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Posts posted by lazybynature

  1. some ppl resist my attacks (in pvp), can i do something about it ?


    i've played healer a bit in pvp, and without a tank guarding me i die really fast, when focused. so i played a bit with skill calc and got this build 27/12/2. any thoughts on it ?


    About resists, they happen to me too at times, allthough technically it shouldn't happen. Ofcourse if you're talking about the shadow ability which grants 100% immunity to force/tech damage, my suggestion is to either run during that time or use it to get a quick heal off. I'll always mock these idiot players who try to dps a shadow down during that cd -_-


    Hmm about your build, it's actually quite interesting -_- The only problem is that your weaken mind focused spells are directly counterproductive to your foce wake, and you're giving up salvation to do it. But... If you play it smart, I can see this working in pvp, why not. You'll be really hard to kill, that's for sure.


    Hmm, i get resists when dots thick, or sometimes a spell. If i have 3 dots on a player, and they all thick, sometimes a thick is resisted.


    Well, first of all i had to put points on skills that boost weaken mind because i had to get to the next tier, and there were no other skills that could help me.

    Second of all, i use weaken mind on melee only if there is just one on me.

    Third, i use weaken mind on all ranged classes so i can get the medal for 10/25 kills.




    Now, a new question for you.


    In a few days i will be to able to buy/change the gear and mods that i need for end game. (i focus only on pvp)


    The questions is how should my stats look ? for seer and full balance spec.

    How much crit, how much surge, how much power should i have ?

  2. some ppl resist my attacks (in pvp), can i do something about it ?


    i've played healer a bit in pvp, and without a tank guarding me i die really fast, when focused. so i played a bit with skill calc and got this build 27/12/2. any thoughts on it ?

  3. thank you for your answer.


    and thank you BW for no cooldown on Weaken Mind and 15 sec dot.


    friend : dude, don't die, they will plant

    me : calm the f... down, i got this, i got dots on all of them

    friend : you got dots on all 5 ?

    me : trollface

  4. 1. Does Assertion increases the overall dmg of Mind Crush ? or just spreads the base dmg on a longer duration ?


    2. For PVP, i have to choose between Assertion or Mind Ward, any advice ?


    i'm using this build for PVP.

    anyone else noticed how much faster we burn our force in balance, compared to seer or hybrid ?

  5. Hello BW and others on forum.


    Well BW, you made a great game and i really hope you keep up the good work.


    I know you guys don't have much MMO experience, but let's be serious about it.

    If you would have put 2 guys to make a bit of research on others MMO out there you will not have failed at some simple things that would have made the player experience with SWTOR much more enjoyable.


    1. Give players the option to vote kick afk players in war warzone.

    2. Penalty for leaving a warzone before it ends.

    3. Cross servers warzones.


    Those 3 things are a must on every MMO, and they should have it implemented the day they've launched.



    Now, let's talk about the things you've missed, or didn't consider they will help players.


    1. In Voidstar, when players connect as defender, they spend ~30s in the air till they get to the point where they could join the fight. This is absurd. When a player joins as defender he should be teleported to the place hi's teammates spawn.


    2. Voidstar and Alderaan Civil War. Minimap is our enemy. Please make the player icon on minimap to be over door/turret icon, so we can see better how many teammates are near that area.


    3. In warzones, let OPS leader to add lieutenants, or even pass leader to someone else. (don't forget to block the option to kick someone from ops)


    The thing that i've suggested are not like "fix this class skill", "fix ilum", "give this class more survability" and the changes will affect everyone in a good way.


    Please consider those changes.


    Thank you.


    -- EDIT --


    4. Next target should target players/mobs in a 90 degrees angle in front of player (if there are any), not random around him.

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