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Posts posted by Graburr

  1. That only shows per planet/shard I thought.

    You are correct.


    true. however it still shows the population at a given time in a given place, which can be used to verify numbers.


    not saying numbers go up or down (don't really care tbh), just that it can be used to establish a trend (for a faction on one server).

  2. You're telling me it never occurred to someone in Mythic that people having to sit in Fleet for hours spamming general chat that only goes Fleet wide LFG for a Flashpoint?


    That didn't reek of bad-design to them?




    if anything, it reeks of logic, because there are exactly THREE places 50s hang out, so if you really want to find people for a hm fp (which sooner or later majority wants to do), you do a /who ilum/belsavis and be done with it.


    the sensible step would be to have a lvl 50 only chat as rift does, and one for 1-49 for the other FPs. I don't need to see hm fp/ops lfg when I want to do a lowlvl instance.

  3. now if patch 1.2 comes out and server population DROPS then I would be worried.


    well, people are probably gonna resub, see 1 new instance and maybe 1 new operation, and if the legacy system finally makes it in, this too (and depending how bioware handles, it might piss more people off than brings them to reroll a character with a new race).


    the whole "hm, let's resub for a month to check it out" only works so far tho.

  4. They didn't leave it the way it was because it left the door open for people to farm the 1st boss in a dungeon, getting the boots every single time, ripping the mods out and putting them in every piece of gear they had.


    I know, but what does it fix? half the items from heroics are non-moddable, and the rest of the items either look bland (jedi) or are 4 models with a different pattern (trooper) - in the case of trooper, the only items that are NOT white/x are greens.


    and good luck farming instances to get a decent looking set.


    ripping out the mods is fine and dandy, but we still need to put them into something

  5. I've completed all the Corellia missions as a Trooper and I'm still mission the chest and boots from this set. Anyone can tell me how to get them? I know we can buy a chest from the commendation vendor that looks just like this set (not the same name) but I would still be missing the boots.


    Any help would be appreciated.


    don't know where it drops, but I don't expect it to be in the game. there are several other "sets" where items are missing or a mix of orange/blue items.


    additionally, at 50 you mod your existing pieces till better gear drops where either only half the mods can be removed or not at all, not to mention you get no set bonus then.

  6. So...you're a pessimist :rolleyes:


    actually, I'm more of a realist. played 2 chars to 50, did pretty much all heroics, tried to collect every suitable customizable item I can get my hands on for my class...


    in beta every item was moddable, which got changed to customizables only. which, on paper is not a bad idea. however:


    - lvl 50 either does not let you remove mods or only some of it -> everybody looks the same. not to mention the progression at 50 is "get orange gear, get daily mods, put mods in, then run ops/hm fps for gear (not mods).

    - "sets" of gear with the same look (like the transpari steel) are incomplete or an inconsistent mix of orange/blue items -> and since you can only mod orange items, you have to look all over the place for another "suitable" orange replacement.


    take your pick if this is planned or carelessness (and I don't know which would be worse); and this is only regarding the visual aspect of your character.


    and last but not least we are talking about bioware here, which admittedly takes cues from wow how to design a mmo (sparklepony-speeder is only a matter of time then) and sells items as dlc for a SINGLEPLAYER rpg (and if you look over to mass effect, if you don't get the arrival dlc it's pretty much like you missed an episode of your favourite series).

    so it's not that difficult to estimate what to expect.

  7. From what I collected from various sources around the 'net, during a fairly late stage of the beta, BioWare removed a rather significant number of mods and moddable items, as well as a lot of PvP and LS/DS gear. These items, among other things, included a number of unique models and gear apparances, which are now more or less unobtainable - such as the armour of Thana Vesh, the principal character in the Taris story arc.


    if you are a pessimist, you can expect it to show up later as "new" content so they have something to put in their newsletter.

    as an optimist, you can hope they figured out it didn't work gameplay-wise and it gets a work over.


    now compare that to the stuff which is still ingame, still is in desperate need of a work over, and the question how moddable gear with unique appearances could not work regarding gameplay, and you have your answer.

    (yes, theoretically limiting the options of possible appearances also limits the the stuff the engine has to show is a good argument, but if that really is the case there are bigger problems than looking like everyone else at 50).

  8. I love the forums. No matter which post you read there are only two types of people.


    1. You have the people who are so in love with TOR / BioWare / Star Wars that they will defend it to the bitter end no matter how bad it is and will still be singing its praises when there isn't a sole in fleet to hear them.


    2. You have the people who are bitter and mad because they feel that BioWare took something that could have been great (a Star Wars MMO) and killed it for the second and most likely last time. You could post server populations that were doubling weekly and they would still say the game was failing.


    which I think comes down to


    1. people still leveling and playing for the story (and happily pay 15 bucks a month for it, don't ask me why)


    2. people at 50, where the story is over and the endgame is a badly designed copy of wow's endgame.

  9. When you start trying to add context to them and you actually don't skip reading/hearing about that context, you start to see just how ridiclously illogical and formulaic the whole experience is.


    this. one of the reasons I can't understand why people celebrated the dialogs like the 2nd coming of jesus.

    so in other games people don't read the questtexts with "random reason 354 to kill 10 boars", but as soon you get a cutscene where a random npc tells you to kill 10 boars because of random reason 354, it's all of a sudden 10 times better?

  10. you can send in a companion/party member, wait outside the door, when the companion/member dies the boss runs out through the door without resetting.


    exploit? debatable. but if it's the only way to kill a bugged boss (which a) was fixed already and b) bioware can't even bother to hotfix), it's pretty sad. and no, I won't do X numbers of tries and stack repair costs just to get lucky and the rockets not to bug out.

  11. I'll admit there aren't any 'puzzle' quests, it's not particularly starwarsy anyway, but I have had 'guard' quests, either guarding a spot or a person.


    Also your choices DO make a difference, my choices in quests have clearly changed the outcome of quests later


    trooper has some traps to disarm and stealth as bonus quests, compared to the jedi knight where everything is "go in and kill X" and once in a while persuade someone instead of killing him (which yes, makes him show up again, but I'm pretty sure if not him someone else would have shown up later).



    and I think he means the the choices do not change anything. what it changes is if you get a mail or a npc shows up. the outcome is still the same.


    It's like the choice of taking the train or the bus, but you still end up in the same city. in the end, it changes nothing.


    as for quests in general, all western MMOs did was to exchange the mobgrind for a questgrind ("look ma, I got a reason to kill all that mobs now!"). but seriously, how many damsels in distress can you save before it gets old?

    runescape did quests right, but OTOH, how would you fill the rest of the game (besides mob- or skillgrind?).

  12. I think the developers wanted to prevent the ninja looting issue before it became a huge problem.


    thats the thing, why would it even become a huge issue? we're still all on the same server. this alone should prevent any stupidity.


    and why doesn't esseles/BT (or all normal instances while were at it) automatically distribute loot as well? I've seen quite some ninjas there, WAY more than in every op. and it's still about learning the instance and not the loot, right?


    there might be a reason for automatic loot, but in context it makes no frigging sense. it also removes control from players - we are perfectly fine doing it within a guild, we don't need it and we don't want it. wonder how long people will pay a sub to be treated like imbeciles.

  13. If you want to see an example of the WoW community look up Barrens C hat in WoWWikki - that was years before LFD was implemented and it representative of the type of "community" that was being "built"


    so you measure the type of a server's community based on the chat of a lowlvl-zone?

  14. Let's see Rift shipped without a LFD tool and when they added it the thing didn't work. No addon support. Buggy. No guild bank. And on and on.



    ehhr.. it was actually way more polished than tor at launch, still has smaller maintenance windows, separated between EU and US etc...


    as for LFD, it worked perfectly fine, but it was same server first. actually the endgame and progression was perfectly fine at launch, yet the whining from people who are unable to do instances without a simply button to click was so loud trion caved in.


    or to sum it up: it's not about features, but the state of the game.

  15. Lucky for me that Bioware got lazy on my companions.


    even more lazy to put cunning mods in elara's gun for the daily on belsavis...


    I wanted to get some nice looking modables for my companions

    Or you can just do the daily and get even better gear for them.


    too bad it was about looks and not gear, not to mention most BOE customizables are the same armor with different pattern or just not attractive (brown jedi robes, I'm looking at you).

  16. Blizzard, on the other hand, does have the information, and they've already stated LFR has proven to be extremely popular.


    As for the paying but not playing thing, this should be roughly equal for all MMO's (as in, an equal percentage of players for each MMO are paying but not playing) unless you can name some specific reasons why this would be more common for WoW than other MMO's.


    only wow has the one year pass currently (with d3 as bonus, other one year plans just give you better money value than a shorter sub).


    and numbers are one thing. it might be popular, yet player numbers are still declining (and that's people canceling their subs, not just people taking hiatus till MOP). you also have to consider that there is NOTHING besides raiding at one point - and LFR is the path of least resistance. it might be cool and awesome now (because, what else is new in wow?), how it's perceived in 3/6/9 months is a completely different matter.


    so "60% of the players like it = success" can still imply the other 40% quit (=less money). at the end of the day it's just PR.

  17. How does this list fix the lack of interaction, socialization, community in the game?



    because the average mmo player these days wants to play a multiplayer game (singleplayer is too boring!!1), yet at the same does not want to deal with people.


    it's not about playing with others, but not playing alone.

  18. which was designed to prevent ninja looters, changed to a more player controlled/moderated system


    question: why, without LFR and raids which, since the dawn of time, are mostly done by guilds or premade groups, do we need an enforced "ninja protection"? on one hand bioware says it cares about "server community" by not implementing a dungeon finder, but at the same time thinks people to unable to distribute loot at lvl50.


    8 people working to down a boss. item (=reward) drops. item goes to someone who already has it /has sth better or has a different spec. where's the reward? would you keep doing said boss?


    saying "do hardmodes then, lol!" is in the same league as arguing "boss bugs out on wipe? well then, l2p, don't wipe lol!" (which I've already seen as a argument on this board, so this discussion here shouldn't surprise me).

    not to mention, hardmodes can have the exact same interpersonal issues as normal mode, yet it seems to make sense that only normal mode has it. riiiiiiight.

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