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Posts posted by looneybinjim

  1. Any content you do will give you loot based off of your current I rating. Some of that loot will be a couple of i levels above what youre wearing. Equip it. As you get more upgrades, the i lvl of the gear that drops for you will go up, until you reach 306, where you can chase specific armouring, mod and enhancement upgrades.


    As has been mentioned, spamming hammer station FPs is the quickest way to do the above. Actually taking part in war zones isn’t so good.

  2. Hey guys, I’ve recently came back and got my scoundrel to max level. I’ve got his i lvl to 305 and pushing for 306.


    I need to start considering end game gear, but I can’t seem to find a decent up to date guide. I’d like Info on stat weights, and which armouring mods and enhancements for each gear slot. Is there anything like that around?




  3. Run oricon and use the basic comms you get from that to buy mods from the makeb vendor. It bolsters much better than anything PvE'ers are likely wearing.


    or even better. just flat out buy a set of oricon 162's for basic comms.

  4. so ive just finished levelling my artificer to 500 and ive noticed that to create the advanced colour crystals you need:


    20 blue mats

    90 green mats (30 of each different colour crystal)

    10 purple mats


    my question is - does this huge amount of materials give just one crystal or does it have a yield?



  5. What I'm saying is: I sell my items at X price, someone buys my items at X price and lists them at <X price. I rebuy my item at <X price and resell again at X price. It's actually the opposite of what you just highlighted and makes no logical sense.


    P.S. I know it's my item because it has my name on it.


    im sorry but do people actually do this? buying and then selling at a lower price makes absolutely no sense.

  6. Yeah 2 weeks I wrote was equivalent to what you say for a normal user


    your right though, 48 hours of play time


    SOR alone can be fully completed in 8-16 hours

    Makeb is even faster with the 200% orbital buff bonus for exploration


    Said it before and say it again, anyone that has trouble leveling in this game should probably pack up and move on from MMORPGs in general as SW:TOR has redefined the meaning of easy mode play and ultra fast leveling.


    I do not expect ANY TITLE to ever be this simple again in the AAA MMORPG subscriber genre


    While this game is easy to level in , it's certainly not the easiest game to level in. Everquest 2 for instance, with he right set up you can have a character maxed within a few hours ( and that game has 100 levels and 320 aa levels ( if I remember correctly, I'm sure there are other games out there equally easy to level up in.

  7. Legacy exp upgrades. Inventory and cargo hold unlocks, crew skills , especially some gathering skills which can be used to make more credits (slicing is a good one for straight up credits, especially if you farm them yourself rather than send your crew members)


    You don't need to buy any gear because you can get it all with basic comms ( try doing a few kdy dailies and you'll soon have comms coming out of your ears.)

  8. Change your strategy. Do kdy, space missions, gsf and pvp dailies and weeklies, you'll over level the content so quickly that the lack of gear will be made up for by being 5 or 6 levels ahead of the curve, also all you need to do is the class quests, there's no need for side quests. Once you get to 47 head to makeb, you don't need gear there, once past makeb you gear up anyway so after that it's moot.
  9. Kdy flash point, pvp dailies/ weeklies, gsf dailies/weeklies, space mission dailies. None of these require any gear ( though you may need to grab some stuff from the ship vendor for the space missions) You can quite easily level a toon by doing this each day. I suggest you do this along with class quests till you get to 47, once there head straight to makeb ( makeb bolsters you so you don't need gear) once 55 do the shadow of revan prelude, this will gear you up quick for the run to 60. (Oricon, rishi, yavin 4)


    Ps, the kdy daily gives you 20 basic comms, so by the time you get to 60 you will have enough comms to buy a load of basic gear. You can pick up the pvp and gsf dailies from the Dropbox in the combat training section of fleet. The space missions you get from the Dropbox on your ship.


    Pps I also strongly advise you max out the legacy exp boosts for those things ASAP

  10. So, there's a double exp weekend coming up and I'm planning on getting my Jedi shadow from level 43 to as high as I can be bothered to.


    I plan to do the space mission, gsf and pvp dailies each day as per usual because they give a good amount of exp, and then I'll probably follow the quest lines, but are there any other tips and tricks etc I can use to maximise my time?


    I have all the relevant exp bonus legacy perks etc and I also have a bunch of exp pots to burn.

  11. I think you guys are missing the point. There no need whatsoever for actual new armour sets, they can use the same system that bolster uses but change how it works, quite simply. If you are wearing pve gear in a particular slot, the game notices this and sets you a specific value of stats ( that is the same across the board for your spec/class) and this could be considered tier one pvp or some such, tier two would be exhumed, tier three is dark reaver (bolster would not effect the stats on these pieces) all mids would be tier one and have level 59 comparable stats.
  12. I think you guys are missing the point. There no need whatsoever for actual new armour sets, they can use the same system that bolster uses but change how it works, quite simply. If you are wearing pve gear in a particular slot, the game notices this and sets you a specific value of stats ( that is the same across the board for your spec/class) and this could be considered tier one pvp or some such, tier two would be exhumed, tier three is dark reaver (bolster would not effect the stats on these pieces) all mids would be tier one and have level 59 comparable stats.
  13. Pretty sure if they did this people would abuse it for quick warzone comms gain. Can you imagine how many comms you could farm with a huge war in yavin for instance? It would be ilum in vanilla all over again. Though I've gotta be honest, I loved ilum in vanilla lol. Horrendous lag not included lol
  14. This is an astoundingly simple yet elegant idea. Every class would have a set basis for gear, just make everyone the same, the only differences being between the class roles - tanks for instance would have more hp. But everyone would be max expertise and have a level footing. It would also help with the discrepancies in mids, though of course you would still have the differences in abilities, but this would certainly do a lot to even the playing field.
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