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Posts posted by Vengeful_Deity

  1. So just for kicks because I did a /who survey on my server (Jedi Covenant) at 8:35 PM EST


    134 on the Republic Fleet


    776 Reps online levels 10-50



    Prime Time for us fluctuates between about 130 to 180. We're often categorized as "Heavy" during thos periods. Faction balance seems to be fairly even, perhaps a slight edge towards Republic. Pessimistically, if the Imps are only 2/3 as numerous as as the Reps ...there would be somewhere around 1,300 people playing simultaneously ranging from 10-50.


    It isn't super impressive, but it is solid imo. The take away, I guess is that only about 1/5 of the players online at that particular time were in the fleet. An improved LFG system will go a long way to connecting those people and will help player perception of desolation in the game.

  2. What have they proved?


    The game REQUIRED everyone to buy at least two months of time to get your free month. So everyone that bought the game on launch is about to expire or has already. People like me who bought in January still have some time left.





    I didn't have to buy 2 months worth of game time. I put in my credit card infoz to get the account set up and then immediately turned off auto sub.

  3. Honestly, if they didn't display the number of players on a planet would people even notice? I've never read anyone whining about Stranglethorn or Twilight Highlands being empty.


    I've been saying that for a while. I re-rolled (Not because my previous server was dead but because I wanted to play with IRL friends) and was amazed to see 70 some odd people on Coruscant. The most I remember ever seeing in Westfall was like 15.

  4. i have to disagree with you, the thing is that the genreal chat in wow was waaaay more active than it is in swtor, i mean rember crossroads? the genral chatt had alot of ppl talking, u don't see that in this game genreal is dead in my server


    If you consider massive ammounts of /general trolling because people aren't playing the game as "active" then yeah I'll agree with you.

  5. The worst thing the Devs did was include the number of players in your zone right there on the standard UI. I've heard people complain that there was only 10 People on Hoth. If you went to a similar leveling zone in WoW you'd be lucky to find 10 players during prime time.


    I've played on two servers so far and on both Rep Fleet have had ~140 people, vast majority of these are lvl 50 because most people that are leveling are out on the planets. Frankly I don't know how many people were in Stormwind when I was playing in Cata because the /who searches were capped at what...40? 50?


    The big question is how easily/quickly can I get into a group to play the game. PvP queues are pretty fast, the longest I've waited is 10 minutes (I'm sure we'll get some sob stories). I've never felt like I couldn't get a group for HMs when I wanted.

  6. I took the poll and I take issue with the way the UI hitching issues are included in it. Opening different menus, summoning a companion while mounted, or recieving quest updates cause the game to pause for 1-3 seconds. It doesn't really have anything to do with average sustained FPS.


    PS: You might have wanted to include a question about Vsync. I get 60 in nearly all situations, but if I didn't have Vsync enabled I'd be closer to 90.

  7. http://www.mmo-junkies.net/backend/applications_addon/other/statistics/db/population/overall-yearly-big.png



    What facts would they be then?


    Not any other than those reported by EA - who have a very strong vested interest in keeping their shareholders quiet.


    Still - you know best.


    I'll be back when it's F2P....in about 12 months.




    I really wish people would stop referencing these charts. Read the fracking FAQ about it.


    They take the server status list, assign numbers from 5-0 to the "population" status which ranges from Full to Offline. And then they add those humbers up. THAT IS ALL IT IS.


    It only shows relative server load. Many servers were rated as Full with queues in the first few weeks but they slowly increased the pop caps which lowered the server status.

  8. Honestly, I think the biggest mistake Bioware made was putting the number of people in your zone right there on the base UI. It gives people a number to obsess over.


    I'm pretty sure if it wasn't there, we wouldn't have so many "My server is empty" threads.

  9. Likely won't happen any time soon. EA/Bioware announced that they've got 1.7 million active accounts and growing. They won't be taking servers down until that growth stops. Best you can hope for is server transfers.
  10. I don't know about you guys, but I'm anxiously awaiting Activision's financial report, which I'm fairly sure will show World of Warcraft with sub 10M subscribers.


    1) WoW has had a decline in subs since just before Cata was released.

    2) They already released the last major content patch for this expansion.

    3) Pandaria isn't expect until Q2 or Q3 of this year.


    I'm not saying that SWTOR has anything to do with it, but it will likely change some of the discussion on these boards. 10 is a psychological barrier, which is why you always price something at $9.95

  11. Yearly overall population graph for SW:TOR servers, How you get 2 mill, ?




    Just under 300,000. or


    300,000 mill. ? What ?


    Not being Rude but please explain.


    From MMO Junkie's FAQ on those graphs.


    How does it interpret the data?
    swtor.com server-status page marks all servers in a grade of 6 status flags;
    •Veary Heavy
    We still don't know if Bioware marks flag-limits homogeneous, but it's still a good guess to assume them to be so. So we basically valuate these flags as;
    •Offline - 0
    •Light - 1
    •Standard - 2
    •Heavy - 3
    •Veary Heavy - 4
    •Full - 5
    What does the graphs & numbers mean?
    As our data source, server-status page basically flags servers instantaneous population, the generated graphs also represent instantaneous population changes.
    Can I make guesses on overall subscription count based on these graphs?
    No you shouldn't be relying on them to make so guesses. These graph purely relies on instantaneous server population values provided by Bioware, nothing more.


    Herp de derp.

  12. It's funny how some people believe these numbers to be true.

    A company can get numbers to look however they want to by adjusting the parameters of measurement.

    The company I work for makes up numbers all the time to make things look good. The shareholders only want to see what looks good on paper, whether it's the truth or not.


    Some people just have no idea how businesses these days operate.


    Anyone who thinks this game held at least 85% of subscribers is nuts.

    Do a quick test for those of you who are in large guilds.


    What percentage of people are still playing in your guild. If the number is over 25% I'd be shocked.


    Do you work for Enron?

  13. TOR FPS depends on 3 things:


    1. CPU

    2. HDD

    3. GPU


    You want the fastest quad-core processor you can find. An i7 is money, an i5 is solid, if you have a Phenom (or gad... Bulldozer) you will want to overclock it until it screams. Overclock your i5 or i7 as well... anything less, you want to upgrade.


    Your HDD speed *matters*. If you don't have an SSD, get one, and install both TOR and Win7 on it. You'll notice a dramatic increase in your minimum FPS, and a decrease in those pesky load times.


    Finally, your GPU matters. You really don't want to have grass, shadows, bloom, etc... turned up anyway as those hit your CPU, but you want to be able to run high resolution (19x10 minimum) and turn on 4xAA/16xAF as this will dramatically improve your ability to see and compete in raid / warzone content.


    The HDD is what gets people, so many people are still not putting their OS and games onto SSDs, and yet those games are getting to the point where, if they're not 64-bit, they have to use HDD cache... hence the SSD advantage.




    I played the game in beta, was getting ~15 FPS on flight paths in the starting area. Changing settings did little or nothing to improve the situation.


    I upgraded my Processor from a Q9550 to an i7 2600k and moved from a consumer level HDD to a SATA III Force GT SSD.


    Both set ups used the same 275 GTX GPU, I jumped to 70+ in most situations. I've got it vsynched now and I have a smooth 60 FPS in all places but Illum, and even then it only drops to like 30ish.


    Edit: The worst part is trying to convince people that their drive has anything to do with FPS. I asked someone in General chat that was having problems what their drive speeds were and got laughed out of town.


    Jokes on them.

  14. Ummm its gotta be something else.


    I run my game max res max settings minus the shadows because they are gawd awful ugly and I get a steady 40-60 fps in fleet with my GTX 275..... lol. With shadows on in fleet im still at 30-60fps depending on where im at.


    Pretty sure the 550ti out specs that card.


    I am running a 975 extreme i7 and 6 gigs of dominator ram on a evga classified SLI 3 board.


    They're about the same, #43 and 45 on this list.



  15. apparently rewards =/= credit. Because it's still broken.


    Bioware's pretty useless


    Apparently "if "vicotry", then "+1" is too hard


    Well, apparently it is....because you failed at it.


    It's spelled "victory". Nice try, smart guy.

  16. You do know that WoW didn't have an LFG/LFD tool for almost 4 years AFTER it was launched right?


    Yeah but WoW gets a pass because it created the genre and it did everything first and every other game is just a copy of WoW so if a new game comes out and doesnt have exactly every other feature that WoW has plus new ones that make me nerdgasm then it is a complete failure and....



  17. Don't even try to tell me that the game doesn't need an LFG tool, that one feature would help immensely and it would actually stop alot of people from complaining that the game feels "dead".


    I'm not saying that it wouldn't be beneficial, but I do take umbrage at outright falsehoods.


    When WoW launched it's LFG tool was called General Chat, and WoW is pretty much considered the gold standard for MMOs.


    Stealth Edit: Also, it didn't even include a Dungeon Finder type tool until well into second expansion. So please... stop while you're not ahead.

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