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Posts posted by Kyllum

  1. After a week of wait and no information, I'm now forced to leave a-not-so-dead server (Darth Sion) to join a lagfest with login waits (DPB), which will only get worse once 1.3 is released and many users will return.


    srry to say but 1.3 wont have the effect that 1.2 had in bringing ppl back in hoards, ppl have learned...

  2. i quit cause

    1 pvp is a joke

    2 pve is a complete joke...

    3 crafting system sucks

    4 most servers are all dead

    5 1.2


    patch 1.2 biggest patch disappointment ever imo complete joke all in itself, got tired of bioware STEALING MONEY from ppl ya i said steal cause this game is a complete joke for what i payed for, should get a full refund for this terrible game, thankfully i was wise and preordered guild wars 2 and participated in the beta and i can say it beats swtor in every level.


    Overall tired of this mediocre game, if i wanted to play wow id go buy download the game instead of playing this. And now rushing the rated system that should of been out for 1.3 and free transfers just to compete with gw2 that is coming to try and keep subs is pathetic and im tired of it


    Edit: i do a lil bit of everything but mainly im a pvp players and this game just dropped the ball in pvp, i thought they wanted to make their pvp system competitive... sad

  3. SWTOR fails on many things...


    PVE is a complete joke in this game... COMPLETE JOKE 1, it was buggy as hell and 2 when it wasnt buggy the pve was insanely easy... talking about clearing all content nightmare in a very short time and then what are we left with?


    Crafting system sucks the pvp system sucks and imbalanced with pyros 3 shotting people and marauders that have more tank abilities then tanks, a crap legacy system that id trade for a complete game...


    this game just fails on basically everything and they tried copying wow in the style and failed in that, if i wanted to play wow id play wow but wow blows...


    GW2 here i come

  4. in order for swtor to last 1.3 has to be the jesus patch that 1.2 was not. The game is obviously dieing and the free transfers are just a bandage that is gonna wear out and with guild wars 2 coming on the horizon and considering ive been in both betas and love it i have to say swtor is in major trouble. imo gw2 is already better then swtor being out for months and its a f2p game. if swtor's 1.3 patch is not amazing then swtor is dead for sure and i promise a another dip in subscriptions when gw2 is released
  5. I personally like SWTOR.That may just be because it is the first real MMO I have ever played. I agree that it has seen way better days, and who knows, maybe it will get more members when they improve things.


    But in my opinion this game is great. BUT... since everyone seems to believe that SWTOR is so terrible, then what is, in your opinion, the most fun AND successful MMO?


    thats a easy question, wow was clearly the most successful mmo and back in its days it was the most fun, i for 1 hate the game now but in its current state it is still better then swtor

  6. Yea, I don't have any problems with people liking one game over another, because we are all entitled to our own opinions.


    But to say a game is better because it has more players just doesn't jive, imho.


    agreed but in the end wow is still a better game then swtor

  7. 1. Pve is a complete joke, operations get cleared in less then a week on nightmare and the only challenge presented was when a bug appeared and we had to redo the boss


    2. PvP players such as myself were robbed and cast aside like a used tissue.


    3. Nothing to do in the game once you hit 50 but make another 50, then make another 50, then make another


    not 5 but i feel its good enough

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