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Posts posted by burningcurse

  1. http://i.imgur.com/OVkwC.jpg


    has all the other classes Warhero gear too.


    I am not impressed with ours, we have a pink trowser hanging out of our back. I'm going to hide the helmet for sure cause I dont want to have a mohawk or look like a beetle.


    not to mention a pink color scheme? I am aware we can change the color but the model itself doesn't say "warhero" to me, it doesnt look as good as our current bm gear.






    p.s. merza is not my character, it belongs to another player

  2. cont...


    Regarding some Infiltration tree talents: my 2 credits about them


    1. Misdirection's 15% MS buff should work out of stealth as well, currently it only works in stealth if I'm not mistaken.


    2. Shadow Veil = 30% armor is almost nothing against most classes have armor penetration anyway.. not even worth investing 2 points in.


    3. PROFUNDITY = 3 points! 3 skill points to get me 10 force every 10 seconds?! such a waste of points in my opinion.


    4. Exit Strategy = 6% stacks 5 times, 8 seconds to get 30% damage boost to FBreach. Since most enemies in this game have a push back or snare of some sort I rarely get to see/use the 5 stack of this ability. needs to stack faster imo, like 10% stacks 3 times to be more useful.


    5. Situational Awareness = it's so high up in the tree and no one gets this. Why would you use whirling blow over clairvoyant anyway? It's a very situational talent indeed, like for when you need to interrupt many people capping your node in alderaan wz or voidstar.

  3. As it stands, kinetic aka tank spec has the most to give to team play. guard, utility(force pull) etc


    There are problems with the 2 remaining shadow trees imo,


    Infiltration is too reliant on crits and has low utility(just the one stun) /low survivability in battle. I'm in full battlemaster and when my project+forcebreach combo did not crit, they once did a total of 2.600+ damage. Infiltration can be kited easily as well.


    when everything crits it does decent damage to some classes, but when they don't you can't really kill anyone.


    The balance tree is just ok, it's good in pve, but in pvp I find burst to be more useful than damage over time. Most classes will kill you before your dots do enough damage to kill them. Since dots no longer interrupt players (correct me if im wrong) with things like planting bombs in voidstar or capping nodes in civil war then this tree isn't as viable in pvp anymore.


    Balance is not as kiteable as Infiltration since you have some range attacks and it has slightly more survivability with dot crits healing you. Overall tho, with the recent rework of some Balance tree talents, it is in a better place than Infiltration.



    I'm hoping that for 1.2 Infiltration will see some reworks/revamped tree skills. :)



  4. I'm not sure if BioWare is going to ban ranked players from queuing in non-ranked warzones though. Doesn't seem like they are.


    Why need to ban? You as a player have a choice too no? You can leave the warzone or just play it out till the end and wait for your comms/valor.


    That is what I DO when I queue solo! If I don't feel like facing 2 premades then I leave and requeue! most times, I stay and just accept the fact that this match is lost, I get valor and commendations at the end if we lose anyway.


    I play Republic by the way, so I've had my fair share of beat downs in warzones and Ilum.


    Since we will have INTERSERVER queues in the future the chances of you facing the same top geared team in nonranked warzones again is really low so nothing to fear.

  5. I understand what the OP is saying. Those of you who like to play for fun can play non ranked games where the atmosphere is more laid back.


    Understand that there are people who try to take the game to another level, not everybody plays for ***** and giggles all the time. Don''t get me wrong, I enjoy messing around from time to time and having fun too, But when you say RANKED PVP it's supposed to be competitive, period.


    Ranked games are supposed to FOSTER COMPETITION.


    Why would a team bother getting on vent , planning strategies, PRACTICING/investing time to practice, if the rewards are all the same for everyone/rating doesn't matter?


    The rewards need to be something worth all the time and effort it takes ,otherwise people won't do it! No one will take the ranked pvp seriously if all you get to do at the top is pat yourself on the back!


    Ranked Seasons : Teams race for glory and best gear, when the season ENDS, that is when they get the best gear. Meaning it is mostly for show and if they wish to continue to play ranked/non ranked it won't give them an advantage that matters SINCE THE SEASON IS OVER.


    When the NEW SEASON starts: have us all buy a new set of pvp gear that has BETTER stats than LAST SEASONS best pvp gear. So that the top teams of last season have to start on the SAME/EQUAL footing as everyone else when a new PVP SEASON starts.




    1.People who are playing for FUN, go play random non ranked matches! Ranked Matches are for Competitive minded players/teams!


    2. End game rewards for the best Ranked Teams: can be a cooler looking , more powerful set of gear but since you get it at the END OF THE SEASON, it won't provide you with an unfair advantage versus other teams.


    3. When a New Season of Ranked begins = new set of pvp gear that has better stats than last seasons best gear. So everyone starts on EQUAL footing with the start of that new season.

  6. this thread is lolz, the only reason you would make it is because deep down you yourself are thinking that you are a carebear? @OP


    otherwise who cares right? people call people names all the time. but does every single negative remark strike a nerve or bother you? no of course not.

  7. If valor rank doesn't matter, if rating isn't required to purchase gear this is what will happen to most of our ranked matches.


    It will kill competition, cause most people are only after the ranked commendations.


    Why bother trying to raise you rank/elo if at the end of the day everyone is rewarded with the same gear anyway.


    Why strive harder to be the best team if it doesn't really matter ? I predict alot of teams not even trying to fight back because intentionally losing will end the match faster.


    faster matches = faster ranked commendations.


    the ranked PVP in this game will just be a grind for gear nothing more.

  8. Original Poster obviously has biased and hates them for some reason or another.


    This isn't a thread based on facts or video footage of a class being overpowered it's one guy whining about a class he doesn't like.


    never once have I seen a shadow heal for 100k, he's over exaggerating things so his complaints will sound like a class is broken but it isn't.




    you remind me of that rping guy at the guild summit earlier today who suggested this game needs


    an "auto facing" button so people can't run circles around him.


    nothing against you rping guy, but you win carebear of the month award.

  9. Ranked Warzones have to reward the best teams with better gear than the rest.


    Otherwise why pvp competitively? Why aim to be better at it? Why even bother playing ranked if everyone gets the same ****?


    you carebears/lazy losers keep making posts that sound ridiculous to me.



    That is the nature of all MMORPGS , you will get rolled by players with better gear period.


    it's that simple of a concept.


    every single MMORPG has this.


    If you don't like the way mmorpgs work get the hell out and play single player RPGS on consoles or go back to farmville. No one will harm you there.


    There will always be a rich and poor class. Stop asking for equality in such a misguided sense you communists.

  10. quote: "Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes. "


    firstly, thanks for giving us the option to votekick players who are idle! I know this is another question but I just had to ask, what exactly can we buy with


    ranked warzone commendations? BM gear? or a higher tier of gear altogether. I hope it's more powerful gear than bm..



  11. Just my thoughts on Ilum world pvp etc


    I'm sure most people on my server dont bother doing Ilum world pvp dailys.


    there are more emps than republics making it a zerg fest where republics get overrun most of the time.



    I've fought in a 40 rep vs 60 emp battle and most of my team disconnected. Too much lag even on the lowest of settings to enjoy the actual battle.



    For the empire side, since there are so few republics, they are usually just farming crates. Which isn't really an experience at all.


    so overall, it isn't really much of an experience that people want to go to.


    to top it all off there are people who abuse the instant respawn glitch where they reappear where they died. and kill trading.




    all of that being said, I suggest either turning Ilum into a warzone, like alterac valley in world of warcraft.


    or giving the faction with fewer members a tenacity buff (just like in wintergrasp) where we get powered up depending on how outnumbered we are. To even out the fight.

  12. So this post is in regards to : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=260731

    Essentially half way though the post it is stated that pvp gear will be reduced in effectiveness to reduce the gap between incoming 50 pvpers and current 50 pvpers with some amount of gear.


    Now let me get this straight...


    If I understand correctly: Pve'rs go through Operations/Hard modes in order to get gear. They do this in order to be able to undertake harder operations/hard modes and ultimately nightmare mode. They have an incentive to gear up in order to more adequately handle PVE encounters.


    So according to logic. Pvp players do their best to obtain gear in order to more adequately handle PvP encounters.


    So an incoming level 50 who intends to PVE most also catch up to current level 50 players with adequate PVE gear, in order to be as effective.


    Why should incoming PvP players be treated any differently?


    Time and effort rewards PVE players with gear. This gear sets them from the rest of the community in terms of their effectiveness in handling PVE environments.


    This same effort rewards PVP players. The time and effort you put in to the game should yield moderate results. Parallel and equal to the rewards that a PVE player gets for their perseverance.


    If PvP gear is , well for lack of a better word "standardized" to a certain extent. What is there to differentiate a player who puts in time and effort in order to be more effective than general community at what he or she enjoys, which is success to a certain extent in a pvp environment.


    Before you start flaming me, declaring that I am an elitist, I am only valor rank 36. And I am not severely geared, I am currently in a mix of centurion/champion gear with many, many holes in it. I am not trying to declare that people with gear should dominate those without it. But I think that degrading those who have put time and effort into obtaining their gear should not be penalized for trying to do well.


    @OP, I agree with most of these sentiments


    @ the new level 50s/to the new 50s with the upcoming changes to champion bags, dropping more comms, you will be able to buy your gear just put in the effort to do your dailies! If you can't even accomplish a daily quest then you don't deserve a chance.

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