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Posts posted by Ladido

  1. I agree, im the only Armstech in my guild with over 100 players. The only good thing i can do is to craft augments. I had supplied everyone (active) with augmented weapons long before 1.3.


    The only thing i can do to become a tiny bit more useful is to RE the campaign barrels for a 20% chanse in the schematic, that is if they let me... I can craft the Campaign gun wich i REd since the barrel was the only thing i needed in the gun. And it requires mats for like 1.5mill and comes without mod, enhancment and barrel.

  2. The fact of the matter is it seems that what causes these ridiculous load times is unknown...and not at all related to the quality of one's computer. I know people who have cutting edge systems and still have long loading screens...yet some people with older systems seem to have no problems at all.


    The fact of the matter is that a lot of people don't know anything, or think they know everything but they don't, about software / hardware and how to set it up.

  3. Think its a bug, you will always see high res textures, unless someone / something is in between the camera and object. As you can see in your picture, your character is in high res, but not the character infront of you beacuse you are between the camera and him
  4. Hello, i just wonder if there is a Crit + Power enhancment? And i wonder why on earth i have like 8 different enhancments i can craft that all got the same stats like Discipline Enhancment 22 and Efficient Enhancment 22 (22 endurance, 10 power, 28 surge rating on both)
  5. So, these do not show up in the crafting window. It say that you have 0 wich have already been mentioned here. But I'de also like to warn you guys that if you start to craft an item that requires these and then cancel the craft, you might lose them, atleast i did. I started to craft the Truthseeker lightsaber today to check if it worked. This lightsaber requires 3 Biometric Crystal Alloy and when i aborted the craft i lost them all...
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