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Posts posted by Lyvean_gr

  1. How about this?


    If they had actually tried to release a game with SOME vision, instead of trying to capitalize on another game's audience, subs wouldn't be dropping at this rate.


    EA and BioWare have only themselves to blame for releasing a game like it's 2004. For companies of this magnitude people and MMO players expect so much more. And they should.


    True, they won't have a problem keeping the game alive with 500.000 subs. But that is not the point.


    The point is that the audience expected more and they got a rehash of an older game AND with less features. There is no vision in this game, nothing.


    And with Guild Wars 2, The Secret World and ArchAge coming, WoW reigning supreme still, it's simple logic that this game will never be the megaton EA and BioWare hoped.


    They wanted the big number subs but they had no idea how to do it.

  2. I have been telling people this for years. Well, not the WoW-SWTOR thing, just that people need to stop comparing games and saying they are crap or need certain implementations simply because it is in their favorite game. Each game is built the way the developer wants it to be. If you do not like it, do not play it. There is no reason for the developers to bow down to anyone simply because they want something that they are used to.


    People must compare in order to choose, it's human.


    And developers should do better to listen to the community instead of their own misplaced pride.

  3. The problem is that we have all been completely spoiled by another game engine that has had 7 years and over 100 million dollars every month in subscriptions at its peak to become finely tuned and polished.


    Before we got so spoiled, the current condition of SW:ToR was more than acceptable for a newly released MMO. Back when WoW and EQ2 were first released, this was standard. We expected it. In either of those games, there were plenty of bugs, and when they released a new patch to fix 3 things, they usually broke 5 other things. Did we care back then? Nope. Sure it was annoying, but there wasn't anything out there that didn't have the same thing going on, so we just accepted it and had fun playing.


    Now, we have become used to a nearly flawless game engine that is the product of years of work and a ridiculous amount of money. I'm simply referring to the game engine, not your opinion of the game content or design. I know we all like to hate on WoW. If we didn't, that's where we would still be. But lets face it, it IS the standard when it comes to MMO's, and it makes any new MMO look bad in comparison simply because no other newly released MMO could possibly launch with all the features and polish that the game engine has. That takes time and money.


    Any MMO could reach that level of polish and stability. It's just up to the player base to stick with it and fund it. I think SW:ToR is a great game for just being released, and I think it has great potential to become even better... but only if we give it the time and the money to allow it to do so.


    No, you are wrong. TOR is being criticized because it misses VITAL MMO tools and MMO gameplay. TOR is being criticized because it has copied WoW in almost all ways BUT it hasn't perfected/improved anything. The new and exciting things it offers are mainly single player.


    Besides, things evolve. TOR seems like it has missed the last 7 MMO years in MANY areas.


    And that is why it's being criticized and fairly so. No vision at all.

  4. I'm waiting on IGNs final verdict. Not that I need it to form my own opinion, I just think IGNs score will be the most "objective". I'm predicting 8.5 or 9 out of 10.


    I have heard many crazy things in my life, but someone waiting the verdict of the laughing stock of videogames journalism is a new experience for me.

  5. There is more RP then any other MMO on the market.................................... If you want to be immersed MMO's are the worst.. Only Sp games offer real RP, dynamic worlds with weather, day/night, NPC's that go about their lives.


    Bioware in Particular are horrid at this.


    WoW did a fine job immersing me in the world. It had great aesthetic tools and RP social tools. That's why its world felt so alive.


    In TOR the world is silent and static...

  6. As we still dont have a search function in the forums, i apolagise if this topic has been answered before. :)


    Dynamic weather systems and night/day cycles add a unique layer of immersion to an otherwise static gameworld. Should bioware be putting their efforts to better use in other features or should these 2 systems be eventually implemented?


    TOR was laucnhed with no RP in mind (there's not even speech bubbles or sitting on chairs or an RP forum), and that's the reason many will leave.


    Disregarding a major part of people who actually help creat a community is another idiotic move by BW/EA. Fortunately, they won't get away with it.


    Also, don't forget that this game is badly optimized. There's not even AA. Imagine if there were day/night cycles or weather.


    In general though, all MMOs should have 24h day/night cycles, like WoW. It enhances the experience and binds the player with the digital world in an amazing way, as Blizzard's title showed.

  7. Face it.


    Galaxies went on for 6 more years after the NGE. And players left in droves. DROVES. After mass protests!


    This is Star Wars. This will never go free to play, and this will never die so soon out of the gate.


    Fantasize if you want haters. SWTOR is here to stay for a long while.


    What an ignorant and fanboystic drivel...

  8. So, at the moment im playing on a laptop and getting around 15-25 fps. This is really annoying. i have decide to buy a desktop instead. Im looking to spend around £500-650. Would this money buy me a gaming desktop that will run swtor at high settings? (i will also build it myself if i have to)


    Also, if you know, could you post the system requirements to play swtor at high settings?




    For the love of God, don't buy anything yet.


    The game is unoptimized for high end systems. Wait for this BW/EA farse to end before you do what you do.

  9. TL;DR I believe these people just want to sabotage the SWTOR popularity because they fear that if SWTOR grows, the future of MMOs would be more like SWTOR such as focusing on story and the leveling process instead of endgame. They fear that MMOs would become single player friendly. In short, they fear that the SWTOR formula would be the baseline formula for future MMOs.



    I'll keep this short but hear me out. SWTOR is obviously not for everyone, especially if you are one of those old school MMO traditionalist who believes the real purpose behind MMOs is endgame and etc.....


    With that being said, they do not like how SWTOR has a focus on leveling and not endgame. They do not like how SWTOR is bringing in people [such as myself] who are not traditional MMO players but rather single player gamers whos ONLY reason behind playing SWTOR is the promise of story and the ability to literally play it as a single player game if chosen to. The haters fear that if SWTOR grows and becomes really popular, then SWTOR would be used or could be used as the benchmark for future MMOs meaning future AAA MMOs will have emphasis on story.....interactive dialog....cutscenes and everything else that SWTOR does with the 4th Pillar of story.


    These haters have already made up their mind that they do not like SWTOR and will either go back to other current MMOs, or just hold out until Guild Wars 2. However, because they fear that SWTOR could grow, they do not want their current MMOs or future MMOs [GW2] to be lacking in population because everyone is playing SWTOR.


    So BASICALLY, the people against SWTOR pretty much want to sabatoge the popularity of SWTOR with the hopes that everyone jumps off of the "SWTOR bandwagon" and play other MMOs or hold out for future MMOs. I mean why is it that the people who supposendly have cancelled their subscription still post here? Why is it that the people who have came to the conclusion that they gate SWTOR.....continue to post here? Why is it that the most passionate opinions about SWTOR tend to be the negative ones?


    In order for all of this to make sense TOR must best WoW. This will not happen in a million years because BioWare's title is a much lesser game.


    And don't forget that Blizzard is already hard at work in a new MMO.


    Imagine releasing a space themed MMO, where players can fly their ships and explore planets at the same time. Imagine how stupid TOR will look then.

  10. freedom? last i check i can take my spaceship and go anywhere i wanted even if i am level 50.


    and WoW ripped off people ideas left and right stop acting like WoW is original when 90% of the game features isnt.


    and hello Azeroth is ONE PLANET Swtor has multiple planets.


    I meant freedom in the open world. TOR areas are small, size and player wise.


    I'm not claiming that WoW didn't rip off ideas from others, but claiming that TOR tries new things in the MMO market (when it doesn't even have speech bubbles!) is completely false.


    I was excited about the game as well, but it's really restrictive, especially on social tools and exploration.


    If, for example, you could take other people with you in your speceship, if you could actually fly your speceship, if there was actually smuggling you could do, etc then YES, that would trying NEW things.


    Even classes have nothing to do with Jedis as we've come to know them. There's no Jedi class that can actually force push AND force throw. It's ridiculous.


    It's like they took all the classes from WoW (where warrior can't do magic) and tailored them to the SW universe.

  11. So, let me see if I've got the nature of the OP complaint down. Bioware has attempted to make a game that is a little bit different (with an emphasis on the "little") from every other DIKU MUD clone out there ... and this is a bad thing. I'm sorry, but that attitude is *everything* that is wrong with the MMO industry.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this (or any) game should be everyone's cup of chai. In fact, I think it's a good thing for an MMO to not try to be all things to all players. (Although at the same time, the idea that 200 players to a zone is limited stikes me as a bit silly. The MMO that routinely has more than 200 players in a zone is rare indeed, and the MMO that has meaningful interaction with more than that is even rarer.)


    It didn't try anything new in the MMO industry. Adding a story is promotion of single player in the MMO. It's not some new MMO mechanic because it can only be experienced solo.


    Everything this game offers MMO wise is ripped off from WoW, one way or another. It doesn't promote exploration, freedom or even have the open world of Blizzard's title.


    In fact, I think it's sad that a company like BioWare or EA showed such little vision in the MMO part of TOR. And because of that, their game won't be the success they intend.


    I'd rather pay a monthly sub to a game like GW2, where it's going to try a new ground than a WoW clone dressed in SW clothes.

  12. I depends on what people mean by story. WoW has a great story but it doesn't represent it like TOR does, which is the right things to do.


    BioWare and EA have spent all their money in creating cutscenes and offering dialogue to promote the story and sacrificed important aspects of the MMO-social-RP mechanic which makes WoW such an astonishing success.


    TOR feels and is older than WoW in a lot of ways, which is why it won't be a success. There's no vision behind the game, unless you want to play a single player game with other people running around.


    The fact that this game doesn't offer an expansive open world is really one of the major problems and one of the reason this feels like so restrictive.


    Having a story and representing it this way is great, but not when it detracts from the main MMO mechanics.


    Do you think that story will keep on coming in this game? In the same quality, voice over and custscenes? And how long will that take each time?


    There are not even speech bubbles in this game for God's sake...

  13. The graphics are only marginally better, which is no achievement at all. Don't forget that TOR is not open world and it's certainly smaller than WoW, so graphics should be better and optimization should be REALLY better.


    The completely crazy thing is how on earth the animation is worse. WoW's animation is so much better and more expressive that it's not even funny.


    The money in this game went to all the wrong areas.

  14. I would never use the community to gauge a game. They have the exact same threads after release as every other mmo. Even WoW had horrible threads and "this game will FAIL" threads all over it. I form my own opinion of a game and then view how successful it is by legitimate news regarding how well its selling and what not. I just find it funny seeing all the DOOM AND GLOOM threads I typically see in every game here. Especially when its impossible to deny the success its seen so far.


    You knew though in your gut that WoW would be amazing. The feeling of the world, the openess, the characters laughing and dancing, RPing, the tools were there. And it was Blizzard.


    TOR simply doesn't have any kind of proper vision. It's fine now but it's just too old to compete.


    If GW2 does HALF of what it promises, it will sweep everything. If TOR offered some great SW moments or some actual vision with its mechanics, it would have a chance.


    Hell, they can't even offer us speech bubbles...

  15. BioWare and EA had a chance here to make a difference, yet they failed.


    I can imagine that meeting"


    EA unqualified executive: "Let's make a SW MMO to make money. Call our strongest studio here"


    BW: "Eh, hello."

    EA U. Ex: "You are best. Make us SW MMO."

    BW: "We only know how to make good stories."

    EA U. Ex: "Put them in this new game!"

    BW: "But what about the mechanics?"

    EA U. Ex:"Just use WoWs"

    BW: "But WoW is very last gen, although with the new expansions it has some great ideas. Have you seen Guild Wars 2?"

    EA U. Ex:"Don't care! Make story, make money, make game like 2004."


    End of meeting.

  16. What's missing?


    The world is silenced. There's no people talking (no speech bubbles), players are not encouraged to do humorous things a la WoW, the RP tools are not there, there's too much solo content, which would be great if there wasn't so few multi content.


    The MMO part is not there as it should and the communication tools are woeful.


    It's also really old design wise. In fact, as far as mechanics go, it feels older than WoW, which is ridiculous.

  17. as an rpér coming from 6 years in SWG and leading an rp guild into TOR, i say chat bubbles are an absolute must have, nothing detaches you more from the immersion than standing about in utter silence rpíng in a chatbox, especially makes it hard to spot other casual rp.


    That is the reality.


    It's a disgrace that BioWare left such an important and simple communication tool out of the game.


    I hope many people will leave this game as a reaction to all the stupid design decisions. That's the only way they will listen.

  18. I'd like to see chat bubbles too, but that's a separate issue. While I'm not fond of LFG spam, it is a necessary evil, I think.




    How can they ever hope to create a dynamic community when people can't actually talk in the game world? When they can't roleplay?


    The lack of speech bubbles is unforgivable and shows the stupidity behind the whole design. This is for now a silent world.


    WoW was/is full of magic. You saw people talking, yelling, doing things, right there, IN THE GAME WORLD.

  19. 1. This game is only a single player MMO if you choose to play it that way.


    There's no proper incentive to play it as an MMO, especially at first. There's not even speech bubbles to properly communicate with people.


    2. Just because a quest is soloable doesn't mean you HAVE to solo it. Whether quests are easy or not. It's always more fun with friends. And guess what? You can play with friends in SWTOR because this is an MMO. Can't do that in a single player game lol.


    There's no point to play with a friend when you are doing the solo quests because they don't count for both people. One of them would have to do them all over again. It's boring and it makes no sense. You can play with a friend or group, but there's not even a LFG function.


    This game was designed as a single player and so many things are SO behind times it's not even funny.

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