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Posts posted by Deceive

  1. Given your character is dark side, should one be able to steal items? You would kill story characters, and rob people blind. You would also rob a player from their chest if you were dark.


    Edit: yes this assumes the player is RPing on an RP server..

    Edit 2: I did not do this, nor do I plan on doing this. I am a victim of an RP Ninja, and was curious how legitimate this is on RP server, this being my first RP server.


    It's totally legitimate.

  2. 4) Excellent art and animations.



    I agree with almost everything on this list, except for this.^


    Have you created a character yet? If so, you went through character creation. That was...fun for you? This game has one of the worst character creation systems I've ever seen.



    Really though, other than that, the presentation is pretty awesome. I love the fact that having the companions actually makes you feel important. They've done a good job on a lot of things, but the character creation team was just terrible.

  3. ...


    I imagine that is probably why Bioware doesn't have an option for AA in the game... since it causes the game to stop working when you try to force it in the ini.


    What's wrong with using catalyst?


    Well my rule is working with the game code, not against it. I'd just rather have it in the ini. I'm not sure if it makes a difference.

  4. I have a 6870. When I try to go through the ini and add AntiAliasingLevel = 8, the game doesn't start up. I know I can force AA through the Catalyst, but I'd rather do it through the game settings if possible.


    Anyone have a solution for this? Or anyone find out why this crashes the game?

  5. I think there should be a little area on the server selection screen that has news for the players. For instance, last night, people were waiting in the queue for a while. When they finally get in, they find out that the servers are going down in 10 minutes.


    It would have helped them to see this information while they were in the queue instead of waiting all that time just to be disappointed like that. I understand that this information is available on the forums, but once someone has the game up, it's unlikely they'll check the forums.

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