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Posts posted by Taythan

  1. Or, as has been suggested many times before, how about removing group queue from GSF? Premades have no place in GSF, and have been the single largest contributor to frustratingly lopsided matches since the format was introduced.


    I disagree that premades have no place in GSF. I think that it's always more fun to play with friends whether you're good or not. The problem with matchmaking is the need for GSF to have equal numbers. Each player should have a Pilot rating based on their play history and equal ratings should play against each other regardless of numbers. This could give us matchups of 4 on 8 or 6 on 12 or whatever makes the groups equal in "skill rating" and not in quantity of pilots. The numbers wouldn't be even and some of the matches would still get lopsided but now you're challenging your better players to overcome possibly large number disadvantages and your less skilled players at least get a chance to improve their skills in matches where they have a fighting chance to maybe win if they work together instead of just being cannon fodder.

  2. Yeah those changes in 5.92 haven't really done anything to fix the matchups. I've been in dozens upon dozens of matches since then and whatever matchmaking criteria they use is pretty much broken.


    Be interesting to see the 5.10 Heraldy changes. 2 vs 2 seems a bit sparse, but I could see it being fun under the right conditions.


    Either way there are currently some serious balance issues in GSF that need to be addressed.

  3. Too many Starfighter matches aren't matches at all. There is no balance. Four guys enter a match teamed together with tons of skill and it's just a turkey shoot and for the rest of the night you're either getting killed constantly or on the winning side but not getting to participate much because the skill guys are just wiping them out faster than you can even target them. Which is why I suggest SWTOR implement an MMR system or Pilot Rating so to speak sort of like Blizzard does . All the stats are there kill/loss ration all of these can give pilots a pilot rating so when teams are put together they aren't necessarily teams of equal numbers but rather teams of equal total skill number. So when four guys cue up together their combined skill number might match them up against 8 or even 10 against them to even the playing field.

    If there were pilot ratings it wouldn't prevent blowouts but it would make more games playable for more people and even open the door for things like GSF team tournaments where teams of equal skill levels could compete for prizes. Guilds would form their own GSF teams watch their skill levels grow as they improve as. More people would start playing GSF. just an idea.

  4. From experience you may rip out the mod and enhancement and put it in another piece, but the armoring won't transfer to any other part but the same slot which means when you have 5 head pieces, 4 of them are pretty much garbage. You can't sell them on the market, you can't wear it, you can't even take out the armoring. the piece becomes worthless. Command level 108 here and out of fourteen pieces for a full set from earpiece to boots I have been able to collect all of 4 pieces. That is totally unacceptable. Command Rank 108 which means I've opened 108 crates and I have 4 pieces of gear. The system is broken.
  5. I helped a friend go through the Foundry last night to get the final piece of the puzzle for him. Having read this forum I wasn't worried about it so we did it on Veteran mode not master. Figured we didn't need the droids two level 70's with companions to do an obsolete flashpoint. Well in the end Revan was a little buggy at the end our companions completely disappeared not got killed mind you but just up and dismissed themselves during the fight. We still prevailed but the loyalty chip did not drop for him.
  6. Unless you go to the planet that has the Rakghoul event going on with the intent of actually doing the event, it is a bit annoying but not game breaking. I was leveling an imperial agent on Tatooine and the only thing that annoyed me about it was that the plaugebearers can apparently see the invisible, Stealth doesn't work on them. Other than that it wasn't that big of deal.
  7. My main is a Sith Warrior so I hadn't noticed before but lately I've been playing my Imperial Agent and Temple's voice has changed. She sounds just like Kaliyo now which is unfortunate. I'm guessing Bioware did this at some point to save money on the voice acting but seriously it is disappointing.
  8. I have the SWTOR community tab bookmarked. of course every time the game goes into maintenance It gives me the not available screen. This screen persists even after the maintenance is over. Each time I have to circumvent this by deleting my current bookmark, doing a google search (just going to the Bioware site doesn't fix it). Once I do a google search it send me to the working page and I have to bookmark it again. Is this an issue for anybody else? Is there a way to fix it?
  9. It comes in an e-mail that isn't exactly screaming get your CC's here. If not for a thread talking about it I would have never known to look. I sifted back through my e-mails and sure enough it was there. I'm sure there are plenty of people that have gotten the e-mail already they just didn't realize that their code was tucked away in a corner at the bottom of the e-mail. I mean who really reads those chapter advertisement e-mails. We see an e-mail "Firebrand Coming February 11!" ! and we see the picture and say, 'That looks an awful lot like Kaliyo". But down at the bottom is your code.
  10. What's going on with the grade 6 Lorridian Gemstones and why are they so worthless? Fire Nodes sell immediately, marilite and tattoine flamegems reluctant but moveable, sunblaze can't keep enough of it prismatics sell ok but the Lorridian gemstones won't even sell for the cost it takes to gather them. I can't give these things away.
  11. You pretty much need alts nowadays. To craft any of the high end gear there's crossover. top artifice lightsabers require armstech bonded attachments. as well as high end sliced tech parts. on top of the traditional archaeology and treasure hunting. I'm sure other crafting trees are no different and require other's parts to complete their crafting. highly skilled alts are a must unless you plan on price sifting through the gtn. I'd put a competent alt on slicing. everybody uses those high end sliced parts.
  12. C- Trash mob after trash mob. That doesn't make it challenging it makes it monotonous. Extremely brief. the return of just two old companions as far as I can tell one through story and one through alert.

    No option to decline one said companion and then get yelled at for it by everybody in the alliance."Yeah guys I know. If I could have possibly declined her acceptance into the alliance I would have but it's story protected that I let her join so get off my back."

    I don't know why they don't just give us the "choice" with all the companions to take them or leave them. I would have left Qyzen freezing on Hoth had I not had to plow through that mess to get to Lokin. The only companion they've done right so far is Xalek you can take him ore leave him, kill him, imprison him or let him join you. Now that's real choice not. like the latest one. "Yeah join us! " or " Ok you can join us but don't cause trouble." There's no choice in that second option she still joins you! We should have the lasting option to accept or reject each companion that comes by.

  13. The story content is now super easy but if you want to find more challenging content it is out there. Some of the Tactical Flashpoints can be very challenging and no matter how good one thinks one is. In a PVP warzone you always run into somebody better. The game is no better or worse than it ever was, it has just evolved and you have to look in different places to be challenged.
  14. I've started giving the lock boxes to the leaders on Odessan to get their levels up and they give me back boxes shock full of companion gifts and bound to legacy adaptive gear shells. the companion gifts seem to sell decently on the galactic market or I can feed them to a companion and they go away. The bound to legacy gear however has started to pile up. I can't sell it on the market since it's bound. I tried to sell it to a medical droid just to get rid of some of it but the game wouldn't take it. I could start passing these shells out to alts but to make a long story short they've taken over an entire bay of my cargo hold and it's a ghastly mess. What else can I even do with this junk besides throwing it off the edge of the cliff on Odessan?
  15. For the mission all the pieces there were two of us and we tried to get a third to help and every single person could join the group but could not operate the little beacon that sets you onto the jumping car chase portion. The message came up that the area was not available to them and the mission could not be shared. as for Shroud, I followed my friend all the way through all the pieces reset that mission and the two of us completed it. Then we got into Shroud and couldn't get past the door with the four buttons. We picked up a guy on fleet and all three of us had to reset the mission in order for all three of us to enter.
  16. Operative's don't do tons of damage but they can heal themselves and can break combat at will. If they can't kill you it's a sure thing you're not going to kill them, they'll vanish and come back full strength.
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