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Posts posted by Ozbaab

  1. I haven't completed many flashpoints (I cannot be arsed to spend 30-45 mins yelling in general), perhaps only 4 or 5, but I got majorly disappointed because none of them had as much conversation as Black Talon had.. They were all just "good" ol' dungeon running which actually makes me sleepy.


    Please tell me that the other ones that I haven't done are NOT the same.

  2. Hey all, I am here to apologize again... the good news is we have a draft of our response (you might be able to guess it's not a sentence or two) but I am circulating it internally to ensure my technical details are correct.


    To give you an insight into our process here... as the Community team does with most big replies, I tracked down a variety of people on our client and art teams to get the facts on how the game works before putting the post together. As I'm representing those teams publicly, I want to ensure they're happy with what I'm saying on their behalf before I post it. They're busy people, so I'm just waiting on their sign-off right now.


    I appreciate your patience and assuming we have sign-off this evening, you'll get our response tomorrow. If not, I accept the incoming rotten eggs. :)


    Thanks for your reply!

  3. I agree it's a bit ridiculous asking for a service which changes appearance on my character when there is so many other things that needs fixing.


    But, just wondering, has there been any official word about this?


    What would I want to redo on my characters? My hair and my skin tone. As of right now if I choose to show Dark Side Corruption, I am pink. That's not very evil now is it..

  4. For the 2 people who are supporing the OP complaining I quoted this. It pointless to be complaining and asking for things within a few days of the game being launched. There is no game company out there than can make changes that fast. You don't think they have ideas for what to do with this? It seems like some less than well adjusted adults expect everything to be in game and be in its final form withing the first 2 weeks. Well guess what? Its not going to happen in this game or any game. How many years it took WOW to have achievements, heirlooms e.t.c. You need to be an adult and realize no game will have everyting right out the door. Your post is just one of the countless complaining posts from the people who were spoiled rotten by their parents and want everything NOW.


    I also know they complainers love to report any posts that disagree with them to the moderators.


    He was making a suggestion and said politely that it would be nice TO HAVE. He didnt say anywhere OMG WHERE IZ ACHIEZ?!


    Get lost please.

  5. I personally love achievements and would dance and scream out of happiness if they introduced a well made system for that!

    An option for for players to hide their achievement I think would be very much appreciated as well, some ppl actually wants privacy.

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