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Posts posted by Iravim

  1. has anyone figured out what the BLUE QUALITY grade 9 scavenged metal is for yet??? because of the crew mission bugs i have been getting a ton of them and i have yet to find a use for them.
  2. Pretty often considering that when I get PUG'd into a WZ 3/4 of my team is off trying to kill people rather than attacking the ball carrier, and the point of the Storm + Harpoon isn't about function but more style. When I picked a body type 4 male I wanted to make jokes about eating people and using my fat abs to crush them. Isn't that PvP? Large men sailing through the air and dragging victims to their blubbery demise?


    ........holy effing sht

  3. Fair does, but until BW manage to split PvE and PvP trees they'll have to meet somewhere in between, and as of right now PT and VG are ludicrously easy to play in PvP and get massive damage numbers. Even in pre50 they can do about 3-4k damage in like 6 seconds and that's not using anything other than Flame burst ( a cheap non-cd skill might I add)


    oh i did WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than that, its all about timing your assault Plastique with HiB


    both go off/hit at the same time??? BOOM BABY

  4. Before you get humiliated by Ascendant Squirtle Taun; I got 5 million credits saying even we can stomp you. ;) and we *********** suck. Unless its Top Gun. Sorry for the name drop, but you guys are our only win. :D


    just wait, we are getting better.

  5. Fact - i dont give a *}#%ck if youre The justin timberlake or britney spears of harbringer, my glowstick will be up your *** 24/7 and youll be clicking your respawn button most of the time thinking "what the f ck just happened".


    nah bro, that honor belongs to our server clown : smoochie, aka poochie

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