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Posts posted by Thedownwarddog

  1. As a long time WoW player enduring each end of the spectrum from when there was no battlegrounds and everyone massed at Southshore/Tarren Mill to same server BG's to Cross Server PVP grouping, I reached the conclusion that pvp matching outside your server is bad in the long run.


    Yes it resolves queue times; and Blizz implemented it for that purpose only. With the benefit of hindsight I think other solutions should be explored first (which i discuss at the end).


    In terms of same server pvp - there is alot of value in forming rivalries against guilds or specific players on your opp. faction on the same server. It is a fundamental aspect of faction based MMOs that needs to be nurtured not killed like Blizzard did with the battlegroup concept.


    BioWare needs to go in the other direction and look at enhancing faction rivalries and I think a bounty system would be a good start.


    Guilds or other players should be able to place a bounty (or reward) on any player to kill members of a particular guild, or just straight out target a specific player.


    Making guilds and players KoS (kill on sight), adds interesting dynamics to the game. For example: deciding on which guild to join; Who are they at war with? Will I get smashed levelling an alt because my guild is KoS? If i continue to be a ******, how high can i get my bounty? Can I be the Galaxies Most Wanted? It's all good fun and is player created immersion.


    Who was that guy that ganked you in Tatooine you vowed revenge on. Post a bounty, get them taken out. The target also gets a game mail when the bounty is collected with details on who placed the bounty, and who collected it. This will further stoke the fire into revenge on revenge. See where its going right....


    One could earn Most Wanted titles, Bounty Hunter titles, and make a real career of it. The bounty boards at Fleet could have Most Wanted posters or 'last sighted at x town, 3 hours ago' messages. BW could implement crew missions to find players with bounties on their heads and help you track people down.


    This only works properly if a good level of rivalry can be generated. Same server PvP is the primary mechanism for this IMO.


    People that "never see the opp. faction when I'm questing" are victims of low server pops. I've played both factions and have identified where BW have tried to engineer open world pvp clashes through quest placement and opposing objectives where Republic have to destroy an item that the Sith mirror quest is trying to protect.


    It is more of a pop issue than a design issue (although they could design more of it).


    Firstly we need server pops addressed through server merging, and its more efficient to downsize than link a whole bunch of half empty servers together through some cross server pvp mechanism. Its no good having 100 servers at 10% pop, when you could have 30 servers at 90% pop.


    They could probably halve the amount of active servers and improve everyones experience.


    I'd much rather play on a server that is Full than Light, even if sometimes there is a queue, its worth it. The playing experience is very different and it would alleviate boredom for those that can never find groups.


    I read somewhere that BW's current policy is no cross server pvp. I just hope they stick to it.


    It's really an issue of expedience over circumstance really though. Some servers are going to have bad communities and while this is a way to fix that, there's really room for both if you ask me. Taking a defensive position with this bounty hunter idea is wrong if you ask me. You should reestablish your position as one of innovation rather than a square peg argument. You can have both! I'm sure at some point Bioware is going to implement world events (or there are ones already and I don't know of them). A stronger basis in the actual world might be the wiser choice. The way to do this mystifies me.


    However, your bounty hunter choice would make perfect sense. Perhaps a giant server hitlist with rewards for the highest player (level 1 may be formidable) that balance itself for pvp exclusively? Or maybe that the guilds might want to protect this player?


    The constant rotation would tip gamebalance asway, sure. But that may be the best solution for the time being.

  2. Healers are good players because they realize the need for competency in their position.


    Pew pew I'm a spaceman wakes up disgruntled every morning.


    I think the best team would be an aggressive gunslinger and Jedi Shadow. An ambush around a corner with the gunslinger drawing fire and then an infiltration with the shadow would be devastating to someone unprepared


    Arenas are very effective for focus testing different classes and offering a very controlled strategic set up for PVP. I'm disgrntled that this game is missing this feature. I am a primarily PVP player and this simple inclusion goes a very very long way towards bettering the longevity of the PVP experience. I think that this game is young and confused and the PVP in this game is unfocused. We should be able to fight other teams of players. I'm not concerned with the rewards but maybe others are. That's a whole different department from me, I just like to fight in this game. Me and my friend work on combinations of classes and fight in battlegrounds, but they're really too open ended and difficult for practice. Obviously a foothold in both is important, but is that any excuse to deny one of the other?
  3. Huttball is clearly a conflicting warzone. I just think that all of the discussion should fall within one thread rather than a ton of chaotic threads with off putting OPs.


    I think Huttball is pretty good but I'm in the minority of the people who are almost unanimously positive towards this game. I think it's interesting and it's one of those maps that I think might grow on people. It seems like the map is pretty cluttered though. From a design standpoint it makes sense to me but it's much much too multi-fauceted. Would it be tampering with the design to suggest that it might be severely trimmed and the player count reduced? Forgive the analogy, but to me it seems like a dodgeball class in high school right now. People who are incredible are missing the strategy of the game completely getting lost and just slaying people.


    If you ask me, the map itself works but it needs to be much much less wide. The fire obstacles are really much more antagonizing when there's such a massive area of fault if you mess up. You're looking at a really disconnected flustered group of players. The teams need to be smaller if you ask me. I think anything more than 5v5 is pushing it, but it isn't my call. This is only a suggestion. It's simply much too disconnecting and the colors don't work as effectively as something like warsong gulch to justify it.


    Paint one side blue and the other side red. Make it VERY obvious. Trim the sides and streamline the entire experience. You guys didn't play much football did you? har har har. jokes. but yeah. a football field doesnt have these complications. it keeps the focus much closer to the enviorment.


    Really it's a dysfunctional map if you ask me. But if it was executed properly it would probably be my go to warzone.


    Let me know what you think!

  4. There are a few bright spots in this game; but overall it's mediocre. It's missing mountains of features, is one of the buggiest AAA MMO's I've seen at launch (and I've seen quite a few, especially recently) although not as bad as say the likes of STO .. still It's about 75% of a game... Vaguely reminiscent of DCUO (and that game has far better voice acting btw) in that aspect.


    Without the Star Wars name and sound effects from Lucasarts no one would have even tried it out. Right now, I came from Rift, which had a $50 million dollar budget, not $300 and has all the features that this game is sorely lacking (except their crafting system sucks even worse) and I might be going back; despite my deep loathing for Trion's customer service. Rift isn't even a year old and didn't have half the Dev time or the budget. EA pushed this out the door for Christmas and a good 6 months too early. I bet Bioware morale is low even if their stock price is up, maybe that's why forum nazis are frantically deleting negative threads?


    I think the reason that "forum nazis" are deleting threads are because people are viciously attacking the game without giving weight to anything positive. I really am seeing nothing but complaints and it's awful.


    Everything I see is vicious. "OTHER GAME HAS THIS". "THIS GAME IS DOING THIS WRONG." I would be incredibly unhappy if people were viciously attacking my product without giving weight to ANYTHING positive.


    It's like if you've just showed up at an art gallery with a painting and people are grabbing their magnifying glasses and comparing it to everyone else.


    Like sure. Comparitive critiscism is valid and all but to completely destroy individualism in products in favor of a "standard" that people only flock to out of adversion to change... It's not fair to the product! especially when they stomp it into the ground and want to basially DESTROY the painting before they can even improve it! Ridiculous.

  5. This game is what the industry needs right now? You gotta be f'n kidding me.... There is nothing innovative or revolutionary about this game, the game industry needs new and fresh approaches to MMOs, not regurgitated WoW in space.


    I'm really sick of arguing this point. I get that people take a superficial approach to everything and have really bad judgement and unfulfilable expectations for everything, but there's a point where enough is enough and it's time to be responsible about your critiscisms.


    At face value, this game is a MASSIVE online game with an incredible amount of depth, immersion, attention to detail, love, and respect for both the product and universe. I've been playing for about 5 days now and I havent had ANY problems. None at all so debiltating that I need to cry on the forums about it. I've been having so much fun. I went on the forums to say how much I love it. No one acknowledges the amount of immersion. No one acknowledges the amazing enviorments and atmosphere. No one talks about the story or anyhting.


    I get really nervous about this. I think that there's a vocal minority who are going to run this game into the ground with nitpicking. Personally? most of the complaints people have are totally invalid with my experience. I HATE wow. I've been hearing about how wonderful it is for going on 8 years now. I hate it, I can't play it.


    When I was a kid I DREAMED of MMOs this good. This game has the potential to bring MMOS into the present era, treat us like actual people. Not just bodys with credit cards sweating at the thought of a full progress bar. I love it. I feel like I'm having an interactive experience. I feel like i'm playing.... A GAME. It's doing EVERYTHING I want in an MMO and NO ONE seems to care.


    I get that people complain. I get that people whine. But I really get sick with how goddamned persistant they are about it! They don't realize that if this game succeeds, then wow will get better even! Games in general will look at SUCCESSFUL PRODUCTS WITH NEW IDEAS (only thing that registers in CEOS heads), they dont get that itll get more companies spending more money (HELPING OUR ECONOMY) and generally have NOTHING BUT POSITIVE RESULTS IN THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY


    Nothing will ever kill wow. People are proof of this. You guys NEVER want your addiction to die. but we can all win if we start looking at positives. If we stop being so goddamned defensive.


    Please start looking at positives. Just look at everything and go "Maybe that was a good idea..."


    I know this will never happen. But I can dream, right?

  6. Okay. Phew. Thanks guys. I just.... Like I really like it when companies do stuff like this... Productions that really look professional, polished, endearing... I get really nervous. This game is just what the industry needs right now... Maybe it wont get through some CEOs heads.... But if people realize that games really are good when they treat us like adults and give us unique heartfelt experiences like this... I just.... I love this game so much... I would be heartbroken if it failed like so many other MMOs...


    Really... I think this game has a greater power people are missing... It's so unique and massive... The potential is INCREDIBLE... This game could revolutionize the industry... I have so much faith in it. Please succeed Star wars.

  7. Like... Everyone's not just cannibalizing and consuming it... ******** it out and pissing on it like what usually happens with MMOs right?


    Like.... You guys understand that this game.... It's really good? like it's.... Like it's doing okay right? Right?


    Activision's not trampling all over our villages and killing us with the brainwashed stormtroopers right?


    People.... People understand when a game is good right? They don't.... They're not just going to nitpick it to the point where it dies and plug their brains back into the all consuming faceless monster that WoW has become at this point.... Right?

  8. Play more fighting games plox. Attack animation is a variable that needs to find constitution in your rotation. Enjoy getting owned


    WoW basically plays itself. I don't want this game to turn into a calculator game. I like having an actual basis in the game. Variables. Those are really good.

  9. I LOVE this game and I hope to god it is supported and polished to the best of it's ability. By FAR it's taken the best direction I've ever seen an MMO take. I know people hate reading between the lines, so I'll go into it.


    Story- LOVE it. Pacing is great, very immersive. I guess people are complaining about light side dark side choices because they just pick dark side every time and don't actually feel a connection to the story. You should just give dark side users red glowing eyes. That'll shut them up. I play consular and WOW. The starter quest set quite a precident for the game. Very poinient and philosophical, accessible, heroic, rewarding, the pacing is wonderful and i can start and stop whenver I want and never feel lost the next time I log in. I completely underestimated Bioware's literary talents, I am so surprised.


    Story was my biggest expectation by the way so I guess this might not resonate with people


    Graphics- GREAT JOB! I have a low end PC (used to be pretty good but I can't keep up with my budget). Even on the lowest settings the game looks wonderful and consistent. Colors blend and the art direction in general is WONDERFUL. Absolutely breathtaking.


    Gameplay- AWESOME! Character classes are so new and original. Combat system in general works fantastically and mix very well with the level design. The Jedi Shadow is basically a space samurai. I love my character so much I want to cry.


    Immersion- Wow. I'm sorry I'm not spending a lot of time on these points, I'm just totally aware I'm talking to a brick wall of people who arent going to read it at all. But I love how my companion talks (I love that I have a companion in general), I love that I walk around and hear actual conversations relevant to whats going on, I love that quests change depending on light side/dark side, I love that sith can be light side, I love that I actually can take a moralist approach to questing, I LOVE THAT THIS GAME DOESNT TREAT ME LIKE A BODY SITTING THERE WATCHING PROGRESS BARS FILL UP I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I feel complimented. Like I'm really shocked that someone was bold enough to put this much stock in it's audience. The immersion is the best aspect of the game by FAR


    My favorite part is how everyone immediately billed it as a WoW clone and are not angerly disapointed and leaving immediately because it's not the exact same game they've been playing over for years (whoops didn't want to say that)


    Like I mean, I'm really unhappy that I'm seeing so many complaints on the forums. My brother is a wow fanatic and I can't imagine how difficult it must be to try and market a game like this. It's really, really, really good. They're doing SO many things right. It really is a wonderufl execution. A truley next gen mmo.


    I think despite this naysaying, the game's going to be really successful. I'm finding that my friends who actually DIDNT play wow (I havent played it in i forget how many years now... like 3 or 4 I forget) are the ones who are playing and enjoying it. The only people who are really vocal about disliking it are the people who are not going to be satisfied with it no matter what. I hope people have faith and support this game for as much as possible.


    Corporate compettition is good. Developments and chances in games are good. SO happy something bold and truley unique like this has come out.



    Also it doesnt feel like wow to me. I hope someday people stop making that comparison.

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