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Posts posted by cakewire

  1. I might be walking into a minefield with this one, but...


    I have a Merc that I pretty much dedicate to PVP, and I like healing. It's challenging and fun, and having all the opposition targeting me is much less frustrating as a Merc than as a Mara.


    Still, I'd like to know if there are any others like me out there, and if so, if you'd care to share any tips on rotation, focus, or what have you.


    I fully expect this to turn into another whining session about the absence of PVP dev logic, or a holier-than-thou bash session. Just hoping that, before then, I might squeeze some knowledge out of the player community.


    And as a healer who already tops green output on the summary board and has yet to receive a single MVP vote, you're welcome, fighters. :D

  2. Make it a Cybertech forge item, make it a Security vendor item, make it a Legacy unlock, but please let me shut that droid off. I'm tired of hearing his pathetic commentary every time I get on board my ship, so much to the point that I mute every time I come on board.


    Maybe make it zap him, or something. I could enjoy that.

  3. There are a few little basic things that I didn't see.


    For beginners, know that huttball provides no heads-up on the addition of the Pass Huttball skill, and this should be mapped conveniently by the player prior to match start. Saves them much grief and their team, as well.


    Also, some little things. Every player class with any friendly abilities that must be targeted should know that CTRL-TAB targets your friendlies in the same way that TAB targets your enemies. Some beginning players may not know this immediately.


    In addition, Mercs who have spec'd Arsenal will have two knockbacks, as Rocket Punch gets a knockback addition when points are applied. Very useful for Huttball and Voidstar, if someone got lucky and caught the edge after a Jetpack.

  4. On Black Talon, provided you killed the Captain, in the last conversation with the ship droid:


    -responding to the droid stating there's been an accident-


    (paraphrasing): There are corpses all over the ground, is this your idea of an accident?

  5. I play on The Defenestrator, and we are extremely low-pop. I know it's my own fault for rolling on a PVE server, but there's nothing I can do about it at least until character transfers are authorized.


    Anywho. We generally have pretty consistent pvp in the evenings for 10-49. After players hit 50, however, pvp stops. Completely. No one flags, the only people you see at the Battle for Ilum are just poking around, and not likely to return once they've been killed. There's not even any Huttball (I'm talking to you, fellow Imperials).


    As I'm already suffering on my Mara for lack of pvp, I rolled a Merc, and I really enjoy pvp. I also want to level my character to 50, but I don't want to lose out on the ability to get gear.


    I would like to see the ability to player-induce level/exp cap, and maybe even undo Unique designation on champion pvp gear bags. I'm maxed on comms, already bought the speeder, and I know that I'll only be able to get 4 bags when I hit 50, so if I'm lucky, I might have one gear piece.


    My argument is really pleading for cross-server pvp. That would be spectacular. All of my concerns would be moot if we could make that happen.

  6. I have an HP Pavilion dv6 with an intel i5 and, with a cooling stand, it runs the game crystal clear on low settings. You can even bump up a few textures to medium or high, depending. I played with the graphics interface until I got something I was happy with that ran smoothly.:)
  7. Hey all, and sorry if this is a repeat post. Lack of a forum search filter is frustrating.


    I play on Defenestrator, and I chose it day one because it was Light rating. My mistake.


    Short version for you TLDR types: Please consider consolidating overly light servers of the same type and/or region.


    Longer version: While I appreciate not having to queue to enter the game and very little unanticipated gameplay interruption, our server (Imperial side) seems to be incredibly low populace. I find it hard to believe that we're almost two weeks in (public) and we still have people begging for groups to run flashpoints at peak hours. I also find that, this being a very group-oriented game, it is difficult to find people with whom to do Heroic instances, or even general questing.


    I have a 26 Marauder (btw, also seeking any help or tips regarding that class and spec; leveling and skill tree structuring) and I've nearly soloed the whole way so far. It's all fine and good, chugging along, but I'm losing momentum and I really want to see at least one character through to 50 before I toss in the towel on this game.



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