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Posts posted by JeroMckechnie

  1. I'm able to solo him as a lvl 38 healing commando with Elara(using every heal and damage reduction trick I have plus med packs), but I must be taking too long. When he get to about 2000 hit points, the mission fails. I finish him off and get some xp, but that stage of the mission resets.


    What a shame that I can survive, but a crap artificial time limit prevents me from completing the quest.

  2. How would you guys distribute crew skills among 4 characters to cover as many crafting skills as possible, assuming you want to make stuff and not just make money?


    EDIT: So far I've come up with a setup that's missing Armstech, do you think this makes any sense?


    Char 1: Scavenging - Armormech - Underworld Trading

    Char 2: Archaeology - Artifice - Treasure Hunting

    Char 3: Bioanalysis - Biochem - Diplomacy

    Char 4: Slicing - Synthweaving - Cybertech


    WRT what was already mentioned about Char 4, I think you should consider which crafting sets to play first to help your alts level a bit easier. Also, there's a sticky topic on which companions are best for which crafting profession as far as bonuses go.


    Keep in mind that my playstyle will be different from yours (I'm a trooper first, smuggler second, jedi third kind of guy). If I had it to do again, I'd go biochem first, then cybertech, then armormech. I'm only mid 30's on my main guy, but that's where I see the most gaps in my alts' (and companioins') gear.


    The giant PITA is fitting slicing in there for pattern collection. I went cybertech, slicing, UT and had to buy all my green materials. I got stuck once higher level materials weren't on the GTN.

  3. I just wanted to say thanks for the little fun conversations here and there in quests and with companions.


    I had a great little conversation with M1-4X in a cantina that just cracked me up.


    I already love M1-4X because his ego is just so huge and he's 150% patriotic like Liberty Prime. So the conversation went a lot like the old spice commercial:



    Look at your droid, now look at me. Look at his power core, now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me. No other droid in the galaxy can be me because of my 'Old Tech' power core. Look, it's two dead imperial scum at my feet that you love to kill. I'm on a speeder.


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