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Posts posted by DubFanahtic

  1. So while the Harbinger is offline, I might as well pitch an idea.


    I think it would be a cool feature to allow us to change our advanced classes, but only through a specific procedure. In order to change your advance class, you would need:


    1.) A mirror class on the opposite faction.

    2.) Both classes must be at the maximum level.


    For example, if I wanted to change my Powertech to a Mercenary, I would also need a Commando ready to change to a Vanguard. This way, the percentage of advanced classes on the server would remain the same, only thing that changed was now I can play a Merc and Vanguard instead of having a PT and a Commando.


    This change in advanced class would not be detrimental to any aspect of the game as both classes you changed already reached the level cap, meaning you are very familiar with both AC's and are just changing aesthetically, to a certain degree. Also story lines would not be affected because by having characters on both factions, you are required to have completed the stories to have reached the level cap.


    I think this would provide a fresh perspective for many players who don't have the time to re-roll the same class just wanting to play the other AC.

  2. Dear Bioware,


    I would like to request a feature be added to the game where players may be able to change their haircuts and physical appearances. I am not asking for the implementation of server transfers, or anything of that level, which I know is harder than it sounds with the various metrics you guys have to calculate, but a simple feature such as physical reconfiguration shouldn't be too hard to make should it?


    I believe you will find that a great number of players including myself would love to see such a thing become reality, and if it were located a physical location where each "haircut" required a certain number of cartel coins, I'd gladly pay that fee because I have certain toons where their body size seems mismatched with their profession, and a big part of MMO's comes to liking the way your characters look.



  3. I use boot camp to play on Mac and I'd rather it just stay that way. I'd rather have the developers actually fixing aspects of the game rather than prioritizing a new client. Following the trend lately, wouldn't be surprised if they said "Hey! Mac Users! The client costs 20 USD to buy! GO GO GO".
  4. I haven't been able to test the raw dmg output of both these classes yet, but when listening to the community and browsing the forums, people say that PT PVE DPS might be higher than Merc's PVE DPS? Is that true?


    On my merc I just feel like I do way more damage, with tracers + unload + HSM's and all while when I play on my powertech it's just a constant flame burst + Railshot + rocketbunch + TD rotation, and feels way less bursty.


    Is it true that PT DPS trumps both PVE AND PVP DPS with regards to merc?

  5. I've been here since Day 1 and in total I've maybe seen 2-3 hacks, if even that much. If you truly think people are hacking "out of control", well then to put it simply, no you're just bad. You are probably one of the people who think Marauder Carnage spec Predation speed is "hack". And if you think by hacking yourself you constitute the game as being "fair", then do us a favor and just uninstall the game.
  6. LOL. Stated as BW has acknowledged they will shortly be allowing people to transfer to the AC that they didn't pick at level 10. The end of the Merc problem.


    Wait what, is this true?

  7. So you managed to get around either a 5k shock and a 9k maul (with a proc) or a 7k shock and a 7k maul(with a proc). Neither of those options sounds believable. So there isn't a lot of skill posting made up crap either.


    Maybe if you were a carnage mara, you might get a gore+ravage for 10k then a force scream 4k+ but that's still not really 2 shotting.


    Seems like reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.


    5K Shock + Madness Tree speced Half Shock (2.5k Damage) + 6k Maul = ?


    Maybe you can redeem yourself with math.

  8. Bioware, could you please implement a feature where we can change our character's physical looks? I'm not talking about race, just the character creation part. I have a juggernaut that I love but can't stand to play because I foolishly choose size 2 during creation, and now he looks like a shrimp when wearing all the armor designed for Size 3 large juggernaut warriors.


    I would be totally fine with this feature costing cartel coins or other forms of payment, so please take this into consideration. I know many other players out there would appreciate this gesture as well.



  9. As far as I can tell you can wear pvp gear form the other team.


    I have yet to get to the point where I want to buy the gear, but on my 77 powertech, I plan to buy a full Supercommando Trooper PvP set that has full augments. Its not bound to each faction, so should be doable.


    Sorry to dash your dreams, but that can't happen, instead you can buy awesome looking BH gear, /sarcasm off.

  10. I can't say that I'm not disappointed...BW built this x-fers up to be the game-breaking release today, and what do we get? 2 west coast, 2 east coast.


    Don't worry I know you'll "gradually" get all servers done with, over time.


    Take your time, my friend and I on the space station are having a blast playing hide-n-seek.


    -Zaalbaar player woo

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