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Posts posted by Tiberiosity

  1. NO.

    After that, NOOOO.


    Followed by, Why the heck would you do something that stupid?


    Do please stop trying to dumb down the game. Right now SWTOR is the game by which I measure ALL OTHER MMOs, the last thing it needs is a complete reworking of a stat system that already works just fine, and has worked just fine for decades of computer games, console games, and tabletop RPGs.


    These changes are silly, and at the risk of sounding like an angry internet troll, let me re-iterate one more time:


    HELL NO.:mad:

  2. Aye, there's even video evidence of this on WhyCalibur's playthrough of Maelstrom Prison (

    ). They begin the encounter at 10:30 and by 13:00 minutes he's already enraged.


    Last year when I stopped playing (Have started again) Maelstrom was a sneeze even on hard mode as long as you met the basic requirements for stats and used your brain.


    Now I don't even see how it's possible to beat him, since He's already enraged in less than 3 minutes, unless you're supposed to now ignore the adds or some such BS.

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