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Posts posted by CecilPaladin

  1. For folks like me who have a few 55's already, this boost is awesome! For the newer folks, you should either craft some gear as you level, do treasure hunting for some gear with your other companions, or just buy cheap stuff off the GTN. You get to train skills FOR FREE, ontop of the insane experience and you still complain? Are you expecting them to give you a free set of blues every 10 levels or something?
  2. I've been playing with the 12x experience boost for class quests and having a Blast! This is how the game should be all the time. I have multiple level 55's already, and having to go through the planetary side quests is mind numbing.


    There are 4 class quest lines for each side. 8 Total classes on each side. Out of those variations, you basically stick to the same quest lines for each of those after the 2nd planet. If you level all the toons for the Republic side to see the class quest storylines, that's 4 separate story lines. But you are forced to play the same planetary side missions over and over again. That's repeating the same quests 4 times.


    With this boost, you can witness and experience the class unique storylines only which keeps the game fresh. I wish this was available earlier for SWToR. This should have been introduced as an unlock after you get say 4 level 55's, or reach level 50 legacy, or even as a cartel unlock.


    Being able to strictly play the unique class story arcs is what makes the game fun. Leveling an alt healer for your guild doesn't seem like a pain in the butt. Seeing the class arc in one continuous effort is storytelling at it's best. I'm both thankful that this is finally in the game and sad that it wasn't introduced earlier on. Why can't this be a permanent thing?

  3. I've been playing with the 12x experience boost for class quests and having a Blast! This is how the game should be all the time. I have multiple level 55's already, and having to go through the planetary side quests is mind numbing.


    There are 4 class quest lines for each side. 8 Total classes on each side. Out of those variations, you basically stick to the same quest lines for each of those after the 2nd planet. If you level all the toons for the Republic side to see the class quest storylines, that's 4 separate story lines. But you are forced to play the same planetary side missions over and over again. That's repeating the same quests 4 times.


    With this boost, you can witness and experience the class unique storylines only which keeps the game fresh. I wish this was available earlier for SWToR. This should have been introduced as an unlock after you get say 4 level 55's, or reach level 50 legacy, or even as a cartel unlock.


    Being able to strictly play the unique class story arcs is what makes the game fun. Leveling an alt healer for your guild doesn't seem like a pain in the butt. Seeing the class arc in one continuous effort is storytelling at it's best. I'm both thankful that this is finally in the game and sad that it wasn't introduced earlier on. Why can't this be a permanent thing?

  4. The ONLY thing I wish they changed was to either remove the credit limit, or raise it up to a million or something. It's such a pain in the butt to work around this arbitrary 350k credit limit. I get that there's escrow items, but if you don't stock up on them before your sub ends you are SOL.


    I'm fine with everything else honestly. A distant 2nd is the lower exp gain if you are preferred or f2p. There just aren't enough quests to actually get you to 55 with the penalty. But if I had one wish, it would be to change the credit limit.

  5. Is it too much for ask for Legacy mods for the Armoring, Modification, and Enhancement slots? Other games have equipment that scales as you level. The concept isn't foreign, they allow us 2 slots for crystals for us and our companions each from legacy crystals. Those don't even scale, they give you the full +41 even at level 10.


    What's the harm of introducing legacy mods?

  6. So, what you're telling me is that some people enjoy putting in a fantastic amount of work and productive effort (organization, teamwork, practice, the actual runs, etc.) as a hobby?


    Huh. I thought that was only on EvE. Live and learn! -bp


    Some people like to play sports and others like to watch from the stands. I take you you're a bleacher type of person aren't ya?

  7. My days of progression raids are mostly over. I do enjoy the constant pug ops group though. To me, the health of a server is based on how many LFM 16M Ops are going on at any given night. And that is still going on strong with JC.


    My server was merged with JC a bit ago, so I'm not a native. But I think the server is doing decently in terms of PuGs and chit chat in fleet. And I recently got the Galactic achievement when I hit my 8th toon to 55 (one of each class). So I play on both sides fairly evenly, and the PuG activity (to me at least) is pretty strong.


    I have noticed that the Imp side, there is a high chance everyone on the pug knows the fights and all the mechanics. The Pub side, there's a strong chance in a 16m pug that 3-4 people have no clue and have never been in there before. BUT, Imp side is full of loot greedy people that roll need on gear even though they are in full 180's. Pub side is more than willing to share the loots.


    That's just my own observations.

  8. Ok, ran DP last night with the hybrid spec. Honestly, it was meh. Great for pulls with tons of adds, but that's it. For the majority of trash pulls, everything was CC'ed so you can't even CL aoe. Worked for the first boss, but after that it was mainly single target dps. I'll prob switch to full madness and see if that does better. The top dot should go much farther than using CL on one target.
  9. Has anyone gotten it? Does it look any better than the Eradicator Set? I think the only difference is that the sleeves are longer, it's all black now, and the texture of the robe is shiner.
  10. There is also the Madness-heavy hybrid as an option, which is less RNG dependant for less maximum potential:



    In all cases, the priority is:


    1. Keep up affliction on your target at all times.

    2. Death Field if Deathmarks fall off.

    3. Wrath-procced Crushing Darkness

    4. Chain lightning (procced)

    5. Lightning strike (Wrath)

    6. Force Lightning

    7. Shock if movement is required.


    Ah, I like this spec. I still miss the days Wrath use to proc Chain Lightning, but water under the bridge.


    How does that hybrid spec stack vs full Lightning or Madness?

  11. All you need is force lightning and death field really. I just leveled a new sage about 2 months ago. Once you put your first points like this spec, you really don't need anything else to level.


    I basically used the same rotation all the way to 55. If you keep your gear updated, you should fly by the levels. I actually took points to get chain lightning just for fun, and topped off with some healer talents. But the core talents above you can get by level 20-25, and that's all you need to level.

  12. I did, but hes talking necessity vs convenience. I'm sure most dps VG/PT's would love to have charge in their ability list. Guardians and Sent's have a charge ability. Sure they can saber throw and/or do some ranged type abilities while running up to the mob, but a charge is much more useful.


    It's not like it's something they have to change, it's already part of the class via talent. Why not make it baseline?


    I see the primary reason would be that giving VG/PT's a charge and a grapple might be OP in PvP. But that doesn't stop shield specs from doing that already.

  13. Jugg/Guardian's have Force Push and Force Leap as Advance CLASS abilities. No need to talent for it, they have it as a tank or dps. Why, oh why did they make VG's grapple a class ability but completely forget about their charge (Storm) ability? As a dps, you would think having a gap closer (like a Jugg/Guardian) would be helpful. Is there some history of the class I'm not aware of that prevented the standard charge gap closer from being standard for the class?


    Very strange indeed.

  14. Dead dps = ZERO damage.


    If you can save yourself by popping a med pack, self heal, bubble, etc, why not do it? It'll cost you maybe 1-2 GCD's, but will keep you up for the rest of the fight.


    Whenever I dps on a healing capable class, I pop heals off left and right. Again, this applies to your dps team mates:


    Dead dps = ZERO damage.

  15. I personally found ranged dps much easier to play. I would say that given the same skill and equally geared characters, one would argue ranged dps does more damage overall. But, melee dps has done very well and have gotten higher dps parses than ranged.


    I just found it easier to switch targets without having to move much. On my sniper/gunslinger, I just mainly sit there and pew pew away. Sure there are boss mechanics where you have to move, but the majority of fights don't have that. I have also found less harmful stuff for ranged, and its easier to spot the bad stuff if you are alone out there by yourself.


    Stacking in favor of melee? Range can stack just as well, this isn't the old WoW where hunters had a minimal range factor. You can definitely group up and cluster right underneath a boss's rear end without issue. It's melee that has to run out if the boss has some sort of PBAoE ability, then run back in.

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