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Posts posted by Whamie

  1. Your observations are only true for low-end pug vs. pug.


    Actually quite the opposite. Its usually when a few battle masters run into another group of battle masters in premade that nobody dies. PUGS usually don't know eachother well enough to even stay within 15m's of eachother. Its usually well coordinated enough just heals alone would be enough to keep people up for the majority of the game. With all the mitigation and CC going around nearly nobody dies... except on the inside a little.


    Heals have healed nearly 1.5 times more than any dps and whoever capped first usually keeps the point throughout the match, whoever controls middle in huttball or picked it up first usually might as well have capped already and voidstars are usually draws.


    Not to mention if you PvP regularly enough to know any player worth mentioning and you are one of those that happens to be a Marauder... you always targeted in this manner. Matchs where people are not focusing on dps as much as they are on CC's. Which goes back to the issue of killing players via the environment using CC. Which we cannot do effectively when compared a lot of the other classes. Though I think Carnage is a perfect example of how CC should work in this game. Single Target control, but not complete control as most of it is roots and not stuns vs what BW actually did multiple AoE CC's with multiple effects of CC on some of the AoE's.

  2. So I see a lot of posts about how people hate Marauders or they are fine and leave them alone, but any decent Marauder that PvP's enough to know the regulars in matches can see glaring issues.


    The answer isn't that everyone sucks if they are having an issue, but that might be the case for some :p My biggest gripe is CC, but it doesn't end at the constant barrage of knockbacks, roots, snares and stuns of which some classes have multiple AOE versions of.... Even without that I can kill indiscriminately though I choose healers first for obvious reasons. I've learned to cope and over come these obstacles even though the 50's bracket has made it clear that CC is definitely in abundance.


    However Tanks in PvP ruin this game for me. between their protection (50% damage reduction) and constant taunts (30% damage reduction unless attacking the tank) along with any targets personal shields I have had my Annihilate (@ lvl 50 it should do 2190-2666 base damage) with around 600 expertise hit for a whooping 500 crit. As a purely melee dps class I am now no longer rendered ineffective, but rather completely useless.


    Now since we have probably one of the most easily identifiable classes its easy to spot and ensure we are handled appropriately. In the mean time I have no way to avoid, counter or otherwise prevent one of the only things I can bring to the table from being controlled in this way. Normally I'd say switch targets, but usually enough tanks are in the match to ensure any healer and sometimes even all the dps have guard (not to include taunts, cc's and heals). So I highly doubt with the issues BW is facing they would even consider this, but to me I find it useless to have dps only classes in the game. It feels as though this class and a few others could be completely omitted from the game without any major consequences.


    So in conclusion if you're looking for a high skill capped challenge that only appears sparsely in endgame with a richly rewarding experience my 8 ball says you should ask again later... Oh wait... Now it says No... that pretty much covers it. Marauders... No!

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