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Posts posted by LucentBeam

  1. Forums are fodder for such things because people are posting from school/work. Obviously if they are playing the game they'd be there and not here. Also, most players never even step one foot in the forums at all. So the people you see here, actually go out of their way to post on the forums... they're usually the same people posting on the other game forums as well... and usually the exact same things!


    Completely agree.

    When I am at home, I am playing the game.

    When I am on a break at work or snacking at home, I am checking the forum.

  2. The only problem I've ever had (and only been once) is when someone thinks they are knowledgeable and act bossy, but are completely wrong.


    I was doing a FP with a Mercenary 9 levels above the mission level and we could not win because his plan was to be the tank and for the actual tank to go fight the adds while he alone fought the main boss. ....And he refused to use his AOE on anything and he would have been the only person with multiple AOEs. Obviously we could not beat the boss and the dude has the nerve to yell at the rest of our group for "not following the plan" ....even though we did follow his horrible plan because he had insisted on it being like that (in retrospect, we should have just kicked him then). He ended up quitting the FP and then was LFG in general chat saying "LFG, I'm a tank". NO!! You are not a tank!! When you click an advanced class and choose the one that is NOT a tank, then you are not a tank. And even if you are not the main healer, if you have a healing ability and the rest of your team is going down, at least try to heal them a little rather than only yourself.


    Combine that with an underleveled healer who died instantly when adds spawned (as if we could control where he was standing?) and ragequit because we didn't protect him fast enough (honestly, he died within seconds of the adds spawning and he was standing across the map no where near us for some bizarre reason).


    Meh. So far other than that I've had excellent experiences with PUGs but even just after one bad one, I am dreading the next time some little whiner yells at the group because he's a fool but think he's an expert.

  3. Half of me wants to go out and do something nice for Valentines Day... and the other half just wants to sit at home and level together. We'll see by the end of the day what wins.

    Valentines Day is so not a big issue. Seems like the only people who take it so seriously are trying to hard or are too obsessed with the idea of their relationship.

  4. I'm not a fan of the Bikini armors but I do want to keep a crop top on my Jedi Knight... was the answer about orange crop tops, yes? I did get that commendation crop top on Tython and then did find the other one you showed on the market but I want to keep my Twi'lek in that because it looks good. So yes orange crop top or no?
  5. Wow, I can't believe I have to do all of Tatooine and Alderaan to finish Act 1.

    Why does this game punish you for doing all the side missions and such by making you so freaking overleveled? I just finished Nar Shadaa and I'm already level 29.... I have to go through 2 more planets and the end of my class quest will be a level 32?! Boo.

  6. I added up my hours across my characters and it was 171. :( Only 70 of that was on my main and the other 100 was across all my alts. This is my first MMO and how in the world I managed to play for 7 days worth in less than two months is beyond me. I think I need to curb the addiction... this is why I purposefully never let myself play an MMO in the first place. My little math brain is spinning... if I've had access to my account for 51 days and I play for 7 of them.... I've spent 13% of my life since I started playing the game. How?! If that's all I've done and all my characters are under 30... how much are the people with multiple high level characters playing?!?
  7. During cut-scenes? I've yet to have a screenshot actually take during a cut-scene if the UI is visible. I know others have gotten it to work, but it simply doesn't work for me.


    It has worked for me in the past until everything suddenly stopped working altogether.

    I didn't change any setting so I am just stumped. :(

    Also... what I did to get it to even start to take the black screens in the first place was to manually unmap and remap the print screen button in game, but now even repeating that process won't make it do anything.

  8. I don't like Body Type 3 for girls because it's too manly looking, but I like Body Type 4. I was sad when I hit level 14 with a Body Type 4 because her butt used to swing when she was running and with Sprint, it doesn't anymore. IRL I'm very small, but when I look at Body Type 4, I don't think she's fat. I'm surprised anyone does.

    Of my 5 female characters I have 2 Type 1's (bounty hunter / sorcerer), 2 Type 2's (consular / trooper), and 1 Type 4 (knight).

  9. At first, when I would do Print Screen, it would just take an all black image.

    For a brief couple of days, it randomly started working.

    Since that, it's so dodgy that for something like every 20 attempts, only 1 will actually take a picture.

    Any ideas on the problem? It's annoying me because I've missed some great cutscene moments.

  10. This is my first MMO and I went into it thinking that the MMO part means I will always be able to play with other people.... and I feel genuinely sad when I get stuck playing by myself because either:

    • no one wants to run FP's or Heroics if I ask in General
    • no one has the courtesy to even respond "no" when I whisper them individually
    • the scarce other people in the same area questing ignore me when I approach them

    I get that everyone has their own play-style but it frustrates me that I thought the MMO part would mean it's actually multiplayer and that people would want to play together. I think I'm on crappy servers, but it's just a bummer that I feel so letdown by people wanting to solo the entire time.

  11. Honestly when I joined Swtor I thought I was going to be almost the only girl. The gaming girl gaming community is really growing =D.\.


    Seems like there are lots of girls on the forums but I never seem to find them in game because I feel too embarrassed to ask "Are you a girl?" and have them think I am hitting on them. I honestly have never had another actual gamer friend who is a girl and I thought I'd meet some in game and it just hasn't happened yet. -_-



    Ahaha, sorry I'll curb my awkward nerdetteness to post some pictures.


    Here's me cosplaying Chell (from portal) for Halloween


    And here's me with a baby tiger :)



    I really don't come off as a gamer much in real life... of course that's until you talk to me.

    I think I chased away the last guy I tried to pick up at the bar by talking to him about video games.


    Note to self:

    while (bar == true)

    mass effect 3 != pickup line;


    Your hair is amazing.

    And it sounds like you are encountering guys that aren't going to be good gamer boyfriends if that is scaring them off. Such a shame because you are gorgeous and I know you are probably the dream girl for a ton of guys with similar interests!

  12. I made a toon of each class and half of them are female and half are male. I think it's fun to play as either one and it just depended on what I wanted to make my character's personality out to be.


    I was surprised in the "Are there any girls that play" thread that some people were saying that they were disturbed when a girl plays as a male. Aren't there Ken dolls? Does that make a little girl weird for playing with and dressing up a boy doll? It's basically the same on here. It's like playing with a glorified doll except they get to have their own personality via their dialogue.

  13. depende de nosotros mismos organizarnos y jugar en un mismo server.


    Ahora, sí.... es lo que todos tienen que hacer para encontrarse con otros. De verad estoy sorpendida de las respuestas sarcásticas en este hilo... ¿por qué se ofenden si un grupo pide un server para hablar en un idioma específico si hay bastante jugadores que lo quieren? Probablemente cuando un grupo grande de hispanohablantes escoja un server y charlar en General en español, la gente que no habla español se quejará porque es un server inglés y todos deben hablar en inglés y no en español. :p Es imposible satisfacer a todos.

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