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Posts posted by KennethHoover

  1. She was annoying and I happily killed her. But I can definitely see other players choosing her as a companion, or at least someone they can return to and talk with later on. That would have been fun.


    As it is I even forgot where I buried her charred and bone-shattered corpse. Oh, well. :p

  2. I also would have like to have a lot more freedom at the end of my class story to go off and visit where I wanted (assuming I didn't get killed) or hire who I wanted from other classes. I would have liked that freedom I had "earned" by succeeding at my class story.


    Bioware will never do it, I don't think, but, boy oh boy, that would have been a lot of fun and a RP's dream. :)

  3. Like everything else about the game it's subjective. It looks nice, but I found the mob density obnoxious. Many other people didn't seem to mind it so much, though.


    I finished it with my main but never went back with any of the other alts. That's just my experience, however. :)

  4. Tbh GSHs is just a reskin of ships that you can spend your money on to add aesthetically pleasing items, it's going to be instances most likely and we wont be able to see crap from the outside so I think it'll be just another cash grab like Starfighter


    The way they have monetized so many other aspects of the game I would not be surprised to see this implemented as well.

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