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Posts posted by LaVall

  1. Did you take the Warmonger utility? If so then drop it and take something else, as it's been broken for months. Devs have acknowledged it, but haven't fixed it. It shows the CD lowered but doesn't actually lower it.
  2. Solo'd it on my Tactics Vanguard, in 188-200 gear (with a couple pieces of 208), no augments, with a rank 11 Lana last night. I died 6 times and had to make several uses of my heroic moment and unity, often having to wait for it to come off cooldown before proceeding. The Ephmeris battle killed me 3 times, I died twice more in the reactors with the Exarch, and got pushed off a ledge once. Once I had enough photocell capacitors in my inventory, I ignored the mobs, siphoned the Exarch, hit my Hold the Line and clicked on the console. After the reactors, the battle with the Exarch was a joke... never got below 50% health.


    As a player who PVP'd almost exlusively for several years, did very little high end PVE content, and now only casually plays solo PVE content, I was able to solo the Star Fortress heroic in crap gear with a low influence companion. It was incredibly difficult and took a long time, but was doable.

  3. /signed


    The original huttball is a masterpiece of a warzone that will be remembered for years after the game eventually shuts down, and other MMO's will try to emulate it. Queshball is a horrendous pile of garbage that should be removed from the game. Cutting our chances of getting one and splitting the odds with the other is frustrating.

  4. Just wanted to point out that if you open with gore and ravage right off the bat you will proc slaughter which will reset your gore window allowing you to use it right away again. If you do not use ravage off the bat then what you do use will proc slaughter anyways and you will lose that second gore window. Sure your ravage will probably be interrupted however you force them to use a cc and you still get a new gore reset very quickly. This slaughter proc to reset gore can only occur every 20 sec so once it procs it wont proc again for awhile. If it's wasted so be it. That's the only reason I would argue in favor of gore/ravage right off the bat.


    I save my ravage for when I'm full resolve or I've witnessed my target use their knockbacks/stuns prior. Then it doesn't get interrupted and can be followed by a scream in the gore window for massive damage. A gore massacre spam will provide the same proc without wasting your ravage, while still doing considerable damage.

  5. These are QoL things that have no real impact on anything. Dont waste the devs time with such frivolous discussions.


    I'm glad it doesn't bother YOU, however this issue has been brought up several times and others clearly have an issue with it. Since changing the knock back to happen at the beginning of the animation is such an easy fix, I can't fathom how you are so insulted about people asking for this change. As a class rep, instead of throwing insults at others like calling them bad because they have a different opinion than yourself, you could exercise a little more maturity and be supportive of the people you're supposed to represent. Failing that, you could at least be constructive.

  6. It sounds like you're on the right track. Since you have the right mindset the biggest hurdle is going to be knowing each class, and how to play against them. It's not like PVE where you're just maximizing your rotation, you'll need to know what to use on each AC and when to use it (and what to do when they use abilities on you). This will come with experience. Grouping with good players will make this come quicker as you all learn from each other.
  7. I don't mind getting beat by a better team if my team plays smart and gives an honest effort. In such cases I will encourage my team and let them know they did a good job despite the loss. What I can't stand is getting a team full of people in raid gear, that have no clue what they are doing, and they don't care because they're just farming relics. If my team is getting beat because of stupidity, I bail. I've played this game too long to have any patience with people like that.
  8. With this nerf, the reason I call it a bastardized version of Carnage is because Smash primary target will hit numbers similar to Scream, so over two globals, Carnage can match/exceed Smash output. This means you are sacrificing all the control and escapes, for what?


    A non-RNG dependent burst class with more survivability, some AoE bonus damage, less resource management issues, and doesn't get it's burst gimped if they get stunned during the gore window.


    In other words, it's going to be the easy mode carnage. Carnage is a great spec but it requires a significantly higher skill cap than rage. Smash is still going to be the spec of choice for most maras.

  9. Just saw this trash and I can't believe the trash. Trash. Lethality/Madness/Lightning(?) have been the "Most overall dmg"... & DPS for a looooong time son. Highest dmg record in a ranked 8v8 wz is sorc/lethality as well. It was never smash...


    Excuse the opening, nothing personal vs. you. It's just that what you said, is true in the eyes of SO many people. It's not.


    The saddest thing: these guys get to do it at 30m, dot up everyone and their family, then just do couple zig-zags around this pillar... rinse n repeat ad nauseam. The smasher at least had to move a lot more and deal with more variables than any 30m guy. The ranged player looks down on the melee player, but never stops to think that the melee guys make their life a LOT easier; in groups of ~ same overall skill, that know what they're doing (ofc).


    You can't seriously be comparing mass dotting to smash. :rolleyes:

  10. but noobs and bads need these sort of things to be competitve and to encourage them to play more


    One could just as easily argue that smash discourages the noobs and bads that use it from actually improving their skills out of a lack of necessity. Noobs and bads playing other classes that don't know how to counter smash getting repeatedly hit for 9k by the plethora of smashers on the other team are also discouraged from playing more.


    The sheer damage output, frequency of availability, and ease of use was just too much for an instant AoE. Something needed to be toned down. Bioware chose to tone down the damage output on secondary targets which also slightly increases the skill cap. I honestly don't think it's going to destroy the spec like everybody else does, just bring it's overall damage on par with other classes/specs.

  11. I'd recommend getting to level 18 before queueing for a warzone to get your interrupt, and then going full balance, and focus on getting the talent that removes the cooldown on telekinetic throw. Follow your team, try not to get singled out, hang in the back and attack from range. Sage is a great 1st toon in lowbie brackets due to it's simplicity and effectiveness at that level.
  12. This very much conflicts with Dulfy's guide.


    Madness DoT's have a bonus 30% surge, that seems like a lot of missed dmg if you go for the 25% from talent/buff.


    The problem is that crit doesn't give as much benefit per point as power, and crit has immediate DR. It's not like it's useless, but the amount of bonus damage and healing you give up doesn't make up for the increased damage from crits, even with the surge talent. Since 2.0 basically all healing and dps specs stack power and surge exclusively (and accuracy in pve).

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