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Posts posted by Superninfreak

  1. You can change your spec now.. You don't need anything else.. Nuff said.. :rolleyes:


    It takes time to switch specs and remap the quickbars.


    I mean yeah, with field respec you don't NEED something like this, but being able to save quickbars and specs and switch on the fly would be very convenient.


    It'd be really nice.

  2. We're gonna get more expansions like Makeb, and maybe some more dialogue for certain companions (particularly love interests).


    We're not getting more class specific quests, because that costs absolutely obscene amounts of money to make.


    New classes are even less likely (unless if they're just more advanced classes). I really doubt they'd want to make a completely new questline for 1 to 50.

  3. The reason why you can't change is because the classes diverge so much. Your gear and half of your powers are different. Letting people change Advanced Classes would be a headache.


    Just run through the first 10 levels again, it doesn't take that long at all.

  4. It would also be nice of this worked with titles that are no longer obtainable. This system has a lot of potential. I hope it eventually realizes it.


    I'd really like it if the Titles from that Grand Acquisitions event were in the collections.


    "Imperial Loyalist" and "SIS Freelancer" are really great titles.


    I earned them, but it'd be cool to be able to use them on other characters.

  5. So, we're not allowed to voice our opinion on these forums? Legacy datacrons are a bad idea in my opinion, and they always will be. The stat benefit is neglible. The time invested is too. But some people actually DO enjoy this content, and yes, turning it into a legacy unlock does trivialize the accomplishment of aquiring them for each character yourself.


    Don't like operations? Then don't do them!

    Don't like PvP? Then don't join warzones!

    Don't like space combat? Skip it!

    Don't like datacrons? Then don't bloody go after them.


    But if you don't do operations, you will NOT get any of the gear, mounts, pets etc. from it either.

    If you don't do PvP, then you won't gain any valor.

    If you don't do space combat, then you won't get whatevers' left for rewards for it.

    If you don't get those datacrons, then, guess what? you don't deserve that marginal stat bonus either.


    I have done about everything on my characters combined. But none of my characters did everything on its own. My consular is the one with raid gear, because she raided. My sniper is the one with PvP gear, because she PvP'd. But the things one character had access to didn't automatically grant the other character those same things. If I want PvP gear or titles on my consular, I''ll have to do PvP on my consular, NOT on my agent. But, I pvp'd on my agent, so my consular never got a full EWH set. But she never deserved one either. She'd be dead weight to the pvp team, and that's not because of her gear, but simply because I never invested much time into learning how to PvP with her.


    How many characters do you have?


    How many of them have every single datacron?

  6. Fix Dismiss Companion. :)


    Let me start by saying I love the fact that I can dismiss my companion. Sometimes I just do not want them around. In particular, I like to play through the planetary and class missions with a friend, and this “single-player” content becomes tediously easy with companions along as well.


    The problem is, dialogue cinematics automatically recall your companion, and you cannot dismiss them in combat. As a result, ALL of the boss fights in planetary and class missions are reduced to four-second zerg-fests in which our companions demolish the “boss” before they can even react. It is extremely anti-climatic and actually quite immersion-breaking. Given that this is a multi-player game, I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue!


    Please change it so that companions stay away until recalled (I can think of no reason why it should be otherwise). When I tell my companion to get lost until I say it’s okay to return, I mean it!


    While I wouldn't have a problem this, I'd just like to mention that you can always put your companions on passive mode if you don't want them to fight.

  7. Two problems:


    1. Size makes it hard to have cutscenes work. WoW can have different sized races because it doesn't have cutscenes. A whole lot of cutscenes would probably have problems if players weren't all roughly the same size.


    2. Lucas doesn't want stuff known about Yoda's race. We don't even know what the name of the race is. Obviously they'd have to at least reveal an official name for it if it was released as a race.


    A Yoda species character would work better as a companion, not playable.


    This is actually a good idea.

  8. Only being able to Group Finder for EV/KP/EC if you're 50-54 seems a bit silly to me. Could you guys make it so that 55s can do it too?


    The Daily Basic Comm reward is pretty tempting.


    If you don't want us to do it because it'd be a cakewalk at 55 or something, maybe let us queue for HM?

  9. Honestly I hope that they do something more with class stories and companions, but the problem is that that is obscenely expensive.


    Haven't done much of Makeb yet, but I do like how it feels much more natural for my class than the other world arcs. The other world arcs were much more obviously designed for any class to play through.


    Although keep in mind, adding as much content as Makeb for class/companions would be 4 times the work, so something the size of Makeb but class specific would probably be $60.


    Honestly if an expansion like that came out, I think a lot of people on here would complain about being nickel and dimed for it.


    Anyway, I think that if they continue to do Makeb-style main story content and maybe do occasional content for certain companions (like 1-2 of the fan favorites per class), that'd be fine with me.



    People on this forum really need to get it through their thick heads that any hope of more class specific stories died the day this game went f2p.


    They laid off almost all of the writers, folks, because people showed that they were too impatient to pay a monthly sub while the dev team did the extremely time consuming task of making new story content. Class stories take a ton of time and lots of money to produce. Then players burn through that content incredibly fast and whine that there's nothing to do. The only feasible way to get any story content at all are planets like Makab, if for nothing else it's just faster and cheaper to put an Imp and Rep storylines together than it is to have eight different class stories, with all of the writing, animation, voice acting, etc...


    Don't like Makeb? Unsub now. Because this is what the future of this game looks like.


    This, basically. If people wanted more 1-50 style content this game needed much more subs than it got, especially since a huge chunk of the budget is the already high expenses of doing an MMO. People really don't get how ludicrously expensive it was to make the 1-50 content. I'm honestly shocked EA was willing to throw that much money into the game.

  10. Your predictions range from things known practically since launch to the absurd(ewok companion).


    Bounty Hunter has a Jawa tank that uses a rocket launcher.


    So uh, an Ewok wouldn't actually be that crazy.


    Although I suspect a multi-class companion like HK-51 would have to be something more significant than an Ewok.

  11. Khem doesn't actually want you to help him, because he values strength above all else, especially in himself.


    What he really likes is if you say you'll stay out of the fight and help neither of them, because it lets him prove his own strength and deal with his problems on his own (and if you don't pick a side, he wins anyway).

  12. I've had Xalek as my tank for a while, but he hasn't been doing that well.


    I'm curious if I just haven't geared him right (since I've just been giving him my hand-me-downs), or if he's not a good tank in general.


    Should I work on making his gear better, or should I gear up Khem instead?

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