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Posts posted by Averji

  1. Makes me sick how Marauders/Sentinals can come out and say they are OP without any hesitation...


    before 1.2 went live everyone said "omg reroll mara/sent"..


    Bioware.. what in the name of god are you doing..?




    our damage is high yes, but thats it. going carnage for the extra beast damage we lose all survivability and without a single heal or knockback its hard to stay alive without a healer.


    maybe tone our damage down yeah but once they do that, we have nothing left. if they nerf carnages damage than carnage becomes useless just like it was pre 1.2

  2. I'm a marauder. I agree we hit for alot right now, we were perfect pre 1.2 with annihilation. But if we are going to nerf marauders than look into assassins. A hybrid tank/dps assassin is pretty *********** hard to beat, and do more damage than any class ive ever seen and an assassin who knows what hes doing will completely **** on a marauder.
  3. Forum lurkers stay away, I don't care that you don't agree with me because you are on a forum instead of playing the game you defend, because there is nothing to do on this game.


    Servers are dead, story is awesome but only in leveling, PvP is 4 warzones over and over and over, PvE is the same exact as world of warcraft or any MMO thats ever been out.


    I was looking forward to world pvp but Ilum didnt work out , and now is completely dead.


    Guild wars 2 , tera, secret world, all look like ****. I dont want to find a new MMO, i love star wars. But just like pre-launch, we are left in the dark. Without a time line on rated warzones, what new forms of end game are coming if any, basically is there any reason to play right now? Ive done thousands of warzone matches, did the first 2 raids and realized its nothing new, and rated warzones were delayed so i cant even do the same 4 warzones with a little competition.


    My servers quitting, the only good pvp guilds left, now its usually just me and my group steamrolling whoever we play. I quit once, im ready to quit again. I dont want to. I love bioware and I love star wars, but you know that huge "wall of crazy" that was talked about before launch? How bout you release what ideas you are workin on, give us some sort of hope for this game, rather than a new raid and warzone added once in a while.


    I dont want another world of warcraft.

  4. skill of in game economics maybe? lmao. Knowing how to use your crew skills efficiently, using the AH, etc to maximize profits and get millions of credits? Knowing that stuff is SKILL.


    thats not skill. that requires no skill. thats just you paying attention to the AH. That has nothing to do with skill. Nothing. I make 100-150k easily by selling archeology stuff on the GTN every day, but thats not enough when an AUGMENT costs 300k, and the actual piece you put the augment in costs a little less than double that. If they would have left warzone credits the same Id be fine, but you only get 5k per warzone which i thought 10+k was fine.

  5. skilled players all have millions of credits. Why? Cuz we're skilled. Don't blame bioware for your inability to get creds. Take's me a day max to get a million credits, and that's BARELY trying.


    how the heck does skill have anything to do with credits? LMAO

  6. I can't decide between annihilation and rage, guess i'm not seeing what makes carnage so hot in 1.2 other than movement speed.


    they changed carnage's stance to deal weapon damage instead of force damage not sure how big of a chance this was though

  7. If you need someone to to tell you what spec to play, perhaps you should reconsider the class. Play what you like even if it goes against the grain of what the bulk of players are doing. Try each spec to see what you feel comfortable with.


    reconsider the class? dude a patch came out today and im trying to find out the best spec lol

  8. So if they know about it why are you letting US know AGAIN. There are 47 other threads just like this you could have posted in.


    i would like u to hit battlemaster, and enjoy grinding for this gear evry single day, always doing your dailys, and only getting 3 bm badges out of 48 bags. im sure you'd make your own post too brah.

  9. I don't see what's broken here.

    Just something you don't like.


    ive done my daily every day for 3 weeks, 21 days. 48 bags. 48 bags and ive gotten 3 badges.


    they already said they are aware of this issue, and thats all they have said.

  10. 3 weeks 3 bm commedations i am a war hero who isnt even in full BM gear. I dont valor grind on ilum so i had alot of time between ranks to get gear. This game is broken.
  11. never any republic anymore. been doing the daily by collecting armaments with the other sith just circling central. ilum is a waste and a fail.



    also fix BM bag drops. I am a war hero who isnt in full BM gear because I got 3 badges in almost 3 weeks

  12. I have played:


    World of Warcraft (had lvl 70 Mage, when 70 was the lvl cap)

    Lord of the Rings Online (2x Lvl 75s at cap, main top geared, several other alts)

    Star Wars Galaxies (played almost a year)

    Star Trek Online (one character at Lvl Max)


    DC Universe Online


    And I can truely say that SWTOR has as much if not more endgame than any of those.


    Daily Quests on Ilum - not end game

    Daily Quests on Belsavis - not end game

    Operations - bugged as ****

    Flashpoints - end game

    Space Combat - lol space combat

    Datacrons - this isnt end game but whatever

    Companions affection and storeline - not end game

    Crafting - not end game

    Ilum PvP - 5fps end game world pvp

    other world PvP (Tatoonine) - nobody goes here

    Warzones - 3 warzones.

    Social lvl - lol social lvl because this matters

    Valour lvl - sit in ilum and spam your buff and be a war hero


    Are you people kidding me? No endgame.:eek: - this game has flashpoints, 3 warzones, 2 operations. The operations bug 50% of the time, flashpoints are boring and unoriginal, ilum lags too much to have fun, 3 warzones get boring after a while.



    This game has terrrrible end game

  13. Responses in bold blue.


    Annihilation dots dont count as a heal. They do not heal you for nearly enough. We are are talking about a heal ability, not dot heals lol that **** sucks.



    Force charge doesnt count as a stun, its a charge. The stun doesnt even last long enough to get a move off, force choke is force choke, u cant count that as a stun, and 50% movement reduction for a few seconds isnt a stun.



    So we still dont have stun, or heal. If you think a channeled crappy damage ability/our charge is a CC you are crazy.

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