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Posts posted by Krirjin

  1. New bug post since I'm trying to restart and relog and stuck and all that to see if anything helps before I reset the whole thing a third time.

    1. Gold Boss Guy (Not Goldie, the guy in gold armor who gives you half the code)- I got blasted out into space. Can't go back in. Can't fight boss. Can't win. Can't die. Jumped off the edge, died. Was able to reset the boss. Pulled most of them into the hallway LOS and it went better. Sigh.

    2. Trap Room! Of COURSE I'm going to try to click those things and get across by Agent magic. I died! AHAHA! Fun. Okay, but now the room before won't open. The door is closed and has no way to open it. The rampway up is blocked by cages and detritus. So yeah. Relog. Reboot. Restart. Now I'm sitting at "..." and waiting. Nothing so far. Escaped out. Used Holotraverse to get upstairs to the mobs. Upstairs is pretty. Killed mobs. Door doesn't open. Yay me. Blocked 2nd time.


    Le sigh y'all. I'm going to get dinner. I guess that first boss is right. I'm skilled, but the bugs are unstoppable.

  2. Hi! I'm stuck. Yay bug fun!

    As said in the thread previously, I found the HP/Armor/Stacks of the trash a bit much. As well, as a stealth class, they have a TON of anti-stealth abilities. A bit annoying. I killed everything generally pretty easy, but it took forever. Lots of LOS trash pulls. Lots of sitting there doing stuff. These mobs may be skilled, but I am UNSTOPPABLE!


    Now, onto the bugs that stopped me. The golden guy (second boss) has a problem with being ejected into space due to knockback. Especially near the front of the bridge. I was almost bounced out, but happened to roll (Operative) forward so I was good. One guy was bounced out twice and just sat in space unable to continue.

    Last boss, I assume as I can't continue. Quest part says: Reinforce Jekiah Ordo and Secure the Bridge. I started the convo, got to the part of the bad lady doing a monologue. Then, disconnect. Yes, a local issue. But upon logging back in, I can't continue. Can't progress on the three dots. Can't escape and then click the control panel. Le sigh.

    For other flashpoints, I'd just reset, not that big o deal. This one, y'all, this is long for a story FP. I don't know if I'll do it today as I think I'm at 2.5 to 3 hours now.

  3. What's sad is y'all really don't understand the basic bottom line. No one really wants to PVP with you if they come in lowbie/newbie and get ruined. You say "GIT GUD!" but most people won't spend that time. Or, they are just too chill and don't want to spend $500 to get top gear to be able to just compete. So the queues will get longer. And fewer people will do it. How many MMO PVP games have eaten themselves because the PVPers are DESPERATE to show every newbie/lowbie how much they can roflstomp them. Eat that dopamine and serotonin boys! It won't last forever. Sure, the Steam thing is a nice shot in the arm, but they'll step in, they'll get rekt, they'll quit and your queues will go from 2 minutes to 20 in no time.

    You talk about this reward or that item, but none of that matters. What matters is: Is the time and aggravation of pvp worth going from 278 gear at 75 to 306+ gear? If it's not, then why play with you? You think you want just the cream to play against, but you REALLY don't. You say you do, but then an actual game is close, and things don't go your way. Who do you blame? Yourself. Nah. You blame to lowbie that "ruined" your game but existing. So they quit.

    I know this is generally a troll thread, which is part of the whole biological machine bit of needing desperate dopamine. I've seen it a dozen times. You'll get all sad when the servers close.

    You could have changed it here. Right now. You could. You won't. You can't help it. I did my 20 for the robot. I did 3 or 4 more for the weekly. Was it worth it? HEAVENS NO! So BYE BYE! I won't touch pvp on my Sorc, who is the next one going through Covfefe, I mean KOTEE. My Serenity Jedi will at best do 20 and gone, but probably not. So long and have fun storming the castle!

  4. Match Thirteen of however many! I'm working on my 20 for my boy M1-4X. I did ten on my agent and quit. I didn't like whoever that was enough for this. I figured out how to move the raid frame. nice. We did the pylon one. I played defense. I'm good at getting the pylons and defense. But was NEVER attacked. So yay?

    I SCORED TWO HUTTBALL THINGS! My team was a roflstomp against the other team. Sucks for them. I felt bad. They just camped the other team while two people ran the ball non-stop. I took the ball over twice and scored. They were very helpful and cheered me on. That was fun, but only because I was the roflstomping not the roflstompee. Had I bee on the other side, it would have been MISERABLE until 6 scores.

    Game 15 I think. Pylons again. Go go pointless defense! Me and a sage on defense. They left, because why bother. Oh wait. We're being camped at respawn. This is fun! A full guild group I imagine on discord and they just camp us. Wait. No. They just zerged over the board killing. Okay? We win? Did I actually do anything? I capped a pylon under three people zerging. Then they left. Bizarre game.

    Game 16. HUTBALL! We lost. Bad. I think it was the same team that camped the other team. I hit the ground and was dead in like 3 seconds. Six scores and over in no time, which I appreciate that at least. Thank goodness for small favors. I guess. Will I pvp after this? Only when I get to the next M1-4X character. But once I'm legendary. PEACE OUT!

    It's 10:30 PM. Will I get the weekly quest before the time runs out! Probably not. We shall see.

    Game 17! Pylons! This guy opened six crates with a total of 8 level 80 mods. AHAHAHAHHAHA! Oh well. Must be nice. "But you see, if you play for another six years, you'll be like that too!" Nice! We won! A decently close game. I actually defended against two people until reinforcements arrived. That was actual fun!

    Game 18.... HuttaBall! Oy. I used to love this thing at launch. Oh my. They had matching hutball uniforms y'all. OMG! Half of them just camped us while the other side just scored when they felt like ending the game. Match lasted until 10 seconds left. These are the games that make me want to quit forever.

    I missed a match. It was an arena. Got roflstomped and did nothing. A loss. I think it was one 4 group one 2 group and two noobs. Guess who won?

    Game 20!!! Not at 10 wins. Just 8. Pylon game. It's 11:00 PM. Sigh. Probably not going to make it this week. But hey! I got two count them TWO 282 mods! Nice! I wish this gave Gree reputation. That was a close game. Not that I had THAT much to do with it. I was a speed bump for the other teams. What does this green crate have in it? Some nice 306 mod? AHAHAHHAHA, of course not, I might catch up in a month or three. Nice. 284 mod plus a bunch of 276 junk. OH! Another piece of my set might come soon! Too bad it's level 8!

    Sigh. The door game. Sigh. Oh well. Oh good night. We could have won that. Stupid internet. Now I'm down for 15 minutes. AUGH!!!! Freaking useless comcast. Could there PLEASE be a like tiny window to reconnect. Ah well, my team was probably better off without me honestly. I didn't kill anyone. A few heals. A few stuns.

    Alright, bed time or try one more flipping game? I get M1-4X, so that's nice. Well maybe. Internet is acting all crazy now. GUAH! Game just straight crashed. NOICE! Imma try one more game. Then it's bed time. Will I get the last game I need tomorrow? Does the quest auto abandon and then reset tomorrow? Tune in next time!

    Oh M1-4X, I did jack squat except in like 2 games really. You are VERY kind, but I got roflstomped or was carried in near EVERY game.

    Last game, HuttBall. Oh goodness. Please heavens let my team be a premade or them. Seriously. Okay. It was a good game. I didn't help THAT much, but we won 2 to 0. Now I get to QUEEUEUEUUEUE to turn it in! That's what the quest says! Wait, no I can turn in on the fleet. That's 10 wins! OHHhhHHHHH a gold chest!!1 Wow, not ONE thing was an upgrade. FANCY!!

    So a few upgrades on my random mods. One pant upgrade to 282. Twenty-three games total I think. One weekly chest and quest done. How do I feel about pvp?

    Ain't doing it until my next character wants to grab M1-4X. So when your queueueues go up another couple minutes, don't cry. Don't whine. Just accept it. You aren't cool, nor special, nor neato. You just want other people to suffer because you did. You want to stomp on lowbies/newbies because you get off on it. But they'll go away. No, they won't pvp with you. They'll just leave. And then your queues will go up. And then you'll quit. How much money did you spend on colorful pixels? How much time did you invest? You'll go to another game. But it won't be the same. You want to feel that sweet sweet dopamine and serotonin, but nope. You'll be a lowbie again.

    To quote another BioWare game, "The cycle continues." Good night! You could have a better experience, but you won't, because you can't help yourself! Enjoy it while it lasts!

  5. I'm pvping because I have to for pve. Which of course is super fun. I'm ilevel 281. I'm versus 304+ non stop. I have to play at minimum 20 games or win 10. Gooooood times. I've played 12 games thus far. I've won: 4 times.

    All four times were carries. The enemy team was outmatched by the group that queueueued and roflstomped the enemy team.

    First game- the three gun shooty one. I did defense, because I'm pointless on offense. I did tank one DPS, but that was because they were a keyboard turner. I just stayed behind them. Then they used their stuns. A friendly came by so he died. Otherwise, I was almost dead to rights. Gear gap ftw right? (Most of y'all are just twinks, be honest. You just like stomping newbies.)

    Second game- Huttball. Yay? We got roflstomped. It was like 6 to 0. I was tanked by all the healers as I was trying to take out the healers or at least put pressure on them so we might stop a ball runner. AHAHAHAHHAHA! Yeah no. I got one healer down to 75% before they killed me. That was awesome. Nice and super fun!

    Third game- The one with the gates you have to blow up. We won! I did absolutely nothing of consequence. I tagged people on gate if they were fighting. But they liquefied before I could get three shots in. Fun. (So hey, the 306+ twinks in unranked helped me! Joy? Is that fun?)

    Fifth game- Hullball. Could it be three balls or four minutes? Please Bastile Shan? A close game. We lost. Most of the field was in the middle killing each other. Heh. An actual newbies v newbies game! I had fun! We lost, but it was fun because I could ACTUALLY matter.

    Sixth game- An arena? I was totally lost until I realized these pop for pvp. I did almost no damage. I healed myself because I'm squishy as nutter butters. The most I contributed was to kite away a damage dealer who focused then tunneled on me. Yay? We won?

    Seventh through eleven, I quit typing this post because I was going to Tatooine for the open pvp quest. Also did turned in my quests. UH!! TAKE THAT!! I got ONE count them ONE piece of 282 gear! Sweet! Oh wait, my belt is 281 and a set piece. No upgrade mods. So I got some more Tech Frags! Yay? I can buy another piece of set gear (that's two!) But.... I can get it up for 282 at most due to mods.

    Twelfth game- Just finished a hutball match. I was able to do... nothing? I had the ball for 2.3 seconds I think. It was a blur of pretty colors like 2001. I did stop a goal! Oh wait, no I didn't. I did 2% damage while two other players did the rest. They enemy team ignored me.

    Okay- So I can get another set piece. To upgrade this here chest to 306 I need 96.90 MILLION credits. Just checked. Not including an augment, which is another 5.6 million.

    So yeah. I'll pvp while I need it for PVE. I hope your team doesn't get me because y'all will curse me and complain at me. Or you'll tell me to stop queueuueuing. Or, at best, you'll just ignore me and hope I queueueue on the OTHER team. Then, you'll find me for an easy kill. You get off on that. You enjoy killing the lowbies. You love your twink life.

    Enjoy. I'll be done with the game. You'll be sad when queueueueueuues take 1 hour. You'll quit and try to find something else, but you'll be sad for all the money and time and effort you put in the game.

    Or! You could help push for better things! You could try and help us newbie/lowbie pvpers! I know you won't! You enjoy your "status" as a high level pvper. I mean, you're not, but you believe you are. Just for a moment. Toodles!

  6. It doesn't matter if you are even playing normal.

    If you're not in the top gear score, you're not doing anything anyway.

    You aren't killing anyone. You're not getting an objective.


    I just had a healer solo me. Shrug.

    Oh well, one less player in pvp.

  7. Alright, my mind is just not getting REing for whatever reason.

    So please explain it to me like I'm stupid.


    But first, I'll wait for the jokes to pass...


    How about now?


    Yea, very funny. :rolleyes:


    Anyhow. So I have Armormech right. I am level 1 and have 1 skill.

    I am a bounty hunter.

    I know I can't RE light armor, nor weapons nor implants or stims, etc.

    But I have a level 1 +Aim heavy or medium armor I can't RE it.


    Yes, I've read the sticky and the crew skills sticky and the in game notes.


    Please give me a if/then tree of REing, because apparently my brain doesn't work for this.


    Now, for your information on what I'm doing this for, and if you have any advice or recommendations that'd be just ducky, is that I'm using my "bank alt" as a "REer" for random trash greens to gather mats and selling them. I have a metric ton of greens, but the REing isn't working.


    Thanks in advance, when I actually do start crafting this'll help a bunch.

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