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Posts posted by Wuzan

  1. "I'm big into PVE."


    This is exactly what is killing this game. When will the devs actually spend more time developing PVP stuff? The huge bias towards PVE is what is killing the subscribers and driving so many players to other MMOs.

  2. The day I see one of these kids in a warzone without 3-7 of their friends is the day I have respect for one of these trash guilds. ^^


    Kid I don't know who you are, but this is an online MULTIPLAYER game. Sorry some people like playing with friends.

  3. Put it this way. You guys and the other top teams are able to que every single day with what appear to be very good team comps, and we and other teams have to stop queing if we lose one player, or can't que at all, and we have a hard time finding suitable subs (and we've reached down pretty deep). Maybe you guys just have an easier time finding replacements from other guilds, don't know. Maybe it's because the Smackyos and Teachers of the server are only willing to sub in for teams like Don't Panic. The obvious answer would be, "they don't like to lose." Fair enough. So it's like a downward spiral.


    I play with a lot of people from other guilds and have them all on my friends list.


    We queued yesterday for the first time this week with our "starting line." For the last 4 nights in a row before that, we were missing either 1 or 2 of our main healers, and were missing our main gunslinger for 3? of those nights. We queued those 4 nights by picking up people from other guilds, and having some of our players jump onto different characters/alts.


    I'm not sure where you are looking for players, but the last player who joined our starting lineup was unguilded and running regs with some of us for a few days before we recruited him.... there was no poaching from a "starting guild."

  4. I don't think there is a solution, other than gentleman's agreements, which is why I was frustrated enough to make a long post out of this.


    I'm not really sure of the problem. You are essentially arguing the top guilds are hording the active ranked players.


    Every active ranked team pugs spots regularly. (you'll see smackyo playing with dont panic on his sage or GS, last week teacher was playing his GS with dont panic, etc etc)


    I dont think any team out there has too many good players or is "hording" everyone.

  5. I'm not trying to call out a single certain guild - I see it as a problem for all ranked teams involved. I do think "your" guild could spare a few players to be honest, but so could several others.


    It is not the case that our guild and many other guilds have "extras" to spare. Most of the active teams (including synergy) often are 1 or 2 short to queue. We often pug a dps, or a healer, or whatever. A good example is that we have only one active GS on our team... I

  6. None of the active RWZ teams pick up random people to run; its all in-guild players, or they will pug an out of guild person(s) who are "known" in the RWZ "community." If you want to play, you're better off trying to join one of the teams/guilds who are active.
  7. Hi All,


    RWZ arent at the state they could be because of a lack of cross server queues.


    This is an invitation to all those interested in serious competitive ranked pvp to transfer to the Bastion! The best teams in the world are queueing on the Bastion. Its also (timezone wise) the only server which would allow both North Americans and Australians (APAC server xfers) to queue. Get your team together, transfer to the Bastion, and lets turn this server into THE place to be for high level ranked warzones.


    Since the best teams in the world are on the Bastion, it makes sense to transfer here. Come on over.


    Sifu from the Bastion.

  8. Hi All,


    RWZ's are hard enough to get going with 8 people required to queue. As there are no cross server queues, its difficult to get the scene going with more then a few teams. I know that several of the top teams from Harbinger (Lukewarm Tauntums, Rock Bottom, etc) have transferred to the Bastion.


    This is an invitation to all those interested in serious competitive ranked pvp to transfer to the Bastion! Many nights there's a half dozen or more teams queuein concurrently, with argueably the best competition too. Get your team together, transfer to the Bastion, and get games all day!


    Sifu from the Bastion.

  9. why even bother? sifu will get a sniff of ranked queues and bring his try hard group to play.

    sifu trannnnnnnnsss


    That's an ignorant comment. I've participated and started kickball on MANY occasions, often running overnight or in off prime hours.


    To the OP: feel free to /who syn, if anyone is on in our guild most of us would jump in to help fill spots if you need.

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