pretending that.

  2. There's a GS tab in the achievements...tab... that shows various stats, I don't think 'deaths' is listed but matches played (up to a thousand I think) is as well as various types of medals achieved (again up to a certain number).


    That or screenshoot/record every sheet that shows after a match *shrug*

  3. Don't know about ONLY playing GS, you have a tremendous amount of patience haha. It's what it was designed to be, a fun, nice distraction (though the elitist abusive *****s who think they know EVERYTHING have started to creep in, spamming chat with pointless insults instead of actually taking part). That's hardly biowares fault though.


    So, yeah, it's a fun distraction and has opened up odd opportunities as far as RPs concerned, so that's nice if your into that. I just hope they have the resources to dedicate to both it and the game proper.

  4. Personally I think that, whilst all tips and hints and such are helpful, ultimately it's not even down to skill (though that does play a part) but it's almost down to blind luck half the time.

    I've done 23 or so matches so far and for the first few I was cannon fodder, learning and all that, then I got assist, dozens of them. Few matches later a kill, then another. Next match another kill. Latest match?

    0 kills 2 assists and 18 deaths.


    Point being that even when you do get a little bit good, lady luck can still do you sideways. Eventually you will get effective, but if luck (pilot error, good lock-ons, a terrible opponent or two) doesn't favour you you're kinda screwed either way. It's not a very forgiving game I find, one mistake or two and you're done. And you'll make a lot of mistakes regardless of skill level.


    My view anyway.

  5. Whilst what you think makes sense it theory, you're up close and in melee so surely strength would be better...it isn't.


    The shadow is an advanced class branching out from the counsellor, the Counsellors primary stat is Willpower - so then is the shadows.


    In short, stack willpower as a shadow and ignore strength. Strength is of no use to a shadow.

  6. The Inquisitor quest for your first companion is a pain in the arse. It never used to be, back at launch, I think Bioware broke the levelling a bit - you should be about level 9-10, even with the heroics done and item xp boosts I still tend to hit it around 8 and spend 8 to 9 running through that damned cavern. At launch I got him at 11. Very odd.


    The Warrior has a far, far easier time though it has to be said. Just breezes through.


    Inquisitor gets a proper AoE in the 30's, (I think, been a while since I got it) with Force Storm, used properly it is a horrificly powerful tool, but in my opinion it doesn't match up to a Mercenary Bounter Hunter at all initially. That's just in bog standard levelling, can't speak to instances and what not. That said a Madness specd Sorcerer can really lay down the AoE, as they get an AoE attack that heals them as well as Force Storm as well as the ability to constantly get their force back, they essentially become unstoppable killing machines in my experience. If you stick at it, it does reward but perhaps not as quickly as the Bounty Hunter. Infinite false storm with infinite regen and the ability to stay alive, might not be right but damned if it ain't fun.

  7. Agree wholeheartedly.


    Everything in TOR feels so closed off and lifeless. There's a few cantinas here and there that are a nice throw in, but you can't even sit on the chairs in them, come to think of it you can't even sit properly without looking like a teenager relaxing on a school playing field.


    It's not just empty rooms, or rooms that are red walled either, it's the sheer size of the worlds. I find myself landing on a world and every time thinking "oh come on! This is supposed to be a frickin' PLANET!". Whilst I appreciate you can't go all over a planet, they should at least be more than just liner corridors that go from a-b-c. There's actually no reason for the areas to be walled off UNLESS you've picked up the quest for it really, or for it to exist after you've done it. Have the quest? It's green walled and only you and the people you invite can enter that instanced version (not dissimilar to WoWs phasing). Don't have the quest? Come and go as you please.


    There's a massive facility on Hoth that's exactly as the OP describes, it's isolated, and if open would be excellent for RP situations - yet it's red walled to everybody save a warrior. It's pathetic really, and unneeded. And that's just one place of many.

  8. How are you defining lag? I ask because you seem to be under the impression that "storage space" (which I'm assuming you mean harddrive space) alone effects performance.


    What are your graphics, memory, CPU etc? It certainly sounds an awful lot like your room-mate just has a better machine, to my admittedly limited technical knowledge at least.

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