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Posts posted by ilancloud

  1. Stun, snare, knockback, root...charge....immediately knocked back and rooted, kicked in the groin, lag, screen tear, polymorphed? dead.....


    Not having much fun lately.


    I'll check back in a month or two to see if you guys have figured it out.

  2. There's a lot of debate on Combat these days and I'd like to actually attempt to figure out how effective Combat is both PvE & PvP. I'm looking to write an article for my blog: http://jedisentinel.com/ assessing the capabilities and serving as guide.


    If you can contribute any experience, videos, tips, screen shots or would like to write at all, please pm me or visit my site and hit the contact button (bottom right of every screen).



  3. I only have synth weaving to 250 but so far I like it. It's provided good gear for myself and companions as well as plenty of cash. I'm a bit of a business nerd and love selling things on the market to see if I can make a profit. I've been lucky to sell stuff but not sure how it'll work at high levels. You may be able to do this with biochem as well though because it sounds like theirs a demand.


    I considered bio chem but personally, I'm a purist, I don't like gimmicks and exploits. In pvp I want to be able to beat someone with my own skill and understanding of the class...so I tend to avoid that stuff. There has also been dev talk about a nerf coming, which is due.

  4. No, seriously. Log in and check.


    I just tried all of these:

    - Mounting up and moving instantly as soon as the cast bar is finished: didn't get dismounted

    - Chaining abilities, especially in melee: no delays before or after abilities

    - Queueing abilities during the global cooldown: not a single ability fails


    They... they actually fixed the delays.


    My Sith Marauder actually looks like he's fighting in a smooth, relentless chain of attacks too. No more awkward pauses between abilities with my character just standing there waiting for the delays to pass.



  5. Still in Act 1 of the Jedi Knight. I like the main thread that is going through it, but that said... it just feels like I'm surrounded by incompetence. I'll spoiler tag this next part so I can go into more detail:




    General Var Suthra is an incompetent moron. First, he seems to have no idea what is going on with any of the R&D projects around him. I don't like taking orders from him because it just feels like I'm having to go around and clean up after his incompetence.


    On that note, so far all I've really done is clean up after the stupid R&D projects that are not only morally questionable, but the Republic decided that all these "secret weapons" should be guarded by 10 year old girls with sticks, apparently. All these stupid weapons continually fall into the wrong hands at the drop of a hat and that leaves me to go fix their stupidity.


    Sorry for the rant, but I've now had this happen *3* times before I leave Act 1 (Planet Prison, Power Guard project, and now the Shock Drum). And often, I'm forced to team with people I'd rather lightsaber to the face than talk to ever again (the Republic agent on Nar Shaddaa that wanted to flee comes to mind)






    ANYWAY, despite all that above, the MAIN thread of the JK story is ok... I hope it picks up a bit more though because right now, I feel like The Wolf from Pulp Fiction... and it's not as cool as you might think :)


    Also, I STILL have issues with how the text for responses doesn't accurately match what is said/done. I agreed to something last night that I definitely didn't want to agree to simply because of how the text was presented *shrug*



    I agree completely. It does get a lot better. One of the biggest complaints about the Jedi Knight story is the lack of a solid master. The classes are supposed to mirror characters from the movies. I assume the Jedi Knight is supposed to mirror Luke, Anakin and Obi Wan who all had great and wise Masters guiding them....

  6. Sith Assassin through chapter 2 was great but darker than an episode of the Sopranos... Tons of backstabbing, lying, cheating, deception...pretty much what you'd expect from a power hungry Sith.


    Jedi Sent started off pretty lame but has gotten much better. If you go light side some of the responses make you sound like a boy scout. Being a fan of the Jedi since before I could walk though I've come to really like it...after all, you get to be a freaking JEDI!

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