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Posts posted by Stonedsoul

  1. Seconded, I was SO looking forward to playing the gunship and now I cannot since I subbed on the 6th of Nov. It is making me so angry that I am locked out of it. Heck I would pay cartel coins to buy one, but no, there is none to be found.


    Same here. Ironically, they are locking themselves OUT of money by doing this. Now ill just farm the ressources to buy it when it comes out.

  2. Except that the existance of Bieber albums do not in any shape or form affect the quality or content of your Gossip or Devo album. They are completeley independant from one another.


    That is not the case in this situation. Cash shops, even when they arn't P2W, have a major influence both on the ingame economy *and* (and i cannot stress this enough) on developpement/content availability.


    Your analogy was bad and you should feel bad.

  3. If you have any Flashpoint or Operation missions in your log, try abandoning them, re-logging, and then attempt to queue. If that doesn't work, please do submit a ticket in-game so we can get your report - make sure to include your level and detailed information for us!


    This worked, thanks ^^

  4. Bioware needs to respect the fact that many people keep factions separate instead of having both on one server. The reason for this doesn't matter, it is a play style decision and if you start placing content that requires players to radically shift their play style it will breed discontent and anger.

    I know this is a few pages back from the last one, but thats as far as I was able to go.


    Dude, this word you use, I dont think it means what you think it means.


    Playstyle: How you play the game. Do you PvE, do you PvP, which spec do you use, with what skills in what order, using what gear. That is your playstyle.


    What you are describing has absolutely nothing to do with play style. Thats just your server selection. Just because you are anal about not mixing different factions on the same server does not make that a play style. It just makes it an OCD, and thats not something BW has to build around.

  5. You're so silly. Everyone knows melee classes need to do more damage than range because they have less uptime! It's preposterous to think that ranged have to move about as much as melee do! I mean, what other self-entitled bs reason can we come up with to justify melee doing higher dps?

    I have played both ranged and melee DPS classes for about 15 years now in various MMOs. I currently play a class that is capable of both ranged and melee DPS (albeit i perform optimaly in melee).


    You are full of it. Ranged classes do have things to move out of, yes. Its nowhere near as bad as what melee has to deal with.


    - While melee tends to be stacked (on his ***), ranged are spread out. Which means they can see things comming their way much easyer. Ranged also generally have more time to move out, as the travel time for projectiles is much longuer then for someone standing right behind a mob.


    - Melee has to deal with a lot of unavoidable and some avoidable damage. Ranged has to deal with some avoidable damage. If you cannot see how that puts an extra strain on the healers, you are a tool.


    - Ranged can still deal a portion of their DPS while moving/avoiding mecanics. Melee, for the most part, cannot. Whats more, movement is more touchy for melee as they have range and position requirement on their abilities, something ranged rarely has to ever take into consideration. Meaning as a ranged class, you can avoid a skill in almost any direction, while as a melee you have a very limited area you -must- stay in if you intend to keep doing your job.


    - Melee has to move when the tank has to kite a boss or his mobs a little bit, be it to reposition or to move away from a ground-based damage mecanic, which costs them damage. Ranged gets, once again for the most part, to stand there and continue their rotation.


    Yes, its harder to play a melee optimaly in ''raiding'' types of situation then to play a ranged class. Yes, they do have less margin for error, and an overall lower uptime. If you think that is not the case, I would suggest removing those hands from in front of your eyes.


    That being said this game is one of the most balanced i've seen when it comes to DPS difference between DDs. No complaints here.

  6. I have never build a computer before and wouldn't know where to start :p

    I would probably be looking for a pre-built


    Start on ''Tom's Hardware''.


    1) whats your budget? if its 800-1000, build one yourself, as anything pre-built at that price (or more) is 115% sure to be grossly overpriced.


    2) Choose your CPU. I personally would go with i5 sandy-bridge as the performance gain to switch to i7 is not worth the extra 100$. A i5 2500k is the best bang for your buck as you can later learn to overclock it on your own time.


    3) Choose your GPU. You dont need something super powerfull. SWOTR is more CPU intensive then GPU, so anything in the GTX 400-500 series should do plenty fine and you can get some of them for 150$ or less. I don't know much about AMD to be honest, but i'd stick to NVIDIA anyway (personal preference).


    4) Choose your motherboard. Since you have a 2nd generation chip (sandy bridge), you should have no compatibility issue, so here you can pretty much close your eyes, point to a board, and have something that'll work fine. Its a matter of price vs features (energy economy modes/heatsinks/etc). If you want to get more for your money out of your CPU, i suggest a Z68 o P67 of any brand.


    5) Get a power supply and a hard drive. HDDs can go for under 100$ while you can get a good PSU for rather cheap as well. If you see a higher voltage one (750W+) on sale, grab that one, otherwise 700W should be more then plenty for a 400-500 series GPU and an i5.


    Now all you have left is to assemble. Just follow instructions and it'll go fine. 1 slot for GPU, 1 spot (with arrows to tell you which side points where) for CPU, it aint sorcery. The only thing you have to remember is to keep yourself grounded (touch a bit of metal, like the case itself, before touching a component to avoid static electricity discharges). Other then that, you can build computers pretty easilly.


    3 months ago, this all sounded like chinese to me. then I built a i5 4.2 Mhz (OC) with GTX 560 ti (Asus Z68 MB) and 8g DDR3 Gskill ram for less then 900$ and proceeded to strike myself with a switch for ever wasting money on scams... err, i mean, prebuilts.

  7. Shadows are a HUGE difference on low end PC, but no matter what you do you will never have a competitively playable frame rate (stable 30+ in combat minimum) with that machine.


    SWTOR is different from most video games in that its much more CPU then GPU intensive. Laptop CPUs, to begin with, have a lower voltage then their normal counterparts. And then yours is low for a gaming computer. 2.2 Mhz is what will severely limit your performances.


    Since you cant upgrade CPU in a laptop, unfortunatly, you'll need a new computer. Your GPU is fine, but with anything under 3ish Mhz on your chip you'll see huge frame rate drops and irregularities like what you are describing. If you can OC something to 4+ the game becomes flawless *even with aging GPUs*.

  8. Unless you can hit all of the keys blindfolded with 100% accuracy it would still defeat the purpose. And playing a really really simple class.


    Em.... I don't mean to be an ***, but most online players can hit them keys with 100% accuracy in their sleep. If you are still looking at your keyboard when you type, you are doing something horribly wrong...

  9. Ahh, the old "you'd enjoy the game more if you play the way I demand you play" line. That one never gets old.


    Let us pause for a second and look at your premise.


    Essentialy, you are asking for the game to be modified to fit the way you think it should be played. You demand it. Someone tried to suggest a possible solution to make the current model more enjoyable? You accuse them of demanding that you play a specific way.


    Think about it for two seconds, and try not to choke when you reallize how ironically hypocrite you are being.

  10. I laugh inside everytime someone says Po5 will fail. It had more people on yesterday/last night than Fatman, and during peak hour on Imp fleet, there were 3 instances with close to 300 Imps on each instance.


    Pretty sure Po5 population isn't going anywhere. :)


    Po5 will definitly fail. P5 will kick ***. P5 is so much better then Po5 :p

  11. Considering things were fine before, any queue is too much price to pay. Some people LIKE the non MMO aspects, and were HAPPY with uncrowded servers, as they have no interest whatsoever in the group/PvP content. Remember, from 1-49, this is practically a single player game. One would argue that the vast majority of the game is single player content.


    Yes, this game may now be more like a regular MMO. But you know what? I don't *like* regular MMO's. Pretty much the entire reason I was enjoying TOR was because it *wasn't* like a regular MMO.


    Please show me where you were forced to Xfer off your dead server if you liked it so much. Because it sounds to me like you just did something without thinking, regretted it, and are now desperatly looking for someone other to blame.


    As for this thread: its beyond pathetic. Im no fanboi, trust me its quite the opposite (look at my post history). In my book a private company, let alone one with EA's track reccord, can be trusted about as much as Charles Manson standing behind you with a knife. But this is just ridiculous.


    Use youre heads: right now there is a huge influx of players because of Xfers. Lots of people just checking it out, or suddently playing 5-6 hours where they'd normally play for only a couple. Its called the ''New'' factor. When the 'New'' factor runs out, people's gaming habbits settle, and populations drop almost by half. We've seen it on every launch of every online game out there, including expention. Even WoW servers get queues when they release a new content patch.


    There is 2 ways to react to this:

    1) Knee jerk and spread the population some more: thats what we had on SWTOR's launch, and look where that lead us. When the population settle, the spread makes servers feel deserted.

    2) Be patient and wait for a week: thats what smart people do. When population settles, you are left with a thriving and healthy server.

  12. Never happened. Now I realize this may also be the case republic side as there was very little good comp to be had, but just know the grass isn't necessarily greener.

    Yeah as the poster under you mentionned, I will gladly admit we kicked *** in PvP last night hehe (when I logged on at 9 there were 250 ppl in fleet, hence my comment on not filling 1 instance up). But yeah, i saw some pretty appaling stuff, especially in Hutball.

  13. LOL @ you P5 guys bashing Fatman.


    Fatman is full of rerollers that took a proactive approach to dwindling server numbers, your server is full of the stubborn players who refused to move.


    We got the motivated crowd, you got the jerks and whiners.


    Good luck with that!

    Its funny how, just through a choice of words, you can turn any situation to your advantage.


    For exemple: You have the *****s and the inconsiderate, impatient jerks who killed their own server through their inability to see the bigger picture, their selfishness and their lack of foresight. The same people who are now complaining and crying all over the forums that BW cannot make the entire transfer process revolve around their own little need to ''consolidate'' their characters. You have the immature and the self-centered crowd, we have the players who enjoyed the game even without all the shiny of fatman.


    See? Just words. Suddently we seem quite ahead in this **** fight :p

  14. SLI is used in 2 situations:


    1) Top end cards SLIed together... which, imho, is a waste of money for gaming unless you are using 3+ screens since there isnt a single game out there that will require that kind of rendering power.


    2) Recycling old cards instead of buying a new one. Your 150$ card still decent but you'd like to upgrade it without payin another 300$? Get a used one of the same model for 50$ and SLI them together.


    Anyway, as its been said, SWTOR is more CPU then GPU. Grab a k model, OC it to 4.x and watch your FPS go to town :D

  15. P5 is very promising, but i'll admit im a bit ticked off at the population balance. Something tells me it was never taken into consideration when they chose which server to xfer where, cause if P5 is full, its full on imps. They had 3 instances of fleet last night, while on rep side we couldn't fill 1 up...
  16. Nikijih seems to be a word in another language. Therefore, unoriginal.


    You have no right to say whether or not someone elses name is unoriginal, let alone boring.

    I didnt say your name was unoriginal. The servers did when they slapped you in the face with the reality that plenty of other people also thought they were being original by selecting the same name.


    And Nikijih comes from:

    1) my name is Nick G.

    2) im italian, so my friends call me Nicky

    3) I love asian cultures and took japanese classes.


    Nicky + G + Japanesation = Nikijih. So you are right, it does sound like a word in another language. One i made up to sound that way purposefully. But thats not why its original: its original because there isnt anyone else called Nikijih.


    Popular = not original by definition. Yes, it really is that simple.



    Whether a name is good or not is entirely subjective.
    Good =/= original and un-original =/= bad. You know why we have different words for different things? Its because they are not the same.
  17. let me point out my point for you, you don't know me, you have no idea what my name is or what people call me...you know nothing about me...


    everything you said is your OPINION, so why come into a public forum with the intention of being mean and rude to others for sharing their frustrations/opinions?


    Opinion? All I said was that if your name was so widespread that it requires you to race for it, then its not all that original to begin with. Stop it with this annoying habbit to call everything ''opinion''. I know it makes disagreeing easyer, but sometimes things are facts, not opinion. Something that is not original is un-original, thats just a fact.


    As for the rest of your post, well let me point out something to you my friend: I have not attacked you personally. No, I dont know you, I dont know your name, and frankly I dont care. You might want to take a deep breath and reallize you are not that important. The 'you' part of my post is adressed to everyone reading, not to you.


    Seriously, its almost like watching my granma screaming at the TV when she watches gameshows...

  18. How would you know my names were " terribly boring and un-original"?

    "They were not your online identity: they were A online identity that you, along with countless others, associate to" Again, How would you know this is only an online nick name for me?

    " It wasnt yours to begin with. Get off your ***, find your own name, and use it."

    How can anyone claim ownership to a name?

    I'll try to answer your questions one by one, as they are kind of confusing in their confusion...


    1) How do you know my names were ''terribly boring and un-original''?

    Easy: they were already picked. This means that, at the very least, they were not original enough to be unique to your server. Beyond that, there is the fact that many are speaking of having raced for their name on launch. If you had to race for it, it means it was a popular name and you knew it. Hence ''Terribly boring and un-original''"


    2) Again, how would you know this is only an online nick name for me?

    Not sure what you are asking here actually. I dont know whether its a syntaxic problem, a vocabulary issue or just a missing word or 5, but your sentence literally dont make sense. Unless, of course, you are saying that you use your online nick name in real life. In which case, all I can do is be in awe before the king of nerds...


    3) How can anyone claim ownership of a name?

    I feel you are willfully ignoring the meaning of my words, but lets pretend for a second that you are being serious: a personalized/original name that you put thought and time into finding vs one you have to race dozens of other idiots who thought they were being clever for it, which one do you think is more personnal and representative?

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