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Posts posted by Patched

  1. Rift only has 250k total subs, yet the servers feel full and content keeps coming. The 250k that are there are quite happy.


    That's all that matters. Are you happy? No? Then stop worrying about the game and move on.


    Why would you bring up Rift as a comparison? And then talk about their servers feel full....

  2. 1. Low Population Server

    2. Zone/Planet Instancing - Might be ok if the huge planets at least held more people before spawning instances. But most worlds feel dead to me even when some were "full".

    3. PvP Server is meaningless - Game design works hard to discourage open world pvp.

    4. RvR was flop and then just removed.

    5. Lack of content for lvl 50s.

  3. We can all joke about it all we want but even bads deserve to be bad in MMO PvP games.


    The only reasonable and respectful way to exclude bads from our PvP matches should be a premade.


    No way should anyone have the power to kick another from public pug PvP minigames.


    I'd put this oversight right up there with treasure chests guarded by friendly faction mobs on Ilum that a lvl 10 can farm in reguards to the level of cluelessness when it comes to developing a mmo.


    If you could just kick anyone I would agree with you. But you can't you have to be essentially AFK for a vote to kick to succeed. The OP is full of it.

  4. What happened is that all of their closed beta testers were friends and family. When is the last time you got an honest criticism of your work from your friends and family? And how many of them actually know what they're talking about?


    I remember playing closed betas of WarCraft 3 for like a year before it launched, and I was a random invite that applied through the website with no prior committment to the game. The stupid industry has clearly stopped using the beta as an actual test platform, and switched it to an early preview as a pre-order bonus. You know what that gets you? A bunch of stupid fanboys that will praise your lame product until the cows come home just to be able to play it a few weeks early, when it is already too late to make the changes required to make the game good.


    Not true, most of these threads existed in beta too. Only then you had to deal with a half dozen..."It's only Beta." responses.

  5. So let me see if I understand you. There were two questions about transfers. The first one was a fairly broad answer about what they plan including free transfers. They could have left it at that. They didn't. They answer another question right after specifically asking what will be done about low population servers. The answer is that they will be offering free transfers and that it will allow people to get to higher population servers. I mean, I know I'm not crazy and I don't read into things. Heck, I constantly second guess myself and re-read things before I commit. I even looked at the same quote several times during my debate with him. It says the same thing every time. So that's not what it's saying?


    Sorry. Hit a button before I was done.


    Ok here's his quote:

    The Character Transfer Service, as mentioned above, will be offering free transfers from/to specific servers. This should allow the most motivated players to get onto a higher population server.


    So there will be free transfers but they have made no statements about from what servers or to what servers.


    A pessimist could still say that they're hoping to get people to transfer onto the low population servers and thus those servers will be higher population (I will grant that I find this doubtful and hope to God this doesn't make since to Bioware).


    My guess would be something more along the lines of:

    Bottom 30% of servers can transfer to the middle 40% of servers for free with the plan to close those bottom 30% some time afterwards. While other transfers will cost money (so if you want one of those high population servers it will cost, but you can be on a "higher" population server).


    What makes me nervous is that with the population trends I am not sure how many of those middle tier servers will actually end up with a healthy population.

  6. You talk about reading comprehension and yet you fail to grasp the fact that it was an answer to a direct question about low population servers and the answer was free transfers so that people can get to higher population servers. Are you seriously only reading the answer and not the question? Talk about an off day. It's okay. Fools need them more than the rest of us.


    Lol fanboy? How does helping to clarify this for you make me a fanboy? Apparently that label gets thrown onto anyone who is at odds with you regardless of whether or not it is an intention to blindly promote the game.


    Oh and by the way I won't be paying for anything. I'm on the second/third most populated server in the game.


    Sorry, but you're reading what you want to hear and not what was stated. I'm not near as negative as the guy you're arguing with but they have never stated there will be free transfers to high population servers.


    Actually, when they say the most motivated players can get to high population servers it makes me think that those transfers are going to cost.

  7. + your still missing the whole point, You are saying Cross servers will help, It wont. They havnt fixed the root of the problem for population deduction, Thats content. Not to mention Cross servers will kill Community driven PvP.


    To some extent you're right they need content for 50s to keep them subscribed. But on the other hand any group content is useless on alot of servers right now because there are not enough people.


    And it can't kill community driven pvp because there is none.

  8. While some of the posts about your client hardware apply. Like using a SSD without SATA III or having a crappy CPU might slow you down.


    There is definitely a server side issue to this problem also. On my main server the loads are slow (a low population server at that). I went and created an alt on a busier server and my load times there seem to be roughly twice as fast. I haven't noticed a significant latency difference between the 2 servers but something in the handshake during loading is much different.

  9. Let's clarify here: allowing people to transfer off of a low-pop server to a higher one, then shutting down the server is NOT a merge.


    A merge is the buggy, convoluted process of "merging" the software, economies, loot tables, entire server environments of two server clusters into one server cluster. It's a buggy, overly complex way of just allowing people to move off the dead server and shutting it down.


    This is what Rift did last year with great success. Weren't around when the server was shut down? Next time you log in, you get a window allowing you to pick a server, pick a server, click login, and voila, everything's moved and you're ingame. Simple as that. Name conflict? You get another window to enter your new name, and that's that. It's literally as fast as logging in normally to transfer to another server.


    Why ask for something more complicated that will only take more time and likely result in unplayability? No, we don't need merges, that's an out-dated system.


    Ok, now I see you DON'T know what server merges are... Merging servers would have nothing to do with software, economies, and loot tables. It would simply be merging the player data.

    Server merges would simply be player transfers without the ability to pick the server you want to go to. It also would not have to be simply combining 2 servers.

    I can understand wanting the ability to choose the server you go to. It will just make it harder to get the servers more balanced.

    With mergers they can group the servers so that most of the merged servers are starting with approximately the same number of players. With players choosing servers, either they constantly change what servers are available (and people get pissed because their friends moved to a server they can't) or you risk too many people going to the same server and other servers still having population issues.

    It would also allow them to do things like keep guilds intact.

  10. Do you have a clue? On average, it requires 30 blue mats and 70 green mats to make an augmented item. IIRC, costs for that is <3k for the blue mats, and <2k for the green. Unless you're paying very rediculous GTN prices, that's less than 5k per item. Pretty sure 1900% markeup qualifies as bilking.


    Now granted, the lvl 49/50 stuff costs way more than 5k on average, but the basic bottom of the line augmented stuff is relatively cheap to make.


    I am wondering if you have a clue. On my server the Electrum lvl 50 armor pieces, BM and WH armor pieces (augmented of course) were the only ones going for over 100k (around 200k right after 1.2). The low level gear never went that high.


    Right at 1.2 I started crafting the Electrum lvl 50 chest piece for my BH and it took me 26 pieces to crit. I went through a couple stacks of Electrum alone. I could have paid the temporarily high price of 200k and saved myself time, credits and aggrevation.


    My other character is trying to craft my friend augmented war hero pieces for his sorc. I'm about 10 tries in on the pants with no crit. I've been using my own stored up mats and running under world missions for silk but I know the mats are over the going price already.


    I don't generally craft to make money. But even if I got lucky and crit early I'm not getting rich quick.


    On the other hand if you spent over 100k for a level 19 augmented piece then like I said ....I wonder if you have a clue.

  11. So re-roll on another server??


    My server died, my Jedi Sage was closing on 50...I took a 3 month break, I came back, I found what server had the most people on it and rolled there, Harbinger btw.


    Having no group issues, as most of the people I've run into are sharing similar stories with me, they're re-rolling for population. Just last night, a Tuesday mind you, there was 80 people on Nar Shadda, with multiple groups running the 4-mans at the same time.


    You don't have to leave your characters behind forever, hopefully when transfers open up, I'll be able to bring my Jedi over and play him again, but for now, I'm enjoying my Imperial Agent.


    Surely there is a class you haven't played yet, yes?


    Start a new legacy!


    Most people in MMOs put more value into their characters and aren't willing to drop them.


    My legacy is up in the high 20s and I've a got couple 50s and alts already. Both of my 50s have gone through the valor grind and I have no big desire to start over.


    I do really hope they add server transfers soon. We'll see if it happens before I get more interested in another game.

  12. I rarely have trouble getting people for any 2 or 4 man Heroic, but I have been ignoring the flashpoints, mostly cause I don't go to fleet that much.


    I would have agreed with this in the Dec/Jan timeframe. Now most leveling planets on my server just don't have enough people to form a heroic 4.

  13. Why do people keep measuring the success of SWTOR & Server population on how many people are 'in Fleet'?


    The ONLY time I ever need to visit the Fleet is when I leave the Starter Worlds, before heading to Dromund Kaas or Coruscant. Other than that the quests are on the Planets.


    Most people actually PLAY the game, instead of Idling 'on the Fleet'


    The fleet is the best place to judge. At level 50 most groups start at the fleet.


    But if that bothers you. I can't remember the last time I was on a planet with more than 10 players. This week Black Hole has had between 2-4 players when I've been there (2 being my friend and myself). I started an alt last weekend and hutta had 2 players. Went on another alt and Drommand Kaas had 6 players.

  14. 2 things. first, he's obviously saying he's not happy about getting bilked by the same crafter twice, so he has every right to complain. second, even if he wasn't currently engaging with the crafter community, why can he not complain about what is most likely the reason he's not engaging with them? that's like saying people who voted for the losing candidate don't have a right to complain about the winner because they didn't pick him.


    Charging someone 100-200k for a piece of armor or an augment is bilking them? Unless the crafter has been lucky with crits it probably cost more than that in materials.


    Sure he can complain but it's not like there was one person on the server who could do it and they are charging millions. But that would leagcy rewards and not crafting.


    It's a mute point since the GTN on my server is dead anyways.

  15. It was stated that all they need to make this game profitable is 500,000. They have 1.3 million. I think it is making a profit.


    Go back and read the quote 500k was not the number to make a profit.


    I hope I'm wrong but my guess is that with all the low pop servers and new games coming out that after the free 30 days runs out the sub numbers are going to see another significant drop.

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