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Posts posted by Cherryluve

  1. Alright Novel time. This is a very basic and amateur comparison with "fleet" healing because there isn't enough people on to do this in Warzones. :p I didn't run 100's of combat logs so I took a basic average to simplify these changes to healing. I also took the non-crit numbers so it doesn't take that into account. Also only the inquisitor buff.



    So our stage. Only inquisitor buff, no crit and no relic procs.





    7364 initial tick

    2094 tick

    TOTAL: 25,112





    5036 initial tick

    3473 tick

    TOTAL: 36,295





    7723 x4 ticks

    TOTAL: 30,892





    7945 x4 ticks

    TOTAL: 31,780





    1583 tick (without any tactical) TOTAL: 15,830

    1754 tick (with All for One single target) TOTAL: 17,540

    With 8 allies (perfect world) TOTAL: 126,640

    With 8 allies (with tactical) uh more than that lol





    1360 tick TOTAL: 13,600

    1360 tick 2.5k burst (with new Tactical All for One)

    TOTAL: 16,100

    8 allies TOTAL: 108,800

    8 allies with burst tactical TOTAL: 128,800




    Dark Heal, Infusion and Unnatural is harder because it varies so greatly. The difference between live and PTS is PTS has 3% less healing. Exception being Dark Heal can heal 50% with the proc. So that is an increase to live.


    Now the fun one



    Roaming Mend

    14,000 x4 (again no crit) TOTAL: 56,000




    Roaming Mend

    10,500 x4 TOTAL: 42,000

    10,500 x5 with (extra Charge tac) TOTAL: 52,500


    So again super simplied and not taking into mind cast-time heal Dark Heal, Infusion or self heal. Since those are all close to what it is now but with a 3% nerf to the base though extra burst heal on procced Dark Heal.


    So casting

    1 Resurgence

    1 Innervate

    1 Revivification

    1 Roaming Med (assuming for test purposes all bounces on one person)

    LIVE TOTAL: 127,834 with no tactical

    129,544 with All for One

    8 allies with no tactical TOTAL: 238, 644

    With aoe tactial a bit more than 240,000



    TOTAL: 121,675 (with extra roaming mend add 10,500)

    8 allies with extra roaming mend 229,375

    8 allies with burst tactical on aoe 238,875




    Healing wise it is very close at least with base fleet healing. Seems to me that they nerfed Roaming Mend so that we could get our beloved tactical but made it worse. So it's like giving you the present but it's just an empty box. It will do less healing than before even though we get that extra bounce and forcing us to take the tactical instead of something else. So yay us? Also on top of that the force cost now is 53 and on PTS it is 45. This is because they changed the passive that reduced Roaming Mend by 10.


    Also Innervate will now be on an 8 second cooldown instead of the 5.6 so will be cast less. Other passive heals have been reduced slightly.


    And one more note....The new 6 piece Reviv Mystic set that says we get a 15% chance to do an extra heal if we have Resurgence on that target is (drumroll) about 3k.


    That all being said, I don't know how much this will affect our healing so why change anything at all? Our single target healing has been nerfed, our aoe heal has been nerfed but the only spell we cast the least has a buff. So our healing will be roughly the same, probably lower but definitely not better. Though Force management is a little better. And we didn't think it possible, but they made our tacticals worse. Maybe for us to better appreciate the crap ones we have now? Sly!


    I love you and see you in pvp!


    Amateur Review out...

  2. So what you are saying is that pugs just by principle suck? If I had the ball in huttball, you wouldn't know to get ahead of me for a pass without me being on discord to tell you that? Do I need to be on comms to tell you to interrupt a cap? But heaven forbid I would like to group with people who can actually play the game. Best players? Not at all but doesn't mean we can't get together and try. It is more fun that way. Apparently grouping with someone and guarding a node is roflstomping pugs. So basically you want skill level separation. Separate the true pvpers vs people who are clueless.


    Not to mention, you don't have to be in discord to group. Most of the time when I group, we aren't in comms. So what is our advantage?

  3. Which is why you get with like-minded individuals to group with otherwise you end up logging out due to frustration. So give your names if you want to play objectives and we band together. Unite my fellow objective players!
  4. Now this is just regs since I haven't gone into ranked (not that I am a good ranked player). I don't have augments since I can't afford them but my highest healing in a regular match was just over 15k hps. Whereas, I have seen multiple merc healers reaching 18-19k. I am not even close to matching that. They did have the new augments but even if I had them, it wouldn't jump my heals that much. Also, I die so quickly that I have to port or bubble immediately with any focus. When everyone's regular hits are 20kish with upwards of 70-80k, I usually only average around a 35-40k crit (that is with 1.8s heal). So ya, we can stall a bit but one good dps can own my face and keep me out of the game. Highest operative healer I saw was over 16k but I don't see many of them.


    Honestly you just cc the healer and take out someone, since heals can't keep up with focus. Merc healers can survive lots longer because of their cooldowns since they can crit themselves for over 110k. So you ignore them and burst someone.


    In solo ranked, it honestly will mostly be all merc healers. It is really gonna come down to how good the dps is at focus. And I agree with most ranked being stealthers.

  5. In a game with more population, ranked would be for everyone because you would be playing with people your level. There would be enough new people to make up teams so you could gradually get better. Unfortunately, there isn't enough people so the higher ranked people get put with lower ranked people. So complain all you want that you get placed with inexperienced players but the fact that you still complain about it, shows you are a little out of touch with reality.


    It's the nature of the beast and play for fun and the challenge of trying to carry but for the Love of God, get over yourself and your elo in ranked. If more people played, then players could progress through it properly. So help out players and accept ranked isn't what you want it to be. The population is small enough, people will start to recognize the good players without you whining and telling people how wonderful you are.

  6. Even if you didn't want to do said objectives, is it so hard to at least fight near the node or kill the ball carrier that is slowly walking past you? Then go farm your pretty numbers. You could at least make killing people useful to your team but even that is beyond your scope.


    I am so glad you can have the attitude that you can do whatever you want but you are playing an MMO in a game that is team based. So taking that attitude, "I hate warzones, so I'm not gonna play them correctly", you are taking a very selfish stance with the typical "it's all about me and what I want". Everyone in that warzone are agreeing to join a team based game and your stance is that your "wants" are more important than them and their time.


    So would I rather wait for a good game or constantly get in a game with farmers who don't care? I would rather wait because if I see farmers on my team, I just leave game and wait for another. And if the farmers didn't bloat regs, more people would queue again but you are driving true pvpers away from the game.


    There are times when we get a great matchup against a farming group and not only can win the Warzone, but destroy the farmers. More often than not, when this is the case, the reaction from the farmers can be predicted as follows:

    - "Oh, lucky you had help, if it were a 1 on 1 it would be a different story!"

    - The farmer has left the warzone (before conclusion).


    We're all just trying to have fun, look at it from not just your own perspective, but of others who are trying to play to win. Doing good numbers AND winning is a possibility. If you win, realize that others are doing the work FOR you in order to win. Maybe consider them, and try to do your part in the actual "winning" process and not just blindly, selfishly being inconsiderate of others. What about this attitude in ranked? Even there it's all about winning, but you can't just push buttons and be inconsiderate of everyone else.


    Take a moment to think about this really. Re-read your post and apply that to all aspects of life. How does it stack up? Can you do this at your job? How about services and products you pay for. Can you just do whatever you want and be inconsiderate of the rules in all of these aspects? Give hope to the human race, seriously.


    Stop calling people who play objectives "bad and not good players". I don't have to prove myself with numbers every warzone I play like you guys do. I want people to know that when I am on their team, I am going for the win. Not sigh when they see me join the team.

  7. You come to regs and farm numbers ignoring objectives like you will get a serious disease if you get any obj points.

    You pass the huttball to each other to make sure it goes the full 15 minutes.

    You clear mid, but won't bother to cap it because that will ruin your numbers.

    You ruin the game for those of us who enjoy the SWTOR pvp experience.


    The "ranked" players destroy pvp in this game and laugh at those of us who enjoy objectives and are actually trying to win the game. I hate you on my team however going against you isn't a big deal because I know it will be a guaranteed win. You have all the excuses:

    "Obj's don't matter lawlwlawlalwlawlwlw"

    "Practicing for ranked"

    "Oh we could win if we wanted to"

    "Just want to kill stuff"


    Traveling around in your little packs destroying lone players or farming spawn points. Running around like bots from red guy to red guy, drooling and panting like dogs. So how is this fun for anyone? Go to pve and fight bosses if all you care about are numbers. No, you have to prove yourselves with your numbers in regs. This is a battle royale to you and that is all. Just like you hate the reg players in ranked, we hate you in regs and wish you would stop queuing.


    I honestly wish they would just get rid of numbers at the end of the match so you would have no reason to come into warzones with your trolling attitudes. I could go on and on with my frustrations in a game I find fun, but the people (farmers) are ruining it. Sure this game has bugs and faults but I really, really enjoy the pvp when both teams are playing to win. Why can't you do both? Why have you created this "collective" attitude in which objectives are only for "bad" players.


    Defend yourselves all you want, but you guys have decided that you are winners only if you get highest on the scoreboard and by so doing you've done your part. Gone are the guilds that you were scared to go against because it was gonna be a hard win. IMO you can't handle losing if you actually tried to win the game so you ignore everything because now you can say "We weren't trying."


    I remember "epic" pvp matches with the underdog pulling off amazing comebacks! Or even matches where we win by the skin of our teeth in a huttball where everyone is taking advantage of the traps and using any means to stop the opposing team! But it seems everything is devolving to "hur hur" press my buttons harder! It is so infuriatingly disappointing!


    We want our game back.

  8. Let's all be honest here.


    Tanking would be fine if people knew how to dps. Plain and simple. People expect them to balance a game around crappy players. If all the dps on your team was doing at least 3.5k dps single target, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Healers wouldn't be a problem, premades wouldn't be a problem.


    I don't care if you trash me but it's the honest truth. I can play my merc and not really know my rotation. If someone asked me my set up I would be "I don't know, I click buttons that light up." Does that make me a good merc? Not in the slightest. Can do I do over 4k dps? I can because this game isn't that complicated (hint push buttons). My 8 yr old played my husbands sage one match and pushed 2 buttons. He was top dps. So unless you are playing with your tongue, I don't know what to tell you.


    That aside, I think only tanks with tank gear should be able to guard effectively. But juggs/guar dps could have a tank "cooldown" for a limited time or capacity.

  9. Well I mainly play Pubside for the reason that there are too many healers on Imp. Not to say there aren't times when lots of healers are on either side and so then I will take a break. When I solo queue, I leave games that have lots of healers. That being said, I win lots more on pub side then I do Imps. Imps seriously have no clue how to guard a node, we get capped on ALL the time lol.
  10. Not what I was getting at. I am not saying there isn't any good players because there are. There are much better players then me and much more versatile. My point was, there are tons of subpar dps and so healers, let alone guarded healers, are gonna appear godly when in fact that isn't the case. But then they go to the forums to cry nerfs or buffs when sometimes it's just the fact they aren't playing their class to their full potential. I get demolished by good dps but problem is there isn't enough of them playing any more. There is such a huge difference between 4 good dps and 4 bad dps, obviously. Then it is usually the bad dps that come to the forums and cry for nerfs to other classes and buffs to theirs.
  11. I agree guard really needs to be looked at. Even if guard is on a cooldown or reduced. I play sorc heals mainly and I wouldn't be opposed to having our healing nerfed a bit. But what it really comes down to is that the quality of players isn't there. Of course I can survive 4 dps if they are only doing 800 dps on me. Does that make me OP? No.


    But how can they balance dps properly when 80% of the pvp population isn't that good. Some days I do feel like a God as healer but it's because no one can dps any more. There are more good healers then there are dps. I play mostly Pub on TEH and amazes me how bad some players are but I shrug it off. To be expected. I quickly lvled up an scoundrel healer and played on Shadowlands for a night and Wow....I will never take TEH for granted again. The amount of bads on Shadowlands was staggering lol. I played like 7 games and not a single dps was over 3k. I didn't die once as my scoundrel healer and I even forgot to put my utilities in. Ha!


    Anyway, point being is, how can they balance anything when over half the people can't even play their class to their potential? Buffs based on the average player who can't break 2k even though the class is perfectly capable of doing 4k? /shrug. Right now this is what it is.


    I had a shadow on my team trash talking the other team because it was a premade yet they never pulled over 800 dps either round. We won but I had to listen the whole time about how toxic premades are. Going against a premade doesn't bother me in the slightest.

  12. I win way more on pub then I do on imp side. I play most days and came back to game about 3 weeks ago. Though I play heals, and imp side has SOOOOOOOOO many healers, I don't play over there as often. One day I will level up a dps on imp side but not motivated just yet. Though I have always mained a healer, I find I gotta dps because games of 3-4 healers on each side is not fun for anyone.
  13. Yep, think I am done too. Been pvping for years and it makes me sad. This game has such potential but they don't care about pvers, pvpers or anyone besides those that buy the cartel packs. That is the only thing they put any effort into if you consider that effort. Nothing else has been addressed for years. If they sat down and actually decided to put some content in and actually fix bugs...lawlz....game would be popular.
  14. Then you can't go complaining it's premades then that are ruining the game. But you can't really do a matching in skill level for regs because how do you determine that? Valor means nothing. Everything group based in MMO's is judged by dps and heals. You don't have enough dps in pve, you can't kill the boss. You don't have enough heals to keep up the tank? etc etc. The same could be said for pvp. You don't need to be a star but honestly, Star Wars isn't hard. You can spam buttons and easily do 1.5 -2k w/o knowing at all what you are doing.


    I think there are just lots of really young kids playing. /shrug.

  15. The problem isn't premades. It is the fact that most premades are pvp players. You take out everyone but the serious pvpers and regardless if they run premades or not, every game would be fun and more challenging and a toss up of who would win. The amount of bad players in pvp has ruined pvp, not premades. I'm sorry but if you do 600 dps or 1k heals, etc, you aren't losing cuz there is a premade...you might as well sit down and kick your own butt since that is how helpful you are.


    It isn't cuz they are on comms and they are grouped. Plain and simple....THEY KNOW HOW TO PLAY THEIR CLASS. If all dps in the warzone did at least 2k dps, 4k heals, on both teams, running premades wouldn't even be a discussion.

  16. So selling a newer guild so not much is opened. Decorated great though! :p Contact Bubs'r'hugs on Republic side, the guild name is <Pie Vendor>. Can also find me Imp side on Cand-ee. Would like the original 50 million but I am open to negotiations.



  17. Judging by the responses about pvp I can imagine a lot of you have been in the same Warzones as me. I look at the stats at the end and shake my head. Pvp isn't about op heals or even class imbalance. It's called, 90% of pvpers nowadays have NO CLUE how to dps. I'm sorry but if you can't get over 2k dps, you have no right to complain about how you can't kill a healer.


    I have healed games and as the fight continues and no one is dying on either side, I sigh and wonder if I should bother staying in the game because once again no one has any idea how to dps. Game over and lo and behold, we had one guy that was in the top 5 on our team, whereas everyone else was around 500 dps. Game after game. And when we do win, it's a demolish because this time, the other team had 0 dps. You can't even call it a win anymore. It's just plain stupid.


    I don't know if it's all the free 60's coming in and being clueless, but it's no fun anymore. Wins mean nothing, losses mean nothing. Very rarely do you have a nice even match. You all complain about healers but healers are easy to kill with some focus. Sorry but 3 dpsers on me doing 500 dps sure ain't gonna kill me.

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