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Posts posted by Bobinstein

  1. I'm curious as to where he was saying or pointing to being entitled to it at all... If anything, he was just pointing out that it was possibly a cool idea, and that the inclusion of space pvp would be a nice feature, where as, I don't disagree... but if they don't include such a feature, it's not game breaking, or going to cause myself to unsub, i dig this game and what it has to offer...


    Telling someone who isn't acting entitled that they are entitled, is just as bad as the people who feel entitled frothing at the mouth about how entitled they are.


    Sounds like your generation (which I sadly think I may be a part of) needs a lesson in tact, comprehension, and literacy.


    yea, what he said

  2. they let us upgrade our ship, so why not let us blow each other up with them?

    give us a rail free battle area, full of mines and asteroids, and let us go at it.

    perfect for pub V imp (obviously) or same faction on same faction (as rivals and whatnot)


    your thoughts?

  3. however, here's a physics failure that even the movies are guilty of.


    assuming lightsabers are super-heated plasma that is somehow shaped into a saber form, light should not be able to pass through them. it's not like a flame where the energies are quite low. a super-heated plasma would completely ionize the air around it. ionized air -> lots of free electrons. free electrons -> thompson scattering by the buttloads. a lightsaber should cast a shadow just like a solid object.


    its not plasma. its light. thats why its called a lightsaber.



  4. i just went back on a scroll of resurrection. it was a train wreck. everything about that game sucks now.

    and i was complaining about various technical issues to the customer service, when i decided to just say screw it and i cussed out the service rep. turns out they have to respond to each message, so ive spent the last 4 hours sending **** you memes and laughing at them.



  5. does anyone else have a problem where it takes 3-5 minutes for each and every loading screen?


    they used to be quick, before 1.2 but now its getting to be a real hassle. ive been kicked from several raids and fp because it takes so long.


    anyone else?

  6. When was the last time you saw an A.I in Star Wars that wasn't a Droid?


    so this can run as a droid. have it on your ship and when you talk to it it opens the conversation screen. this will turn on your computers microphone and when the system is searching for an answer, the droid can put his hand on his chin quizzically.

  7. Not a definitive canon answer, but this is my opinion


    I like to think the of the Star Wars galaxy as being technologically stagnant. There's around 3000-4000 years of time between The Old Republic and the original trilogy. Technology doesn't seem to have advanced much in that time, and therefore, wouldn't need to change it's inputs or how data is accessed. I feel comfortable extending that stagnation into the past and assuming that most modern technology are actually reverse-engineered versions of that which work on the same principles.


    And we can obviously understand the Rakata spoken language and they can speak Basic, so we can assume even languages were entymologically based on those roots.


    A little imagination and logic can go a long way to help with immersion.


    thats another thing, in kotor it explains revan used the force to wrench the language of the rakata from their minds at the same time as shoving basic into them. and thats how they were able to communicate. but it doesnt explain how these other rakata that we run into can speak to us.


    i suppose its possible that they are all force sensitive, and they do basically the same thing, but it has been established that the languages are different.

  8. Waste of man power period. They can't even get Ranked warzones in right how do you expect them to pull this off without wasting resources


    warzones are a waste of resources period. ranked or not

  9. they should add a SIRI style voice recognizing AI for your ship that lets you directly ask questions like how many people of your faction are on any given planet, anything from the RoC, announcements from bioware, statistics about your toon, etc.


    its not a far fetched technology for the era, and it would be very useful.

    i understand it would take some work on the dev end, but i think it would be worth it. and as far as i know, an mmo first.


    your thoughts?

  10. Go to a museum and read some of the ancient books there that are on display, at least the ones in your native language, then come back here and talk about how ancient technology isn't compatible.


    books and computers are very different in how we interact with them

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