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Posts posted by revolationz

  1. So far i love the class. I know im going to get blown up the moment i jump on a target which is fine, i normally play stealth rogue types and that seems to always be the case.


    My concern... once i get to endgame, will i b completely overlooked as a DPS op? i cant see a group wanting a dps op over other dps classes for HM, operations, rated WZ's etc... and rated WZ's are something i am most definitely interested in. but i realize i will need to participate in endgame PvE like operations, etc..


    Would i b better off rolling a sin ? should i say fck it and keep going w the op in hopes that a future patch will make me viable ?


    Thanks !!


    i know a few of these questions have been asked/answered but they are outdated, just want to know if the info is still accurate

  2. Love the sin class, im only lvl 28


    I pvp at least a couple times a day, same w FP's


    Would it be faster to lvl as a tank spec or go straight up the deception tree? i wouldnt mind tanking but honestly i dont know the FP maps well enough to lead a group thru it.


    Also a few minor questions; i should stack power over crit? and i should not use anything w expertise as it will gimp me??


    Any other pointers, tips and advice i would really appreciate. Im sorry if these questions have been asked and answered, but some of the info seems outdated. I did skim thru the forums but most of the stuff seems for end game and i just wanna be able to get to max lvl asap


    Thanks in advance !!

  3. hello comunity!!!


    I am a very confused individual, i have gotten about 4 classes to lvl 12 and i cant decide which one to focus on for engame.


    A little about what i wanna do...


    PvP is the main thing for me. it is in every game, PvE has always been a way to get gear, etc..

    that being said, swtor pve is pretty fun


    so i love to PvP and i want to get into grp endgame(fp, raids, etc) and when it comes to PvE i love to smah faces as much and for as long as possible. i guess i will b pugging alot until i find a decent guild/grp but thats fine


    my choices and confussions are;


    operative: love the fell of this class, its smooth to me. love stealth, can throw a few heals


    -if i go DPS will i never get invited into a grp endgame or structured pvp?? i mean are heals the only reason to pvp w an op ? i plan on pvping alot and i dont wanna be JUST a healer. (i also hear its a very cool story line)


    assasin: love 2h lighsaber and facepalm lightning, love stelth

    -similar question but i dont wanna be JUST a tank. how r assasins at DPS endgame.. would a grp invite me to DPS, wouldnt they prefer a sorc or mara?


    marauder: love the leap, dps, just smashing everything

    -not sure of the utility here, but dual lightsabers seems pretty bad ***. Seems like every grp needs one??( maybe) and pvp i am sure i can destroy people quick. no stealth is kinda meh but its a trade off for the dps maybe ?


    -Jug: dont know much about this class but pretty sure its a basic tank, everyone needs a tank.. pv, pvp, etc


    I guess to sum it up, i want a DPS class that is fun as hell in PvP and can get into grps endgame ? i know its a vague question, i just dont want to spend all my effort on a class and find out its not what i was expecting.


    Thanks, and sorry fro the wall of text



  4. DAoC literally owns the rights to the term "RvR" realm vs realm


    And no one has take their idea of a 3 realm system... Always someone to fight and even if there was a hib vs mid fight u were always worried about alb jumping in to either help on or destroy both. Hands down the most exciting pvp I've ever been involved in. Zerg vs Zerg, 8v8, small man vs small man, and 1v1. Hell I've even seen skilled 8mans take out a Zerg or a small man take out an 8man.

  5. Ok, ive decided to take those points out of inflammation. I've been lookin thru recommended watchman specs but, the ones I've looked at, and felt the op knew what he/she was talking about , seem to b outdated. Again I'm only lvl 23 but if anyone can link me to a "cookie cutter" watchman spec I'd appreciate it. I love to pvp, and I pretty much pve class quests and some heroics when I see a "LF DPS". Once I learn more about the class I'm sure I'll form my own opinions, but for now I'm just looking for a little direction.


    Thanks again !!!

  6. Once again, u guys nailed it..


    I used Kira to finish one of the class quests (forget the name, but was on taris) we basically just rolled thu and killed so quick there was no need for downtime... Just kept killing. I like my t7 but Kira is kinda hawt lol. I just wish she put her saber away once in a while. It seems like its always out. I'm am embarrassed to say I didn't know about the (dismiss the companion and re summon for a full heal) that's a great idea... Once again I just have to say I love this class. I don't think It's over powered, I hope they don't need it from other people qq'ing.


    Thanks again for alll the responses everyone !!!

  7. I've been looking at alot of specs posted in the forums, and I've noticed many for go the 31 point watchen abil: "merciless slash"


    It looks like a "must have" to me, but is there any reason not to pick this up ?

  8. Okay, thanks for the quick and insightful responses, it makes sense to have both available. And the thought of. (tab>leg slash>tab>leg slash) as people try to advance is a great idea, and makes me giggle. Love this class so far, its so fluid.


    The game i use to play, DAoC, snares and other cc would actually cut the duration in half if applied twice. I.e. if I "shield slammed" someone, they would b stunned for 9 seconds.. If I did it imediately again, it would cut the duration to 4.5 secs (been a while but I think that's how it worked) but that is not true in SWTOR ?

  9. Hi,


    I'm kinda new to this class (only lvl 23) but the more I read about rotations for pvp, it makes me wonder if putting points into (inflammation) might be just as good as leg slash since I will always be applying cauterize anyway? The only reason I ask is because I'm already running out of room for my hot keys lol.


    It applies a 50% slow 100% of the time. My apologies if I overlooked something


    Thanks !

  10. So a brief history of my mmo experiences; DAoC(played a ranger, inf, nightshade, hunter, shadow blade) Rift (rogue assasin spec) and a few other mmo's.. And I know it's weird but I just couldn't get into WoW


    The pvp in DAOC was probably the best experience I've had in an mmo to date. Clearly I like to play stealthier type classes. I went with a shadow for a bit, but I rerolled on "the fat man" server like alot of u because of population issues.

    I decided to give scoundrel a shot because they seem to b more of a "hit n run" type class

    I tend to work strange hours and I have been accustomed to playing solo and q'ing for pvp solo.


    I've read a ton of negative posts about the scoundrel and although I dont usually listen to trolls or QQ'ers, this many people can't be wrong. I've also played mmo's long enough to know that class buffing/nerfing happens frequently and I'm sure the sun will shine again for the scoundrel.


    I want to b able to sneak behind enemy lines and drop a healer or a free casting (whatever). Is it possible right now w the scoundrel. Can a scoundrel get into end game raids (I mean y not grab a setinal for dps).


    My 2 choices are scoundrel or sentinel.. I enjoy stealth but I hate being useless ..... so I'm a bit torn. Any insight to the scoundrel class would be helpfull, and after reading a brief synopsis of my playstyle I hope someone out there has had the same problem and can tell me what they did



  11. Hey all, I've been surfing the forums and I can't seem to find a noob starter guide of any kind. I realize that scoundrel is probably one of the most under playes ac in the game, but there is just something about the playstyle I like. I normally play assasin type toons in mmo's and I just want a little direction on what tree to climb while I level. Once I get a feel for the class I will most definatly form my own opinion, but for now I'm just looking for a point in the right direction.. Maybe rotations, which companion to use, tree specs anils that r a "must" or "never".


    This community seems pretty cool, would love to be a part of it.


    Thanks in advance for any and all advice.. I like the idea of playing the least fotm class

  12. Ahh, ok .. Gotcha. I'll hurry to lvl 10 then. It sounds like its the class I want, I just wish I rolled this first instead of the shadow. I wanna be able to pick out a target (unguarded straggler) and just ruin his day. That feeling alone makes me happy. When I jump someone out of stealth and drop them in 3-4 hits my wife always tells me I have the goofiest smile on my face.. Especially when the rest of the group is like "*** just happened"?!?

    all that being said.. Scoundrel is much better at this than a shadow, correct ?


    Thanks for the replies :)

  13. Just about every mmo I've lplayed: DAoC, rift, etc ... I have always been an "assasin" type class. When I first started SWtOR I rolled a shadow thinking that would be a nice mix of utility and a decent killing machine. I'm in my mid 30's and I'm just not happy with the play style and roll it develops into.


    I want a class that can basically get in sneaky like, **** someone, and get out.


    I rolled a smuggler, I'm about lvl 6 and I'm just not getting the cover mechanic and how I can set up my qbars efficiently. When I go into cover I get a seperate bar and I put all my "cover only" abilities there but should I also have some of the non required cover abilities on that bar too ? I am just not quite getting it, I do realize that once I pick Scoundrel as my advanced class things will change.. But do they still use cover often as well.


    I've looked for a noob guide to get me started but haven't found anything (unless I wanna buy one of those online "how to own at swtor" which isn't gonna happen)


    I clearly need to l2play, but I'm missing something about how to play this class.


    What I'm looking for..


    -Did I pick the right class ? (assasin type to **** people and sneak back into the shadows)

    -a general rotation early on

    -how to set up my qbars w the cover mechanic in mind


    I apologize if this has been posted repeatedly but I couldn't find anything that helped.


    Thank you in advance for any and all advice/direction

  14. Hey all,


    I have a lvl 30 shadow and I've come to realize that the playstyle isn't quite what I want.

    I do find myself intrested in the sentinel advanced class. I am rolling one tonight when I get home from work. I have been reading a lot of the stickies and other posts but with this upcoming patch and changes since the game went live I am not sure if what I have been reading is still accurate. I plan to pvp alot, I am not in a hard core guild or anything.. I que solo and besides heroics and fp's I usually lvl solo.


    I guess what I'm looking for is for some advice and direction on what tree to climb while leveling and pvping. There are alot of tips in that first sticky guide which is great but I just need someone to point me in the right direction.


    Thanks for any and all help, I'm sorry if this community has answered this question 100 times already but i just wanna make sure I to it right

  15. I'm curious about the champ saber. How to get it, and is there anything I can do while on my way to 50(only a lowly lv 26)to help facilitate getting said ubahawesomesauce item.


    I hate getting to max lvl in a pvp game only to find out skills won't matter untill I get a few items/abils that I could have gotten on the way .. i.e. datacrons

  16. wow, what a great community...


    Thanks for all the responses, been reading this at work and i cant wait to get home and try a few new things out.


    Thank you to EVERYONE for your contribution. I might not know my exact spec, but after reading all these posts i know i made the right "class" choice !!


    THANKS !!

  17. Hey all !!


    I read this forum daily, and as my shadow is getting up there in levels (21 lol) I'm a bit confused on what spec to go with. Everytime I read a thread(especially the shadow handbook sticky which is great) I think I'm certain on a path... But then I read another thread.. And another..etc.. that makes me hesitant and uncertain on what the best spec is for me.


    I just wanna be as efficient as possible lvling, and still contribute to both pvp and heroic party quests.


    Currently I'm climbing up the infil tree and I'm just curious if I should stay that way all the way to 50 or do I need to switch to a diffrent tree as I level? I do remember reading I should switch to tank spec once I get a new companion.


    I solo alot, love to pvp, and I know I'll need to be usefull in pve group situations.


    I guess what I'm asking for is a bit of direction.

    Thanks for any advice !!!!!

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