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Posts posted by Saimeren

  1. Ok you just had a bit of rotten luck ...if you are on Satele Shan ( Server) then the "harrbie" curse has hit everyone..but it is an awsome game it will be back up i hope..they don't normally take long and this IS the first time in 8? months so yeah good game worth the wait :rolleyes:


    Ok. I'll hang in there. I don't actually know what server I'm on. It just logged me into the game at the character select screen and I started creating a character. (Probably from before. I had the game when it first launched, but never really played it. (Various reasons) So I'm probably on the server I was before, but there were a bunch back then.)


    What exactly is the "Harrbie curse"?

  2. After watching some Youtube videos about the game, and asking questions in the comments and having conversations, I decided to download the game.


    It installed just fine, I jumped in, created my first character, and the game froze during the first real cutscene. I landed on the planet, I got off the ship, my superior started yelling at me, and then it froze with his subtitles.. (Although the characters were still moving)


    Not being able to do anything I forced the game to close. I opened the launcher again, and tried to log in, but it sais the login servers are unavailabe.. And that's it. Just.. "We're not working right now.. go ask for the forums for help"


    So.. Does this game actually work, or is it just a stream of bad luck for my first 15 minutes of this game?

  3. Not to digress from the topic, but you're liable to break your firearm if you go swinging it around like a baseball bat. A properly executed buttstroke/bayonet thrust turns you firearm into an equally efficient club/spear.


    That's alright. The point of the thread isn't to save the firearm, it's to beat a guy senseless with it, and have it still be just as effective.


    Logic dictates a buttstroke over baseball bat swing. Logic also dictates running away from the Jedi Knight and using lightning instead of using my lightsaber.


    The point is to see if we can look outside the box to alternate effective methods.

  4. But, I have to say, your question is a bit off. It's like asking if someone with a gun who is fighting someone with a machete, should fight him up close. Maybe the guy with the machete has no idea how to use it and the first guy could win but... why would he take that chance?


    Because he has a burning overwhelming urge to hit someone with the butt of his gun.. You can parry a machete with a gun, and smack him with it like a baseball bat.

  5. Hey guys. Every so often I come back to this stupid game.. I just can't stay away from it. I have an Assassin, and a commando already, and I was thinking of starting up a Sorcerer, but I have one small issue..


    I can't picture a Jedi, or Sith simply not using their lightsaber..


    I understand that the Sage, and Sorcerer are both spellcaster classes. Their ranged cannons (are they even cannons? More of a DoT, and support class arn't they?) but I can't picture a lightsaber wielding fella not wielding a lightsaber. Is there any kind of damage output from the lightsaber's slash, and thrash, that could/would benefit a Sorcerer?


    I'm not talking about running up to every mob and beating it with a stick, but if a melee player gets in close, am I stuck with my spells and getting out, or can I just bubble, and whack at him a bit and still deal some damage?


    Ps. I don't give a **** if you feel the class is broken.. More often than not, it's the player, not the class. Learn how to deal with nerfs when you get them. Work around them. I don't need to hear the obligatory "Don't level this class, it's broken, and boring right now"

  6. Well, I really appreciate all the advice, and I'm definitely going to level up a trooper. I'm still going to need to think about what AC to go though.


    If we're talking strictly tank Vs healer for the trooper Vs the other tanks and healers in the game, do they stand up against the others? Can Vanguards tank just as well as my juggernaut, or assassin? Likewise, will a Commando be able to heal just as efficiently as my Sage?


    I know I said I'm not likely going to tank, or heal on this char, but you never know.. I like to switch it up from time to time, and I'm the guy running around the BG's, throwing out offheals, and guards just because I can help out a guy that might die otherwise. (Especially off healing.. I'll always heal when needed, even if I'm dps spec)


    What server are you on? I may be able to get you a moddable clone trooper-y helmet.


    I'm on "Prophecy of the five", and that would be awesome if you could make that happen. >_<

  7. TLDR: Commandos Vs. Vanguard..


    Troopers with knives is stupid... Are Vanguards viable ranged dps with blasters?

    Commandos with Bazookas is stupid... Are Commandos viable with Blaster Rifles instead of Assault Cannons?


    Trooper story Vs. Bounty Hunter story.. I'm looking for a classic Clone Trooper type story, am I going to be disappointed skip troopers and go play a Bounty Hunter, or was it a pretty good story line?



    Hey Yo's.. lol.


    I'm coming to you guys because I don't know much about the trooper class, and just want some insight from the people who play them.


    I've always played the force classes (Sith Assassin, Jedi Sage, Sith Juggernaut) and I want to try out my first non-force user, and I thought first of the trooper. (Considering the Bounty hunter Merc aswell)


    Basically when I think of the Republic trooper, I think of the army, or squad that consists of a few guys, but mainly a soldier with a blaster, a few gernades, and balls of steel. (You have to be brave to go up against Jedi and Sith)



    On to my questions. Giving my thought on the large *** bazooka that I don't really like.. My thoughts go straight to the Vanguard, yet my issue is that, looking at all the vanguards on the battlefield, and checking out the talents, I see a lot of melee combat.. I can't really see this awesome, super armored combat oriented, assault rifle proficient battle tank running in with a skinning knife.... It's kind of lame to think of a commando using a knife instead of his rifle. (Commando used as a general term, and not the AC.. -_-)


    I already have two tanking classes (Assassin, and Juggernaut) so I don't really care to tank on this next character, so I'm thinking about the dps specs (possibly healing if I go the commando route) So my questions are, are the vanguards viable as actual ranged dps, and what kind of abilities do they get to help them with this? And are Commandos viable without a bazooka, and can they use assault rifles like a normal trooper would? (I'm looking for more of the traditional Clone trooper feel)



    What did you guys think of the story for the trooper overall? I really loved the battlefield games for the PS2, and I'm really hoping it will be similar to that, but I feel I'm likely going to be disappointed.


    I need some convincing from people who love their troopers, or else I might have to make a Bounty Hunter.. I hear their story is pretty ******, and the Merc spec seems like it will be pretty fun.

  8. TLDR: Will my assassin tank become less squishy at L50 with actual pvp gear?

    TLDR: Will my Sorcerer get focused less, or become less squishy as I gain level past L12, and get more abilities?


    Assassin = Tank for support.. I don't want to die!!!

    Sorcerer = Most like a mage from WoW.. My main class. (Will it eventually become more like that as I gain more abilities)


    How do I overcome not being able to get behind a target that has guns? (They spin around with you automatically as a class mechanic when their shooting you..)




    Hey guys,


    First off, I want to say that I don't need the ******** answer of "The class is broken, go to _______ class if you want to 1 shot people"


    I know on every forum, for every game, everyone always thinks that their class is broken 90% of the time... I don't want to be Omnipotent, I just want to be viable, and have fun.


    With all that out of the way.. On to my question.


    My highest character is my Assassin, and I love it. I'm going tanking spec, and my goal with him, is to be support. Ball carrier, node defender Ect.. I like the thought of being able to use taunt, and guard to actually decrease the damage the opponent does to the people around me. I've always been a very defensive player in the aspect that I don't like to die. I don't really care if I don't do a hell of a lot of damage, as long as I have support mechanics.


    My Assassin being L36 right now, I find that I die fairly quickly in WZ's, so my question on this guy is.. When I hit L50 on him, and get actual survivalist pvp gear, will it make a difference? Will I become less squishy, and actually be able to take hits from several guys, or am I always going to be relatively squishy? Should I realistically just stick to dps at this point? I find that if there is guard on anyone, then there's no stealth. The second I get in range of that person, I'm out of stealth, and my opener is lost.




    The second issue I have is with the Sorcerer. Note that he's only L12, so I can't say much for the class at this point.. I'm not trying to say that their the best, or that I'll be the best on them or anything. I was in the BG's, and I would constantly get focused, and I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I have a giant purple beam coming from my hands to the target so everyone always knows who's attacking who, and focus me down.


    I don't really have a problem with that, but my question is, without being able to get behind your target in this game (if you shoot someone, they automatically follow your character, and if you don't touch the mouse, they spin around and constantly look at you) will I become less squishy as I level and gain more abilities?


    I'm not the worlds best pvper, by far, but I can hold my own in almost every game I play. I'm decent when it comes to pvp, but I'm having these issues right now. With my static barrier, force speed, and force slow, it might make a difference, but I'd like the opinion of someone who has a little more experience with the class.


    I'm just trying to find out which character I like playing more, and if things will change for them in the future once I get higher levels, and actual gear.


    Thanks in advance


  9. Wow. Thanks guys. This is awesome. Just what I was looking for in information.


    I want to recommend this class to you, but as I was biased against Warlocks throughout BC and late vanilla (I was a Shaman with a broken Tremor Totem and wandable Grounding Totem :/) I expect you'll want a much easier class to play. Keeping track of debuffs and exploiting them while running around is bad enough on its own, but add in all the situational abilities you have to use as a GS/Sni and it can become a headache very quickly if you aren't up to the challenge.


    Haha. I know what you mean. I played WoW straight from 5 months after launch. I'm a Vanilla baby, and I played my lock from day 1. I have a multitude of experience with all the classes, but my main was always my lock, so I'm down for some class management. That was one of the things that facinated me about the lock. You actually had to be watching everything to do well. DoT management, health, and mana mangement (as you can use your health as mana with life tap) pet management Ect.. I like a busy class and get bored really easily if I'm stuck spamming 2-3 buttons over and over.


    I do really like the range though. For some reason DoTs and melee just don't sit well with me. I like the thought of kiting ,and keeping distance in pvp for survivability, with some self heals (don't have to be major heals, just enough to keep me up if I take a big hit.)


    I would recommend a Lethality Agent / Dirty Fighting Smuggler.

    The playstyle itself is quite different, but it will lend itself really well to a Warlock-style game.


    Sample build 1:


    Sample build 2:



    The core build has 2 posion abilities - a spammable, no cooldown, long range one and a cooldown-based AOE DoT. Then you get a ranged ability that hits harder with every dot applied (up to 2). It's called Cull, and it's amazing.


    Second build foregoes a damage buff for a third DoT with good power. That DoT however does not increase the DoT-based direct attack. But it hurts.


    I really appreciate the help. Your sample builds will really help me figure out what I want, and what things have to offer, and to help me get started.


    I'd have to say, Lethality/Dirty Fighting. They have some mean dots and snares on that tree, with quite a bit of mobility and heals if you go operative/scoundrel. Worth checking out if dots are your main attraction. These classes however wont look like the warlock from wow. Sage/Sorc, as everyone stated, wears the robe and has the mage feel.


    I deffinatly don't need to look like a warlock, I just want the gameplay feel of one. This is a completely different game, and I don't expect to look like one. =)


    Unlike warlock, sorc is the most popular class here.


    That's because the warlock class took skill to play. You actually had a lot of paying attention to do on the field. DoT management, target management (Ie. CC) Health, and mana management, pet management along with their resources (less so after BC) position relative to everyone else (don't want to be kiting and find yourself standing next to a warrior of the opposing faction) A lot of other classes were faceroll whether you want to believe it or not. If a mage is kiting, and finds himself next to a warrior he uses frost nova and moves 5 yards. Or uses blink, or invisibility. Ect.. The list goes on.

  10. Moar DoTs, moar DoTs, moar DoTs.... Ok, stop DoTs..


    I love the Damage over time playstyle, and having come from WoW playing a Warlock, I was wondering if there was a similar class. Now I know what you're going to say. "This isn't WoW, the classes arn't the same" But they are.. A lot of the classes in this game play A LOT like classes in WoW.


    Juggernaut/guardian = Arms/prot warrior

    Powertech = Death knight

    Merc = Survival hunter

    Sage = fire mage


    The list goes on, but you get the point.


    So I'm looking for something that has a lot of instant DoTs, that last for more than the consular's 8 secs, has no CD, and can be applied to multiple targets. (The DoTs don't nessessarily have to be instant, but it would be nice)


    Does anyone know of a class or spec that allows this? Even if it's a class I know of, but the spec I havn't tried, and lets me get more DoTs, and amplifies them Ect..


    Thanks in advance.


  11. Hey guys. I'm looking for a certain playstyle, and I'm not even sure if it's in this game (yet).


    What I'm looking for is more of a Warlock feel from WoW. I love DoTs, and I love to pvp as a lock in WoW. Now I know that the Jedi Consular has some DoTs, but their on a CD, don't last very long, and he only has two, and the rest of the time he's spamming one abilitiy. Not really what I'm looking for.


    I thought I'd ask, because maybe there was another class that had a lot of instant DoTs that can be put on multiple targets Ect..

  12. I mean seriously why BH has such an ugly spaceship? I love te class and the space missions but when im flying this i feel like im in a interstellar garbage truck... Plz bw let us customize the ships so i can stop feeling like a garbage man from outer space.




    Other than that its te best mmo since Ultima Online :D keep it up bw


    Have you seen Jango Fetts ship? The one before he stole the Slave 1? It's called Jaster's Legacy, and it looks A LOT like the one the bounty hunter class gets in this game. So everyone complains that we don't get to be just like the guys in the movies, and then when they give us something almost straight from the lore, you complain about that too.. Stop whining.

  13. The whole point of Mako being lightside is to make you choose between being the bad *** bounty hunter, or gaining affection with your love interest. That way it makes the game a little more indepth, do you really want to kill the mom and her kids because she looked at your the wrong way? Probably.. But will Mako like you afterwords? Likely not. Moral choices.


    And think of it like this.. Make a code for yourself that you follow. Do you want to play as the cold heartless killer that doesn't care what happens as long as he gets paid, or do you want to go by a strict code where you're nice to your clients, and get the job done exactly the way the client asks, and you never go back on your contract, even for more credits?


    Mako's only going to like one of those, but the other one's a little more fun.

  14. good to know thank you.


    I still wish they would have put a ruthless killer version of mako in so that we had a choice of who to romance.


    The whole point of Mako being lightside is to make you choose between being the bad *** bounty hunter, or gaining affection with your love interest. That way it makes the game a little more indepth, do you really want to kill the mom and her kids because she looked at your the wrong way? Probably.. But will Mako like you afterwords? Likely not. Moral choices.

  15. While neither me nor my sis have any tats one of my college buds has the traditional Mandalorian symbol tattooed on his shoulder.


    lol. That's pretty kool. That was actually one of my original ideas.


    *Ideas don't have to be Star wars related by the way*

  16. Hey guys, I'm thinking of getting my first tattoo, and I was wondering what kind of ideas you guys have. I'd love to see pictuires of tattoos you guys have, or any ideas you have.


    If you've got tattoos of your own throw some pictures up of them, or awesome tattoos of your friends, or just ideas that you have for future tattoos.


    If you don't have any tattoos throw out some ideas of what might be kool, or pictures of things that would make a great tattoo.


    Lets have some fun with this.



  17. First thing is please don't pick your AC based on current balance. If you do, there will be a patch that's going to make you regret your decision. Pick it based on playstyle. I'm going to talk about the DPS aspect of each AC, since if you want to tank or heal your decision is simple.


    Mercenary DPS is done from range. For DPS, you can select from Arsenal or Pyrotech. Arsenal Mercs need to stand still to do most of their DPS. Their primary spell is Tracer Missile, a spell which gets a lot of flak due to it's very loud and visual animation. Though Mercs wield two blasters, the second blaster is mostly a stat stick and for aesthetics, due to a severe reduction in damage and accuracy from your offhand weapon. In short, Arsenal Mercs are often described as mobile turrets, in that they can move around the battlefield, but stand still when it's time to bring the pain. I'll compare the differences in the Pyro trees below.


    Powertech DPS is done from close range. The Advanced Prototype Powertech has great mobility with access to passive speed increase and an on demand 8 second Sprint with snare immunity. Advanced Prototype is closest to a true melee spec, with Retractable Blade and Rocket Punch requiring the player to be within 4m. There is some freedom to back away when those skills are not being used (on cooldown, DoT applied), but you can't get further than 10m away without losing access to your main filler, Flame Burst, as well as your tree's top skill, Immolate. AP suffers right now from a perceived lack of damage. Without meters it's hard to say how much it suffers, but most players feel that Pyro does significantly more damage.


    As for Pyro, both specs have access to it. The Pyro tree focuses around resetting the Rail Shot cooldown. Powertech does it with Rocket Punch and Flame Burst (instant close range skills), while Mercenary uses Unload and Power Shot (30m range, cast time skills). It's my opinion that if you want to play Pyro, Powertech synergizes much better. There are Rail shot boosting talents in the bottom of both Shield Tech and Advanced Prototype for Pyros to pick up, as well as boosts to fire damage and tech crit. That's not to say that Merc Pyros are ineffective. Merc Pyros get increased mobility due to picking up some extra instant skills, and can do respectable damage as well.


    As for other skills, Powertechs get access to a tanking stance, taunts, and Guard, allowing them to offtank in PvE, or get protection points in PvP. Mercenarys get healing spells, allowing them to offheal if needed, or get healing points in PvP. There are hybrid specs for both classes that leverage these benefits for medal farming or just trying to maximize utility. Mercs also pick up some decent additional AOE skills in Fusion Missile and Sweeping Blasters, while Powertechs have to rely on the shared skills Death from Above, Flamethrower, and Explosive Dart for AOE.


    As you level up in the starting zone, ask yourself how you find yourself playing. Do you engage your enemies from range or do you run in? Do you move around a lot while you fight? Is your favorite skill Rocket Punch or Unload? What have you enjoyed playing in other games? If you've played a ranged caster before, you're probably used to needing to stay stationary for DPS. If you've always tended toward melee classes, Powertech might be a better fit.


    Good luck with the decision. Both specs are capable of good DPS and have viable PvP specs. And once again, you shouldn't choose your Advanced Class based on current balance anyway, as you can definitely expect that to change. Take the one that fits your playstyle, and enjoy yourself.


    This is awesome, just what I was looking for. I really appreciate it. Now I have a simple question.


    I came from WoW, and had 3/4 mains. My warrior which I used as arms (dps) and tank, my mage/lock for ranged, and a druid for healing. I have my Warrior in my Sith Juggernaut, my healer in my Jedi Sage, and now I'm looking for a good viable ranged, but I'm concerned about the lack of movement. Now I know that most ranged/caster classes in any game have to stand still to do most of their damage, and I'm prepared for that, and that's fine, but I love to pvp, and am fairly good at it, but the one thing I know is that no matter what class, roll, or spec you use, you're ALWAYS moving. Even mages in WoW are constantly moving. They'll stop to use their main abilities, but when their moving their using their instant spells..


    So my question is this.. In pvp as a Merc, will I have enough viable instant abilities that I won't feel tied down, and penilized for moving from one point on the field to another? *Will I have more than 1-2 abilities that are NOT on a CD that I can use while moving, or several instant abilities that have a "short" CD that I can impliment into my pvp strategy?*


    Because It sounds like I'm going to like the Merc more than the powertech as I already have my melee class covered, and want to get some ranged dps in.

  18. Hey guys, I'll start this thread by saying that since the game launched I've been playing Force users. I havn't spent a large amount of time playing any of the gunslinger classes.


    I'm really excited to start playing the Bounty Hunter, and I was just wondering if I could get some tips from the community on each advanced class before I get too far into it - I'd like to go into it knowing a little bit about the class, and knowing what path I want to pursue.


    *So, from what I've read, the Powertech is the tank/dps, and the Merc is the healer/dps. Not really hard to figure that out. :p


    But if anyone has a second, it would be greatly appreciated if you could make a small list of the pros and cons of each advanced class.


    I want only positive and constructive criticism toward the class. I don't need "Con - They suck". I would like to know what certain aspects of it suck, and how. If one lacks in pvp more than the other, why is that, what certain abilities cause this, and is there a way around it? Ect..


    I would really appreciate any help you guys have to offer.


    Thanks in advance.


  19. Your still talking to me although I refuse to discuss WOW! As I am seriously over that game.




    Saimeren you are the guy I spoke about in the intial post paragraph 2. Lol...




    /scratches head


    O I see getting all frustrated and misspelling stuff and mangling the english language while contraticting myself in a thread I don't understand due to ... poor reading comprehension and an overactive Sith anger gland! Now I can truly see my way to not being a CYNICAL PESSIMIST...


    I thought I was just asking if anyone heard the devs talk about up comming JK balances... now I see the truth of it! I was hunting for my own personal Hi-Sterical Internet Troll!!!! Thanks Sami... your so cute!


    please feel free to type 1's and 2's again to show us your complex understanding of both the concelor and trooper classes!


    /force pie


    Don't stroke out bro... lol


    /sits back pops corn... wai more fun than my guardian's up rotations...


    Lmao. You're funny. I make 2 spelling mistakes, and all of a sudden I'm upset and you're getting under my skin. =(


    And sure, you can ask if Devs are planning anything, but they obviously are. The game just came out (which I've said before) and their working on getting it done. You come in with the title crying about how UP the JK is.. Their working on it.. Just wait it out.


    And I'm not coming in saying I'm the best, or saying that you suck. If you had read ALL of my posts you'd have noticed that. I'm not one of those people in your comment. I'm the guy telling you that ****'s coming and just be patient. There's no need to try to rush something. Play an alt for 2 weeks, or just try to make the best of it.


    Talking to you about this after saying you won't talk about WoW is hardly contradicting myself. I was merely stating that if you look back at ANY MMO in their start up months you'd notice that they all had the same problems, but eventually got fixed as time goes on.


    Either way. I think I've made my point to the cometent readers that come to this thread. The game is buggy and kind of ****** right now. Ride through it. The fixes and patches are coming, there's no need to get upset so early. That's just being childish.

  20. This is a gross oversimplification. My trooper is constantly making tactical decisions based on mob abilities and needs to watch to make sure she doesn't blow all the ammo. There are abilities that get used a lot (Grav. Rounds) but what to follow them up with is very situational. Do I want to gather mobs in close for the bug zapper, or push them away to kill them one at a time?


    The difference is effectiveness. The trooper has a bit more margin for error. And the trooper has a healing companion and is not confined to one heal every minute and a half.


    There are some abilities that are situational, and of course there is resource and companion management, but for the most part I bet you use the same abilities over and over. Go play a consular, or sorcerer. Go play a sniper, or smuggler. 1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2.... Some classes have better rotations than others, but their nowhere near as intriquit as the melee classes. When an AoE is coming, you move 3 steps to the right, and continue firing.. I have to move back, and stop attacking, and wait for it to be over, or interrupt.

  21. I thought I had to rage harder on the internet and contradict myself in every post... but, I guess you have that market cornered! Like the special guy you are!


    Odd I predicted you would be in here Saimeren in my initial post... so glad you found us... your skillfullness at video games is very apparent in your posting, we are all humbled and truly believe it!!!! Also!!!




    How in any way do I contradict myself?


    You didn't predict it, because I'm hardly on the forums.. I think I've commented on like.. 4 forum topics.


    And it's not nessessarily skill that makes me better than you, it's commen snese, and not being a synical pesimest, and only looks for the bad, and doesn't try to make the best of the situation.. Figure it out on your own.

  22. Sure IF READ the posts they say the true fun begins at 50. But you say the JK/Sith melee is perfect and there thousands of bad players and you are one of the ELITE perfect players who make the JK/sith melee do anything.


    Again.. Go read my posts.. Now you're just acting immature. I said I'm not the best, I don't even claim to be close to being the best.. I just know how to make the best of it, and have fun..



    There's really an obvious solution to all of this.. If you're not having fun, then roll something else untill you find the class for you. If you find the JK so unbearable, then go play something else, and leave the class to those of us who are actually having fun.


    Stop complaining about everything, and do something about it.. You're not happy unless you're unhappy. It's quite pathedic, and immature..


    Heraclea knows what I'm talking about. He/she gets it.

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