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Posts posted by Orderken

  1. After this post many my guildies ask video with solo tank revan kill ....

    Can you do it?


    We have done it, though not by choice. A majority of the other groups who've killed Revan have, as well, I imagine.


    You've never had a tank miss a pillar on Floor 1 or die to a Push or Pull on Floor 2? Rather than /stuck, have a DPS taunt, and what I suggested falls into place.


    Once you have some experience on Revan, what I suggested is obvious, not incredible.

  2. Swapping to 5 DPS during the fight never crossed my mind. Please do elaborate. I know people did this with DP NiM Council, but we never bothered with that tactic because it was never necessary. :eek:


    For Revan (on any floor), a DPS taunts Revan to take each Trail of Agony. For HK, 2 DPS who can taunt each take exactly 1 stack of Shiv while the tank has 2 stacks.

  3. I think the only significant question is: Is it possible for group of players, without single 198 MHs and no BHs to kill it after 3.1.2?




    Despite this, I'd argue that more mechanics in Ravagers and Temple should ignore Hydraulic Overrides, and that the DPS check for the Machine Core is too high for Hard Mode.


    If a group is working to kill Revan for its first time before 3.2 and has few BHs, consider (a) learning the first and second floors with a customary composition and (b) switching to 1 Tank / 5 DPS for third floor progression and first kill. We didn't use this technique, or any of several others, in our no-BH kill (we didn't need such techniques, in part because 2 or 3 of the DPS had 198 Mainhands).

  4. I'll address non-Ranked PVP only, since you should learn to walk before you try to run.


    For reasons including the below, in general, it's easier to learn to heal, and to heal under pressure, as a Sorcerer or Operative than as a Mercenary.

    1. Effective healing from instant abilities is greater for a Sorcerer or Operative than for a Mercenary.
    2. An Operative has a stronger suite of defensive abilities than a Mercenary. A Sorcerer's Force Barrier is stronger than any Mercenary defensive ability.
    3. Resource management is easier for a Sorcerer or Operative than for a Mercenary.

  5. So, we shouldn't be stacking for heals on Bulo (after each fire barrel), Torque, Coratanni, Malaphar, Walkers, Underluker, Commanders, or Revan?


    6.5/10 seems pretty common


    Before I give my count, I'll refine the question. Am I using Kolto Waves on cooldown on a regular basis? Would I use Kolto Waves more times if it had a shorter cooldown?


    My count is 0/6, possibly 0.5/6 depending on your strategy for Coratanni and Pearl.


    Sparky, Torque, Malaphar, and Underlurker are easy to heal once a Group understands and respects their mechanics. I therefore disregard them for purposes of optimizing gear. This leaves 6 fights to consider.


    For Bulo, no, you shouldn't be in a tight stack. Spreading just a little ensures that only one player takes damage from each Barrel Throw (or from each exploding Lifter or Cart). Commanders is the same: a tight stack is more often the problem than the solution.


    For Walkers, Kolto Waves is used fewer times than you'd expect. You might be able to catch enough players once (at most twice) between consecutive Gravity Missiles. You won't use it on cooldown on a regular basis.


    There's stacking for Revan, but that's not to ease healing (except during the Machine Core). The first floor is about managing cleanses and Blades during Revan, and about healing tanks during HK-47. The second and third floors are easy to heal, and I therefore disregard them for purposes of optimizing gear. (I expect that the SOR 6-Piece would be better for the Machine Core, but several Operative healers have solo healed the Machine Core without the SOR 6-Piece.)


    For healers, the challenge of Blaster is spike damage to a single ally. You won't use Kolto Waves on cooldown on a regular basis.


    The SOR 6-Piece might be better for Coratanni and Pearl, but the amount of movement means that you're unlikely to use Kolto Waves on cooldown on a regular basis. Ruugar, the more challenging phase of this fight for healers, is about spike damage to a single ally. Since Ruugar's high-damage room-wide knockback is infrequent, shaving up to 1 second off of Kolto Waves' cooldown won't help you recover.

  6. A few suggestions that might help.


    First, don't stack. Be spread just enough so that only one player takes damage from each (i) Barrel Throw or (ii) exploding Lifter or Cart. In addition, spreading a little allows you to determine the player whom a Lifter or Cart is targeting, which, in turn, allows you to precast and the targeted player to reduce his damage taken with a cooldown.


    Second, it might help to experiment with healing priorities. I'd start with you (Operative) on the tank(s) and DPS in melee range of Bulo, and your co-healer (Mercenary) on the others. In addition, until your tanks have every Pirate in each wave under control immediately, it's prudent to keep 2 stacks of Kolto Probe on yourself and your co-healer.


    Third, your co-healer should improve. 3.5k EHPS is low while wiping to damage on HM Bulo. I expect that most groups' first kills had both healers at or above 4k. A Mercenary should excel, not struggle, on a fight that's about single-ally burst healing.

  7. in a content tier that [everyone is saying] favors ranged, with potentially 6 people stacked for most of the fight, why wouldn't you be using Waves that much?


    You've been misinformed. For 8-man, having 6 or more players stack isn't common in fights, or phases of fights, that are challenging to heal.


    Furthermore, even when your Operation Group does stack, you'll rarely use Kolto Waves on cooldown. Unless you were to use it on cooldown very often, reducing its cooldown by up to 1 second has little to no value. Healing isn't about maximizing HPS.

  8. The answer is in Section [jumpto=Medicine - Gear]Gear[/jumpto]:

    The SOR 6-Piece reduces the cooldown of Kolto Waves from 10 seconds to 9 seconds. This Set Bonus is almost always worthless, because it’s unlikely to increase the number of times that you activate Kolto Waves.


    Therefore, no calculations are necessary.



    Glancing at your calculations, however, I noticed three issues.



    1. Your friend's figures are inaccurate. Recuperative Nanotech heals a single ally for much more relative to Kolto Waves. To ensure that you compare apples to apples in the future, I suggest the following test conditions.

      1. Heal a companion or NPC. A player might have a healing received buff, but a companion or NPC won't.
      2. Unequip any proc Relics.
      3. Ensure that Tactical Medicine is never active (or is always active).



    [*]The denominator in your calculation of Recuperative Nanotech's HPS, and the numerator in your calculation of Recuperative Nanotech's uptime, must be reduced by Alacrity. Alternatively, you could assume 0 Alacrity across the board, since its effects on both abilities will wash out for your comparison.



    [*]Using the amount of non-crit heals is a good starting point. Note, however, that Kolto Waves' Critical Chance is 10% greater than Recuperative Nanotech's.

  9. Mainly get into the tank numbers myself, but am thinking of branching out a bit. When you mention maximizing "expected healing" how are you calculating that? Just curious at this point.


    I describe my methodology in the Model itself. In short, it's a tool for predicting the gear that should maximize your own effective healing, which you describe on worksheet "Your Healing".

  10. so what kind of HPS/EHPS are people hitting in HM? I'm averaging around 4.1k not including shielding with 80-90% efficiency


    Those figures sound typical.


    Regardless of your class or gear, for the new Operations on Hard Mode, it's typical to have 4k+ EHPS for a boss, or a phase of it, that's challenging to heal.


    If the percent of your healing that's effective is < ~60% as an Operative, or ~80% as a Sorcerer or Mercenary, consider dealing more damage or asking your co-healer to deal more damage.

  11. Is ephemeral mending worth taking at all?


    No. In every circumstance in which gear matters, an SA or FR relic is expected to outperform it. If your HPS is, for example, 4k, SA or FR outperforms Ephemeral Mending by ~70%. BioWare would need to almost double the amount of Ephemeral Mending's proc to make it a reasonable choice.

  12. why is there such a recommended crit disparity between Op and Merc (~350 to ~650) in your guides?


    A Mercenary has +15% Surge from Warden (in Bodyguard's Discipline Path) and, almost all of the time, +10% Surge from Advanced Targeting (a passive for every Mercenary). Both apply to all healing.


    An Operative has +20% Surge from Accomplished Doctor (in Medicine's Discipline Path). This applies to only Kolto Infusion, Kolto Injection, and Surgical Probe; i.e., ~40% or less of your effective healing.

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