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Posts posted by Dogtrauma

  1. The only thing to add here after Steve's very detailed explanation would be to say that you should not bother with augments for anything other than max level gear and that while leveling the best way to get good gear is to run heroics and flashpoints, those will get you blue gear that is a lot better than the quest reward greens or the green components bought at fleet.
  2. The only gear that still has the dark/light requirements is very old and you don't need it at all. Most of that stuff has absurd DS/LS requirements for the level of gear so you won't even be able to use it until it's outdated anyway. Absolutely NO endgame gear requires dark or light-side alignment at all.
  3. The first priority should be to get to 306 irating, getting set bonuses is the next thing, in the time it takes to level up your gear you will most likely get several pieces of The Victor set, make that up to 306 and use it for alts, it is by far the nicest generic set for almost all toons, the 50% run speed buff is awesome and the 20% heal is nice too.
  4. Do NOT waste time and credits on MK-10 augments, start by getting a full setup of MK-9 augments, purple mk9's have nearly the same in tertiary stats ( crit, shield etc.) as the MK-11 do and MK-10 has less ( they nerfed them with onslaught).

    If you are a casual player i would recommend going with blue MK-11 as your final augments, they are comparably cheap and easy to make and the difference in stats is small, if you intend to do progression raiding i guess you should ignore my advice about "going blue" but not about the mk10s. When/if you get mk11's you can switch to defensive mods if you want without feeling crap in level 75 solo content, i did and i think others have done so as well.

  5. Steve is off on a few details, you can use more than one mission at the same time, just not the same mission, grades 1-9 ( possibly 10 as well) has 2 unique missions per grade so you can do those at the same time and you can do different grades at the same time as well.

    Slicing is by far the greatest source of mission discoveries, if you crit a lockbox mission you get a discovery for a random skill ( including slicing) the other mission skills can give them as well but i can't recall right now what type of mission gives the greatest chance of getting them. You can get missions from slicing gathering nodes as well, but the drop chance is pretty low.

  6. Dulfy has a good guide for companion gifts (someone already posted that ofc :) ).

    Also with Onslaught we got a new source for companion gifts via jawa scrap, you can get your droid companions and a few of your other comps to 50 without paying a single credit, Maintenance ( droids) and Delicacies ( beasts and certain humanoids). Given that you have at least 3 droids if you finish all the story content and also the good old HK droid, you're halfway to your 8 crafter without a single cred payed. The 3 jawa scrap vendors are located in the cartel bazaar at fleet.

  7. A few days ago i renamed my legacy, i had to try many times before it took, it seems like you don't get error messages for everything that can be wrong with the legacy name, it might just be that the format of the legacy name you chose is "wrong" and that it just ends the process without an error message.
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