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Posts posted by caesaraugust

  1. Let's all be logical, now.



    Obi-Wan Kenobi stands poised to strike down Vader. Vader leaps and- Obi-Wan misses. Vader's lightsaber fells the Jedi hero. Full of rising anger, he'd return to Padme's skiff. She'd refuse to go along with his insanity, and he'd finish what he started. Padme and the unborn Luke and Leia would dies.


    Several years might pass, but Anakin's ridiculous arrogance would drive him to confront Sidious, who is much stronger, more cunning. Vader would die. Sidious, unchallenged, would reign for the promised 10,000 years. The Rebellion would be ended, and the galaxy would know true order and true peace.

  2. Eh...thats not really good analogy, I mean lions don't go out of their way to hunt down and kill humans. For the most part, if you leave animals alone they will leave you alone. Sand People, attack humans, raid campsites and all that, taking people to do sacrifices and all that noise. I mean one of their rituals actually involves, the youth going out, capturing a creature and fatally torturing it to death the biggest being an actual sentient being.


    Would your GF be pissed that you killed a Lion pride? Sure because they were just minding their own business, with Tuskens however...they do things a Lion pride wouldn't do.


    The Tuskens see humans as interlopers. Illegal immigrants and threats to their way of life. The Tuskens are still sentient beings and do exactly what they do because humans are on Tatooine, when it, by all rights, belongs to the Tuskens. It is their homeworld.

  3. Actually the sith lord that survived was pre the PT era, way back when.




    The original Clone Wars show was just a bunch of over the top action sequences. The characters were portayed so far as being over powered it was ridiclious, am actually surprised that Mundi survived as long as he did against Grevious. More to it, it completely shows a different Grevious to the G-canon one that is seen in EP 3 so his character was being inconsistent in that show. Though I guess you can make up for that, being when Windu crushed his chest it imparied his movement and fighting ability.


    Can agree on him fighting Maul as being a dumb move, but were not talking about that were talking about Maul coming back. Which again, its explained by that rule "no dead body, the character can still be alive." Whoever came up with said rule is ridiclious.


    Eh? I have seen Anakin as a good jedi in the show, as far as him killing the Sand People tribe Sand People as far as everyone knows aren't human. They are mindless and savage beings, preying on settlers and teaching their kids to become killers....theres nothing remotely good with them doesn't matter that there were woman and childern they weren't human, they are monsters that can walk on two legs and use blasters.


    But anyway, I think were getting a little off topic here with this thread. Even if the video has been taken down.


    About the Sand People....still. If you went and butchered a pride of lions, and then came back and ranted how you slaughtered the king, the huntresses and the cubs...I doubt your girlfriend or prospective romantic interest would be thrilled...

  4. 1. True. Societies change over time, but the Mandalorian society has always been a war-mongering society. Old habits die hard. I'd like to see what exactly happened to make the Mandalorians pacifists.


    2. Bringing Maul back was the worst idea ever. Not the worst, but pretty bad. It made Qui-Gon's death pretty meaningless as well as Obi-Wan's victory in the subsequent duel.


    "I killed him Master!"

    "Yeah? Well too bad! He's coming back in a few years. I'm just gonna die now."


    3. She comes off as kind of a brat early on. She may have matured, but she's taken on too many of Anakin's traits to become a proper Jedi.


    4. Don't see the problem with Anakin whining. He's always been a whiner.


    5. Yes, Grievous was portrayed as a coward. But then the writers of the EU books expanded on his history. They turned him into a warlord. What I don't like about the TCW depiction of Grievous is that they always have him lose fights that he could win.


    6. Agreed. I like the show for the most part, but it messes with a lot of established canon. But since it is second on the canon list, they are entitled to do so.


    Ahhh, someone with a voice of reason and knowledge of what is quality.


    Mandalorians were not a society. They were a guild, a club, broken up, scattered. Mandalore was NEVER the site of heavy nuclear warfare. It was farmland, and the Mandalorians were family-loving guns for hire. What would compel them, suddenly and without reason, to band together as a bunch of spineless pacifists under some woman who just comes up from the shadows? NOTHING. It makes 0.000000 sense. None. Whatsoever.


    I don't know which Sith Lord survived with his head cut off (although I'll bet he was Post-EP VI), but Maul's dead, bro. Dead. Gone. Over. Done with. He wasn't a good character. Wasn't an interesting character. Not cool, not bad-***, nothing. He should have never been in the movies, and despite what some obscure comic book says, he should never be in The Clone Wars. Otherwise, wouldn't every other piece of established lore have mentioned his existence? The Jedi never even knew his name. Ever. Read Revenge of the Sith, it states so. Read Darth Plagueis, it states so.


    Ahsoka's annoying, obnoxious, and just doesn't fit in. I'm hoping she dies and we're done with her.


    Eeth Koth was on a Republic gunship that blew up with Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Kit Fisto watching. It was established he was dead. There's Agen Kolar- why did they even need or want to resurrect Koth? He was a nothing, a throw-away character. Dumb decision.


    Grievous...he NEEDS to be cold, calculating, ominous. Not a snarling, almost comedic idiot. The original (and in my opinion, the ONLY) Clone Wars series did him perfectly. He's absolutely, undeniably perfect. But it's a mark of this generation- no one seems to get that saying less says so much more. Instead we need to watch Grievous wave around his glowing phalluses every time we see him, as if the writers think we're too stupid to understand what he's really supposed to be.


    Darth Sidious would have never fought Darth Maul like he's about to. Wanna know why? That's not how the Sith WORK! They've NEVER worked like that. Sidious NEVER really considered Maul his apprentice, or his heir, or the one who would carry on the Sith Imperative. It's cannon that Plagueis and Sidious intended to live- and consequently- rule together. Maul had one, singular purpose: to reveal the Sith. He did his job. Now let that loser be dead.


    Anakin is possibly the worst character I've ever seen. He was supposed to be a hell of a guy. A good friend, a cunning warrior, an expert pilot, a great Jedi. The Anakin we know is a loudmouthed, whining, complaining, rude, arrogant, ignorant piece of stupid that I'd like to strangle. There's nothing about him that would compel Padme to fall in love with him- especially when he tells her he slaughtered an entire village of women and children, and all she says is, "To be angry is to be human."

    I wish my girlfriend would let me get away with genocide, but she wouldn't. We're real people. Not stiff, wooden, poorly written fantasies dreamed up by a man with too much power and no idea how to put a coherent story together. And it looks like Dave Filoni has inherited these traits. History repeats itself.

  5. I fail to see how TCW show is destroying Star Wars.


    Really? REALLY?


    Where do I even begin?


    Let's start with the pacification of the Mandalorians. Mandalorians would have never converted to pacifism, mostly because they're nomadic farmers, not a society. They're not ruled by a dutchess, a queen, an archduke, a count, a countess, a marquis, a king, an emperor, an empress- they're ruled by a Mand'alor.


    Asajj Ventress- well, WELL established she is of Rattataki descent, but suddenly, just to tickle his own fancy, Dave Filoni converts her to a Dathomiri Nightsister, thus nullifying established cannon.


    How about General Grievous? He was always supposed to be a cold, calculating villain, not the screaming, whining, impotent moron he is in The Clone Wars.


    Adi Gallia and Eeth Koth were ESTABLISHED as DEAD. Yet the Clone Wars has them running hither and thither for no reason what so ever.


    Darth Maul- this totally galls me. NO ONE, no matter how 'strong in the Force' (and Darth Maul wasn't. It's established he was NOTHING but a TOOL) would survive being cut in half and then falling hundreds of meters. He's D-E-A-D. He's not even a good character. He's a rambling, pathetic stereotype of how people think Sith ought to be. Not the covert, secretive, manipulative Sith, but some snarling, unimpressive imbecile.


    Anakin's constant whining, his 'I'm awesome' attitude (well, he was like that in the movie, too)


    Darth Sidious fighting Darth Maul. No, no, no, no. Stupid, idiotic, and just plain fruity. Darth Sidious was the pennicle of the Dark Lords of the Sith. He doesn't run around the galaxy killing people- in fact, it's he who says the future of the Sith will hinge on political cunning, not brute aggression.


    Jar Jar Binks. Enough stated.


    Ahsoka Tano- a whiny, two-bit brat who makes no sense and doesn't fit into the Star Wars continuity one bit.



    All in all: The total ignorance of established lore, good novels, comics and so on that have been overturned. The resurrection of Darth Maul (just one stupid choice in a long line of them), Grievous's failure as a character, the blocky, failed lightsaber fighting, the pacifistic Mandalorians, the plots that don't make sense, Jar Jar.


    And don't tell me The Clone Wars is for children. When was the last time a kid was interested in watching the Senate debate deregulation of the banks? And this much violence? Obviously this is meant to be for both kids and adults, and that is why, like the prequels, it fails. Fails hard- but it doesn't just fail on its own. It drags other established cannon down with it. George Lucas must be sniffing something good to lavish this many millions of dollars on Dave Filoni's failure.


    Rest in Peace, Star Wars. We hardly knew ye.

  6. I'm a member of the 501st and I know a few guys that have good masks of those species.


    you'll have to hit up some of the makers on the Bounty Hunter Guild,You'll probably have to make a new account though.


    the Bith mask I can find out for you though,I'll send a message out to a friend of mine who has one.


    That'd be awesome

  7. Good morning all.

    My paramour and I have decided to take up Star Wars cosplay and costuming. We've devised an assorted number of characters, but here comes the hard part: masks


    I got the "Plo Koon Deluxe Adult Mask", which is a fancy way of saying shoddy, crappy, flimsy mask that doesn't properly fit a human head. I've seen the latex Rodian and Kit Fisto masks, and I know they're of pitiful quality. Does anyone know where to get any cool, dare I say, 'hard' masks, not flimsy, in these species at least:


    Kel Dor




    If anyone has any information, it is more appreciated than you could imagine

  8. If grey jedi had a code, would it go something like this?


    There is forever conflict

    Between peace and passion


    All are ignorant of their opposite

    For knowledge is strength


    Knowledge is a conduit

    For serenity and power


    Serene power is the key

    For victory over conflict


    Only through harmony

    There is peace


    To protect harmony

    The Force is your sword and shield.


    There is no grey Jedi. Jedi in and of itself is a Force-using organization of light. Anything not falling within the Jedi Order's dogma is not considered Jedi, they're considered rogue Force-users, which were outlawed by the Convention of Civilized Systems along with the Sith. Just like there's no such thing as a 'dark' Jedi. There are only Jedi and Sith, everything not falling into either category is simply a person with the Force, possibly in possession (however illegally) of a lightsaber or any other variation of the high-energy particle weapon.

  9. Riddle me this: What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?


    Philosophy is out the window here. We're talking concrete law. Revan violated it over and over, leading to the subsequent deaths of millions of innocent beings the galaxy over. His small amount of redemption (if there is even any) is immaterial.

  10. Also revan had no choice but to attack the republic. Vitiate was messing with revan and malaks minds making them do as he wished. At the time there was no way to overcome it.


    I don't think any court of law would buy that. His weak willpower is his own fault, so his actions belong to him.

  11. I mean, I'm not against it or totally for it.


    But seeing SW on the big screen whether the movie is good or not, always makes me happy... but thats just me.


    If it were in the right hands, and I'm no longer convinced Lucas's hands are the right ones. It's my opinion...I like that Star Wars is expanding in television, what with The Clone Wars, Star Wars Detours and the upcoming Star Wars: Underworld. I would just be extremely nervous if they decided to make another big-screen film.

  12. He isn't a hero. Maybe for leading the Republic against the Mandalorians, but he should have been executed for attacking the Republic only a few years later.


    Even that was a crime. He violated the Jedi Order's stance on the matter. No one at all knows what Mand'alor the Ultimate would have done had he even got close to Coruscant. Revan, again, is just a mindless Maul, running into combat without any thought. Completely anti-Jedi, and too irrational to be true Sith.

  13. In my lifetime or most of the people on here over 10 years old...


    Despite everyone saying Wikipedia is not true facts, but they are pretty true to the factual stuff versus the controversial topics.






    Here is the full law




    But seriously, so does this mean, according to recent GL Interviews, that we probably wont see anymore SW movies for a very long time?


    For the love of every existing god, no more movies!!! Especially NO movies after Return of the Jedi. Just let the saga be the special thing it is. Sure, plenty of television shows, that'd be excellent, and lots of comics and novels, too...just leave the movies what they are.

  14. I'm sure his destroying the Star Forge bit made up for his atrocious acts during the past two wars. Revan should have been executed or his tie to the Force cut by Meetra Surik. He may have destrpyed the Star Forge, but that does not make up for costing countless lives.


    Millions upon millions of lives, as history tells us. Sure, he cleaned up his own mess- he found the Star Forge, which had been lost for millennia, and he killed Malak...who he trained. He should have been publicly executed...he's not a hero.

  15. His death was very sad...



    It showed just how unexpected and sudden the execution of Order 66 really was...


    Thats why so many Jedi died, they worked alongside these guys for years and all of a sudden they turned on them out of nowhere.


    Its like having a dog you love and cuddled with for years and out of no where bites your leg off..


    ...the Jedi willingly worked with an army of slave soldiers who'd came out of no where...without explanation...paid for by an unknown party (really Darth Plagueis)...ordered by a Jedi who'd been dead for a decade...unauthorized by the Council...created just in time for a civil war...


    If they didn't expect that kind of betrayal, the Jedi deserved everything they got. If Sidious hadn't pulled his stunt, the Jedi would have collapsed underneath the weight of their own stupidity.

  16. Okay, there's a lot of hype over Revan. Allow me to offer common sense where it seems to be sorely lacking:


    Revan was a Jedi who thought with his lightsaber first, and brain second. He circumvented the Jedi High Council and caused a rift in the Order to oppose the Mandalorians infringing on Republic space (making him an unauthorized vigilante). He persuaded a large group of young, impressionable Jedi to follow him into war (making him a disturber of the peace). Though victorious, he became bloodlustful, and stumbled into Unknown Space, wherein he met Emperor Vitiate in hiding. Revan, being the weak-willed imbecile that he is, is so seduced by the dark side he becomes Darth Revan and kicks off the Jedi Civil War (Sith having been outlawed under the Convention of Civilized Systems, that made him an enemy of the state). He returned to the Republic with his apprentice, Malak, and they brought horrific onslaught upon the galaxy they'd just saved (mass murder). He cut off Malak's jaw, and was utterly taken by surprise when an elite Jedi strike team boarded his cruiser. Malak, being slightly more intelligent than Revan (though not much) took this opportunity and blasted his master.


    Revan (being outwitted. Easily outwitted) was incapacitated and apprehended by Bastila Shan, who took him to the Jedi Council (making her a criminal, considering he should have been placed in a federal prison). They wiped his memory (showing his further lack of willpower) and remade him into a Jedi. He went on to slay Malak. At this point, Revan's crimes- vigilantism, genocide, and acts againt humanity- was hailed as a hero...for cleaning up a mess he made...


    Then he married Bastila. Heresy against the Jedi Order. His memories returned, and eventually he went to hunt down Vitiate. He allied himself with a Sith Lord named Scourge, and was totally caught off guard when Scourge betrayed him (one count of stupidity). The Emperor and Scourge incapacitated Revan and held him prisoner for three centuries.


    So this is Revan. Failed Jedi, failed Sith. Over, and over, and over. A mindless murderer, to be sure, equating to nothing more than the Maul of his time. Why wasn't he arrested? I'm sorry...but the millions of Republic citizens who'd suffered at his hands would NOT have allowed the Senate NOT to have this monster imprisoned for life, if not executed for crimes against civilization.


    Anyone care to explain what makes him vaguely cool?

  17. Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?



    Mine is simple!

    1. Transfers to other servers

    2. Class change. For example, I am a Juggernaut and I wish I were a marauder. Boom, now I am. Oh and the training and re-gearing cost is on my shoulders since I chose to change the class

    3. Character modifications….appearance, armor coloring, etc.


    What are your top 3?



    Much, much, much, much better character customization.

    Many, many, many, many more playable species.

    The ability to use whatever color lightsaber I want despite my "Force level"

  18. I can't help but wonder why so many complexions look like you got a really deep tan while wearing HUGE sunglasses.


    Anyone got any ideas how this got to be a good idea?


    The tan line is from wearing wide, military grade goggles, not sunglasses. Almost like a pair of welder's goggles, or diving equipment.

  19. I'd also like to know where the OP saw Aikido in ESB.


    True. I just rewatched it for this purpose. The moves I noticed that were inherently Aikido were several times when both Luke and Vader spin. Using spins to add power to attacks is not fencing whatsoever, which relies on balance and precision. Though, as I watched, I wondered if Aikido was really in mind when it was being coordinated, because they were rather sloppy spins- and they were entirely pointless because powerful strikes are not needed to cause damage with a lightsaber. Perhaps I overplayed my hand in thinking Aikido was incorporated.


    You seem as if you know a thing or two about the art, Hulegu_Fett. What was your take on it?

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