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Posts posted by Battorian

  1. I do not find that i have a hard time building rage but i do agree with you, it can be a slow start when you have no rage. As you said other classes start off with full bars which allows for good burst dmg right from the beginning.


    Maybe a solution would be an 'Enrage' ability, usable every minute or two that would give us like 6 rage or something. It would compensate for those times when you start a fight with nothing... id even be happy if it would be just usable out of combat.





    God forbid we have a way to build rage out of combat, for when we know stealthies are around!!! That would seem almost logical, clearly this has no place in the game!!!

  2. I agree Carnage is definitely lacking in damage. I switched to Annihilation last night and was pretty bad at playing it and still did more damage then i usually do with Carnage. I believe pvp is not always about damage but after some dueling sessions with a Annihilation vs Carnage Marauder I can say for sure that Carnage is lacking damage. Gore being a 6 second window is far too short to take advantage of and I feel like it does't increase damage that much anyways.
  3. This thread should also be titled:


    Marauders are becoming the next Marauders


    (For those unaware of Marauders, they are a class in Warhammer Online. At launch, the class had far too weak attacks earned early on which resulted in the warzones being 5% Marauders, with them bottoming the damage charts)

  4. Is no one going to mention the terrible 1.5 second gcd this class is forced to suffer? This class seems to have many important 6 second buffs, and with a clunky 1.5 second gcd that means you will be able to use maybe 3 abilities in that short window assuming you don't get cc'd. That is what is the most discouraging imo. I don't think BW is going to make fundamental changes to the class like that to make the marauder viable. But hey this is Bioware we are talking about. I had the misfortune of playing a marauder on their last mmo Warhammer. As long as they stick to this "all classes doing the same dps" bs, this game will never reach some semblance of balance
  5. As much as I like leap, I think it should be renamed to "summon knock back" w/ snare. This also makes Huttball a nightmare for marauders. There are entirely too many knock backs in the game for a class with only one gap closer.
  6. I have been trying both Carnage and Annihilation as I level up. I gotta say those Anni dots must have some absurd scaling if they are so great at 50. I find the extra speed, roots, and CC breaker of Carnage to be very enjoyable in PvP. But imo Marauder damage sub 50 is severely lacking in general.
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