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Posts posted by EyesOfRed

  1. ahh i thought you were on earlier than normal yesterday.


    Figures i go to start my very first toon on Bastion and I get matched against drak & co. in almost every game.


    My poor RFLs never stood a chance :p



    Got to see myself get gunned down in your game of the day though! WOO!

  2. Yea! I apologize, I noticed after making the thread. :o


    I'm flying on Jedi Covenant, on either side. Only really just started a week or so ago.


    Djack - pub

    Djane - imp


    i'll have to stay up a little later and catch you on sometime. I very much look forward to it!

  3. NOTICE EDIT AT BOTTOM. I'm aware I made this thread prematurely, it seems there are at least a couple guys streaming.

    Tomm @ http://www.twitch.tv/tomeateejedota

    Drakolich @ http://www.twitch.tv/drakolich




    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows any popular streamers, doing GSF?


    I used to chill on twitch and really like it, I was looking through the SWTOR channels and none of them were doing any flying, plenty of PvP, raiding, and plain old storyline questers, but no GSF.


    I'd love the chance to watch the best pilots fly, and see what they do and how they do it, the things they look for, general play style etc.


    It was super helpful with games like LOL and StarCraft to watch really good players actually play the game in real time. you can pick up all kinds of unknown unknowns to help you get better. I learned a lot just watching how they moved their mouse, where they kept their camera, what times are they looking around the map at other bases/lanes.


    Any pilots streaming? Would any want to?




    EDIT: Im an idiot. theres a thread half way down the page talking about streaming..... DERP. will be looking for that. :o

  4. i think its fair to say that, at least in my experience, the small player pool plays a big part in feeling outmatched some games.


    Theres just not as many people playing GSF, and the really good pilots, fly the most often. I've only just started getting into it recently, i have almost certainly less than 50 games flown, but I've ran into many of the names I see on these boards repeatedly. Theres just a colossal skill gap between the average/new player, and the chart topping Aces.


    Its bitter sweet to see the guy who wrote that sweet ship guide you're following, on the enemy team hahaha. Doesn't help that I probably spend as much time on the forums as I do flying in game, so I start recognizing names on both sides in the pre-game lobby. Better yet, they often seem to queue up together in big clumps, amplifying the issue. You're far more likely to run into a landslide one way or the other, than a close, evenly matched game.


    I've literally gone from like a 9-8-2 game (K/A/D), where I was near or at the top, to like an 0-4-7 one in dead last the very next game. That happened to me like 2 days ago, both games flying my 'best'* ship.


    *by best, i mean a goofy *** t3 strike build i came up with trying to die less and pick off stragglers. lmao. now I can consistently pull off more damage in that than I can in a sting or mangler :o Im so not meta.

  5. Travelers, its about inclusion vs exclusion. You can appeal to a wider audience, or a smaller one.


    It kind of is that simple.


    again, no one wants to force you to play any particular way. boosts are being tossed around (rumored etc.) just as much as inhibitors. Difficulty settings go in both directions. Only endgame content needs to really remain static for everyone. For competitive / balance reasons.

  6. My aversion to 12XP is that 12 is too much for a permanent feature.


    I generally agree with you on all these points. No joke, and I've mentioned before I like your tiered XP idea, and that 12 xp is pretty crazy fast. I would imagine that if put in, you could expect to pay every bit of 60 bucks per toon.


    The only real point I can see where you and I differ is in how detrimental easy moding this game would be for it overall.

    I personally think it wont have the negative impact some others do for 1 main reason.


    the MMO crowd seldom focuses on the levelling portion of their game (devs and players). for them the game doesn't even begin until level cap, we've all heard that before. This is how other games justify letting you buy your way past that hurdle and get straight into "the real game". This serves a similar function to server merges, in that it shoves more people into a single bracket, increasing player pools. These players generally know how to play, and for them levelling is an unnecessary chore


    The other side of that, is the SPRPGers, who are more likely to roll alt after alt, being somewhat OCD with their exploration of alignments and romance arcs, what have you. They definitely dont benefit from dragging that process out any longer than is necessary, you seldom see 'grinding' in any sort of offline, SP game. While they're not likely to be min/maxing or stressing over their rotation while levelling through tattoooine, they're also more likely to play solo and thus not really interfere with you too much.


    All in all, we agree more than you probably realize. But I dont think that accelerated levelling will be the nail in the coffin that some others may. I can take it or leave it honestly, but if we can find a way to cater to both types of player, I think that'd be good.


    and frankly, if it comes down to playtime and/or legacy as the determining factor, or it just being bought with real human currency, I think I know which route they'll take. But this is PURELY speculation on my part.



    Happy Friday everyone

    hit that double exp! :rak_03:

  7. Some clipping sure, the capes on mounts are a pretty extreme example though. Same with many of the heads/helmets/hoods etc. Clipping because youre moving into or against something makes sense. Probably shouldn't be clipping through your own clothes and mounts though.
  8. Half the player base seems a bit exaggerated, but who knows.


    I think it really comes down to cost / benefit analysis. You want to get the most results with the least effort, to that it would make sense to go after the source, instead of the destination.


    Again, if you're tub starts to leak, dont run around plugging all the holes, turn off the water.


    Though I like the idea of having essentially moderators chill on fleet handing out bans. it'd be 1 person per faction per server. (or 22 people at any given time, maybe just peak hours?) Would be a manageable QoL improvement I think.

  9. On BC, I constantly see items that can be purchased directly from the CM posted for very low prices by a succession of characters with gibberish names. I suspect they are using stolen credit card info got from the suckers who foolishly buy their creds. Because these prices are low, low, low. Way lower than a "normal" player would post for, IMO.


    This is worse than I thought. my initial thought was, I've sold CM stuff on GTN, but that'd be more expensive than I see being advertised by sellers on fleet, thus would not work.


    But, stolen credit cards, that makes sense. Ugh... what a hassle.


    Are there any other games that will let you sell, in-game for in-game currency, items (and unlocks) purchased with real money? is THAT the core of the issue?


    again, admitting my lack of experience in this area. Really don't think the whack-a-mole method would be best though.


    I guess it'd be one thing to earn the credits legitimately and sell them (still against TOS), and another to find ways to farm without even playing (botting / Credit card scams). The latter horribly inflating the economy. I'm beginning to see why this is so hard to fix.

  10. Yea, free for every alt is way excessive. Especially considering CM is how they make a lot of their money.


    I think having to pay (less) CC to unlock something for your whole legacy is more than generous on BW's part.


    and as stated, more alts, reduces the cost per character.


    Hell, I wish we could get GSF stuff to have a legacy unlock cost, the colors/paint schemes etc. obviously, nothing requisition bought. (unless that already exists and I'm blind)

  11. While I don't necessarily disagree, I dont know if that is the less labor-intensive option. Be like trying to plug all the leaks, instead of just turning off the water.


    I'm really curious what specifically they're doing, and seeing if theres a way to stop that.


    any generous, knowledgeable ex-credit farmers care to share? :D



    edit: Love the spoiler in your sig! lmao. QFT man... qft.

  12. If I understand correctly, they do this buy using some kind of out-of-the-game right click script to loot the same box over and over. And something about the way NPCs target, when they spawn/respawn, wont see you if you dont move.


    Again, correct me if I'm wrong, I only did a little bit of research on this, and it was hard to find the precise methods used, just some speculation.


    But, wouldn't changing NPCs to scan periodically (say, on GCD) prevent that? I dont know how that may affect frame rates, or really even if that would stop them.


    Maybe just making it so taking damage stops interacting/looting. I've always found it kind of odd I can interact with like, quest objects while taking damage.


    I agree, that preventing the ability to mindlessly farm is more practical than trying to stop the accounts directly, or inhibit their ability to chat/trade. Stop them from making the money without at least actually playing.

  13. That is a valid point.


    I've never actually noticed if like the robes clip. But I guess you'd be dead on with pc.s like Lana's chest with cape built in.


    well... darn. There goes that idea. :o


    clearly we need a separate cape slot. J/K!

  14. Agreed, opinions are opinions. not facts.


    And I agree that 12x is much faster than necessary, but I also don't think that it would negatively effect the game either. To my understand, it still only applied to the quest turn in XP for class missions. not kills / FPs / OPs / PVP / exploration etc. And is STILL a much tamer version of similar services provided by other games (that i could list, or anyone else could google...)


    Discussing opinions is fun, but not very productive towards a real discussion. Would make more sense to discuss possible implementations and possible consequences, and site reasons. Past events, professional opinions, logical chains of events.


    I've sited how it works in many similar games. I've linked interviews with industry professionals refuting some of the exact fears listed in this thread. I've offered up some of my own opinions, perhaps I should not have. I'm all for having an intelligent back and forth on the ramifications of a system like this. Seems to be really hard to have on the interwebs though.


    [insert sarcastic remark, and/or personal insult]

  15. "We have, no valid argument.... lets make this an arbitrary discussion about past and current subscribers!"


    you're not even making logical hypotheses about the potential change in subscribers this change could bring. You're literally arguing, how many subs there are now, and how many is necessary to be sustainable and who knows what really.


    What is the debate right now? is this thread called "There are less than 500k subs so this game will now fail"?

    Outside of a barely relevant snippet, to say that game isn't as successful as some might like it be, this argument is pretty askew to the context of the OP.


    But, whatever. losing argument, change argument to something else. seems legit. Keep moving them goal posts.


    would your argument, if proven correct, lead to this logical conclusion?





    let the thread die, or stay on topic.

  16. Why not just hide capes once mounted? like the option to hide helmets?


    at least on any mount where you're sitting/reclining. not longspurs and standing speeders of course. seems like a simple fix imo. graphically disable capes on a mount by mount basis.

  17. The genre moves in step with itself. 10 years from launch means absolutely nothing. All MMOS have a habit of stealing from one another. WoW didn't follow EQ's exact model. anymore than current games that flood into F2P didn't wait years and years as wow did to go free. Anymore than those same games implement the harsh limits WoWs free to play does.


    Every game isn't going to age at the same speed. Genres / Industries advance together. Logical fallacies abound.


    as for the 3.2 pts datamine, and the renaming of Boosts and inhibitors... I believe Djini already 'googled that for you'


    haha, i love that site.

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