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Posts posted by Qilz

  1. You and your raid need to stop being terrible, first off. Second, you should stop trying to defend your poor play and learn from the folks in the thread that are giving you correct advice. Third, and most important, lose the attitude when coming to the forums crying. It's been pointed out numerous time on what you are failing at. Just because you killed it a few times before doesn't mean you are an expert at the fight.


    Learn the mechanics and you won't look so foolish in the future.

  2. Outside his room are boxes full of pulse grenades... pick one up and put it in your actionbar.... when the button lights up press it and you will produce a knockback... someone else needs to do the same thing. You don't need to have a knockback ability anymore because of this.






    Come on, I found em and I'm a mara. :cool:


    Way to necro a thread and not realize the grenades were added after the post was made....

  3. No


    If a normal person make a mistake they own up to it and suck it up. They don't shift the blame by making a post on a forum


    It takes all of 2 seconds to double check when you buy gear. It's his fault entirely


    It annoys me to think of BW having to waste time solving this issue when there are far more pressing issues to deal with. All because he got drunk and couldn't do a simple thing like reading a tooltip


    This on every point.


    Suck it up, you screwed up. BW has enough problems with REAL issues than to replace your gear because you can't hold your liquor.

  4. I have more fun in vent than I do in the game. I'm sorry you don't have the capacity to talk to others. Without voice chat, most of these newer MMO's would never get off the ground.


    EQ was a lot of fun back in the day and had huge groups. Good thing you could pretty much zerg everything in that game early on. No need for chat when you just bring the bodies.


    Learn to socialize kid.

  5. Just ran 16man nightmare soa last night despite reading this thread beforehand. Our tank got mind trapped twice and the first time we were all like **** but he didn't reset. Downed on first try with no bugs at all. I will admit he's been extremely buggy throughout so far, but after reading this and seeing that people are just utterly flaming and raging without even having experienced an actual soa fight in 1.1.4 (some people here have) stop saying how much bioware sucks when you haven't even done it and it is functioning fine, not just for me either.


    And if you actually cared to read the thread, these issues are happening for most people in 8 man. Not one mention of 16 man bugs in this thread.

  6. the vast majority of bugs are more than beatable with good play.


    Really? So if I play better, I could:


    Avoid the missing floor

    Avoid a crystal dropping on my head while being pulled into a mind trap

    Avoid the boss resetting when a tank get mind trapped

    Avoid the crystal not breaking the boss' shield


    So you tell me that all of those are a L2P issue?


    Wake up and stop defending this piss poor broken fight.

  7. Sorry but all this random ******** with this fight does not make it hard. It makes it frustrating. When you can fail due to pure luck, it's a poorly designed fight. We've had all of these and more.


    My personal favorite is getting sucked into a mind trap and having the crystal drop on you while you are being sucked in. That's quite fun. No amount of "experience" will allow you to avoid that and that makes it a ****** encounter.

  8. You mean the attitude of having worked on your character so you should be more powerful then someone who hasn't?


    You mean... basically an RPG?


    Let me guess, You got pissed when you were a little kid when your level 1 warrior wasn't as powerful as your brothers level 6 Mage in D&D


    How quickly people forget how much "work" went into those Battlemasters. Beating up level 10's before brackets removed the 50's. Kill trading on Ilum...


    Yeah, that's a ton of work.

  9. I'm actually going to look it up because I'm curious.


    Also, spamming spoilers is not just chat. That is being what is popularly known as a mother *********** piece of **** ******e .


    Look it up all you want. Players are free to talk about any aspect of the game they desire, amongst other things, in general chat. You don't want story ruined for you then turn it off or go play a single player game.

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