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Posts posted by wyrmac

  1. My biggest question is Character slots, you gave us 12 which is great, you consolidated our characters, often making the slots more than 12 for many accounts, great for some, but not for others. Now it looks like many players are stuck with not being able to make any new characters because you arbitrarily filled slots that we never would have filled, we don't need 4 Bounty Hunters on one server for instance, 2 BH and 2 Troopers of the right AC sure, but you took the choice away from us. I don't see any option in the Cartel market to buy more slots, and it seems like F2P will get 2 and everyone else will get 12 (extrapolating from the 10 extra slots mentioned on PTS load screen) do you expect us to delete a high lvl character who may have some special non transferable items in order to make a character we want on our main server just because our other characters were arbitrarily all put together? do you expect us to pay to transfer them to another server to make room? transfers are also a feature not available in the cartel market. please address the question of character slots, others have asked about them as well and we need clarification. Thank you.
  2. The system needs a major redo, it happens mostly in civil war, but as others have pointed out, all the War Zones have issues when players just give up, those who actually want to PvP are doomed, this is especially frustrating when a player enters a game in progress where their team has already given up, they have little choice but to become solo attackers without much chance to even get a medal, their only hope may be to just give up as well and stand around with everyone else hoping there is enough time to get a defender medal. There is unfortunately a point to just standing there getting defender medals, but it certainly isn't any fun. and I wouldn't really call it PvP. At this point taking away the medal system is probably the only thing to do. I don't really have a fix , but something along the lines of no points for losing unless the Team (not individual players) accomplish at least some predefined criteria that takes actual effort to do might be the direction to look into, also if players leave a WZ there should be a penalty imposed to discourage this from happening. and the tabulation for healing and damage should somehow be altered to not apply to healers who damage themselves and then heal themselves, a time limit on when healing done to yourself actually counts after using a health sacrificing ability is probably the direction to go to stop that behavior. All of the things that people are doing in these situations aren't as much their fault as they are examples of people trying to get the best they can out of a broken system. It may make a lot of us feel frustrated, but its hard to really blame individuals in these situations.
  3. Wouldn't it make more sense to have the title before the name in this case, like the containment officer title.? for instance, now it is "Wyrmac, Strike Team Commander," I think it should read "Strike Team Commander Wyrmac"

    If enough of us agree and post they may change it.

  4. "There will definitely be more slots appearing in the near future. Stay tuned for details."

    This is great news for me, I had to leave a 50 back on my old server because I want to make a Cathar when they come out, and that 50 had no self supporting crafting, where all my other guys had maxed crafts (and where at least lvl 41) after reading this I just transferred him, the key words in this v.s. the original post about extra slots where "near future", that gives me hope. Now all I worry about is that they may make it fee based for something that should have been there already to allow for one of each advanced class/faction.

  5. I am very disappointed to see that BW, and at least a very vocal part of the Forum community, are against cross server LFG, frankly the reasons given are very weak, if someone is acting in an inappropriate manner you can simply vote to kick them and put them on ignore, If the tool is cross server they will likely be replaced instantly and you will never be grouped with them again.

    The same people who everyone seems to be afraid will lessen their LFG experience are players on someones local server, and they are dealt with in the manner I have mentioned above. The main reason for the existence of a LFG tool is because players are having trouble forming groups, this is most likely because of low populations, but also because of the fact that The Community that exists on a server, and the preservation of which seems to be the battle cry of everyone against cross server Ques, already has people that they prefer to group with, keeping it same server only means that those people will all Que together to get an instant teleport to the flashpoint, and receive extra rewards ( which they can still choose do do if the tool is cross server).

    Even with the transfers being done now, there will still be times when it will not be feasible for someone to get a LFG to pop, Just because someone plays on a East coast server for example, dose not mean that their scheduled is 9-5 EST, as a subscribing player you should be able to play any aspect of this game that you chose, at any time that you chose, if it is 4 am your local server time, and you want to run a flashpoint, you will have a problem if the LFG tool stays same server, but if it go's cross server, it will draw on every player in the game, and you will be able to play the aspects of the game that you enjoy most at any time that is convenient for you.

    This post should also be considered to apply to PvP Ques.

  6. Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant

    Pre-select Servers

    Lord Ieldis to Begeren Colony

    Soresu to The Harbinger

    Shaltin Tunnels to The Progenitor

    Mecrosa Order to Darth Nihilus

    Phateem Halls of Knowledge to Mantle of the Force

    The Restoration Zone to Jar'Kai Sword

    Stereb Cities to The Jedi Tower

    Rakata Mind Prison to The Bastion

    Ven Zallow to Jung Ma

    Kath Hound to The Ebon Hawk

    Fa'athra to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

    Hedarr Soongh to The Fatman

    Zayne Carrick to Vanjervalis Chain

    Eye of Ashlanae to The Red Eclipse

    Kessel Run to Battle Meditation

    The Shadow Runner to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

    The Courageous to Canderous Or


    19 servers listed as eligible to transfer, and more to be added as the process progresses. I do find it hopeful that the two most populated servers (Fatman and Jedi Covenant) are destination servers, if all the servers end up with those kinds of populations, the game should be very playable at all hours of the day.

  7. Please tell me i misread that you are opening even more servers.


    ... What?


    And no cross server LFG? Seriously?


    Same server LFG isnt going to make it easier to get groups WHEN THERES NO ONE ONLINE!

    I agree 100% you talk about community, if I want to run with people on the same server I don't need a LFG tool to tell me who in my "community" is on. What we need is a LFG that is cross server so that no matter what time it is, or how many people want to pvp vs pve, the option to play the game aspect we want is available. The only things I have heard against x-server have been people who seem to think anyone from another server will automatically be a jerk to them and steal their loot, guess what, it happens on every server, and you ignore those people, all they need do is not let x-server LFG group you with someone you ignore. I am so frustrated to see an official stance that cross server LFG somehow ruins the community, wake up guys, there is very little community left, and you are making choices that will hurt the game as a whole.

  8. Age:46 in a few weeks

    Occupation: Regional Sales Manager for a small food brokerage, which means they cant give me more money, so they gave me a title, lol.

    Honestly, I have met a fair number of players in my age group, and older in this game, and also in World of Warcraft, its funny when some of the younger players are surprised, but after all, my age group had Dungeons and Dragons and the first video games, this is just natural progression in how we seek our amusements. :cool:

  9. "Custom (orange) moddable items that have no modifications installed can now be reverse engineered."

    Honestly, why hasn't it been implemented to RE any crafted orange? we are stuck with gear that wont sell on the GTM because there is to much of it, and we are out the mats we could use to craft things that will sell. Please fix this issue, and please make posts like the one I quoted from the patch notes be explicit if they are not pertaining to all things in a category.

  10. Will Legacy ever be account wide rather than just server wide?


    I have more than 8 characters and given the character per server limitation, I am forced to make a few characters on another server. That leaves them feeling disconnected.


    More characters per server would have been better, but this can help.



    Exactly the same issue, and it was said that there will be more slots per server in the future, any idea of when, how many, and if this will be a free option? I am not a fan of paying for extra slots just so I can enjoy all of the game.

  11. My main concern is when we will get more character slots, I have all 8 filled,many with 50's and maxed crafters, I would like to experience the other factions story lines, we need at least 16 slots to be able to enjoy every advanced class the game currently has to offer. with the time put into legacy and crafting and the bonds made with other players, going to another server is not a viable option, even if we could have legacy there and mail items between it, it would be better than it is now, but not optimal. It was said that expanded slots would be forthcoming, I hope you don't go with a pay for slot model, this would be insult to injury, The 8 slot model is a hold over from from older games, be innovative, even allowing the full allotment of 50 characters placed wherever the player wishes should be doable with a simple scroll down menu at the character selection screen.


    I would like to propose an option for the Q&A forum to allow us to click on a post to show that it is also of relevance/ Importance to us, this would allow us to address our one topic, but would also give the devs a more accurate view of what the community is most concerned with over all

  12. All of the above, flashpoints being a priority, and cross server, while specifically stated as not being at this time, is a must, I have tried, and I honestly cant think of why some people are so against that, you want to run with friends/ guildies/ same server people, you can do that now without this tool. We need something that will lest us play at whatever time/population level we happen to be on. Cross server ques for anything cant hurt your "community" in any way.
  13. I voted for 3d space battles, because I really hate the restriction of movement we currently have, unfortunately I couldn't make a an informed vote because I have no Idea what any of the options even entail, I mean capitol ship battle could mean almost anything, some of which Id think where awesome and some of which I would hate,. I realize that this is just the dev team getting a sense for what direction to concentrate their efforts on, yet we cant give meaningful feedback with out at least a bit of detail on what a choice might entail. are any of these things multi player, are they solo, pvp or pve oriented? without that kind of info our feed back will be almost useless.

    That being said, all the options have potential, and I encourage the dev team to continue getting input from the community. I only ask that you give us some sense of the ideas you are kicking around that led to the choices in the poll.

  14. I can see open world PVP working if you made the planets where it happens cross server, for example, if you went to Illum, you would encounter players from all servers, (players could group, but not trade) this would ensure that there were always players of each faction in the zone at any given time, it may be too big of a load to have every server go to the same planet, but the servers could be broken up into groups that all went to the same planet respectively. This is the only way that the balance issue can be addressed satisfactorily.


    There should be quests to do and other things to bring players to the zone, for example, rich gathering nodes to fight over, special venders that are only available if a faction controls a certain area, and who require a currency that you get only from pvp/questing on the planet, not from warzones etc.


    Also people should be able to form ops groups, mostly to aid in healing and coordination, but an individual who isn’t in said ops group or who is in another group, should still receive credit for participating in any conflict,( if you hit someone, or heal someone who is fighting you get credit regardless of being in a group with them, also just being in a group nets you nothing if you don’t participate in the fight) this would allow those who wanted to group to do so, and would also accommodate the more solo/small group preference players.

  15. As others have said, cross realm ques are needed, I don't like sitting in ques for long periods of time, to then only end up playing the same people, and often on teams that aren't full strength, cross realm is already being done for 50, please implement it for all levels, that would make it possible to pvp at any time you like, not just the peek time for your server.
  16. I was wondering if expanded character slots would be made available, I have 7 characters on one server (2 are 50), I want to try all the specs, I would also like to experience the opposite factions story lines, but don't want to have to go to another server to do it, which would mean Id lose my legacy options, and not be on the server my friends are. Please consider allowing 16 character slots per server if you haven't already.
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