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Posts posted by Valmier

  1. ...I think it's because they cloned WoW TOO well...just feels like the same game I played 3 years ago 80% of the time.


    Right, feels very much like WOW in space...but WOW world pvp used to be (before introducing flying mounts everywhere) overall better

  2. So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


    This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


    We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




    Good job! I'm from the Empire and I would appreciate Republic trying some more of that on my server.

    This is real world PVP. I quite do not understand those people saying you wasted your time because there was no reward...guess what they really enjoy is just gear grinding while they play a Warzone hundreds times again.

  3. ..When will an open World bounty be available. I'm not talking about Ilum. But one that counts and reward player kills throughout the planets. Hunting is so much fun...:D


    Would surely be a good idea! Hunting (and getting hunted in the while) is one of the best world PVP experiences. Just some tracking of player kills (of same or superior level of course) and a weekly server stat would be nice.

  4. The biggest thing I think that would help PvP, and should be fairly easy to implement (?), would be to take the city flipping of SWG and put it here, and then have like a World PvP panel in the codex or Mission Log that tells players all over the server who owns what cities, to make it competitive. When you see you're losing the WAR (this is Star Wars after all) because you own less cities, you're going to want to go take some cities. And the faction that owns the most cities gets XP buffs for all players that are currently leveling alts or newbies, as well as buffs to Damage/Healing/Mitigation.


    How sweet would it be if you felt like you were actually fighting for something?




    Absolutely agree, this would be far more rewarding and interesting than the usual eternal gear grind that drives PVP in several games (like WOW).

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