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Posts posted by Srooc

  1. The thing that really chaps me about this is there is no communication from the developers regarding this problem. They mention character transfers, but give no specific details.

    They are just failing miserably to communicate with their customers.


    If they could at least address the issue and give their potential solutions, there would at least be hope.

  2. Tell that to Sharktooth. Go to youtube padawan and type in Sharktooth SWTOR.


    Looks like those were before 1.2 came out. Melee now rules All.


    OP is very correct. Merc BH's are basically training dummies in PvP.


    Somewhat difficult tell lately though as it's very difficult to even PVP anymore due to low server population.

  3. I'll admit, it's a bit light on the reward side, but some people just don't have the opportunity to play everyday for the daily. It's probably more catered to the people who play the game a few times week.
  4. There is not point in bringing up the ranked WZ's all the time. They would kind of be pointless until there are server merges or cross realm play. Most servers can barely support PVP let alone ranked WZ's.


    I would like to see something done about class balance more than anything else, but they haven't mentioned the fact that they are even looking into it which is the most disapointing part. A little communication would be nice.

  5. Anyone commenting without watching the video should watch it first. If you think this is an intended mechanic, I can guarantee you it's not. It's a bug/exploit and needs to be fixed.
  6. I'm playing a match of Huttball with my Merc, standing on the catwalk as usual. There's a marauder in the middle, who force leaps up to me. No problem, I rocket punch him off, he instantly force leaps right back up to me. Ok... that doesn't seem very fair to me as a RANGED class... So I use my final knockback, the jet boost, knocking him off into the middle once more. AGAIN he force leaps up to me! What is this crap?


    This all occurs over the course of 5 seconds. I understand the need for a melee class to have a gap closer... But 3 times in 5 seconds? seriously? How am I supposed to even fight a melee class without having any chance to kite?


    I'm with you man! There is NOTHING we can do to keep distance. If a melee class wants you, you are just dead. I play a fairly well geared (all BM and few war hero) Merc Pyro and melee eats us for lunch when they focus on us and they have MUCH more burst.

  7. What they could do is give us some utility, like a sprint similar to the sorc one (could even use the same animation as rocket boost, if a new animation would be too much to ask) or give us an interrupt already, every other class has one.


    How about Jet Boost snares the target in the spot they land for 5-8 seconds?

  8. I've played Merc Pyro since launch and done a heavy amount of PvP over the past few months - I'm in bull BM gear. You can do a good amount of damage is left somewhat alone. Kiting can be EXTREMELY difficult as melee has SO many gap closers. If melee does not have the gap closers available, you have a shot. If their cooldowns are up, you are basically out of luck.

    Melee is just way too dominant right now and it's VERY tough to escap them.


    To the point, Merc Pyro can be fine in PvP, but melee currently rules. We need one more type of escape to really help us out - like a disengage or something. If we jet boost, melee closes the gap. Hit electro dart, they can trinket out. Concussion missle, gets interupted, they you are dead.

  9. oh how the tables have turned.


    people used to cry how range was OP and how many knockbacks there are in the game. you know how many gap closers have been added to melee since launch? none.


    melee just now know how to position themselves for incoming knockbacks and they make sure they have their gap closer ready for it now. now ranged doesn't know how to handle melee getting better with them not adapting. don't worry good ranged will(or already have) adapt while bad ones will come to the forums and cry.



    it's clear in the OPs post he hasn't adapted since he talks about using a knockback when their gap closer is up


    I appreciate your response, but it doesn't change the facts!

  10. They all seem to have sOOOOO many gap closers and they hit like trucks. As a BH merc pyro spec I can jet boost, then they close the gap. I then hit them with elecro dart and they trinket out. Concussion missle takes about 2 hours to cast, so they just interupt. Then I'm at the med center running back to an objective - rinse and repeat.


    Don't get me wrong, I can do decent damage with my spec and gear, but melee seem to have every counter to what I throw at them - don't forget they have more burst too.


    I would love to see something to help keep the gap (distance) from them bigger. A disengage would be very nice.

    There just doesn't seem to be a nice balance between melee and ranged right now. The pendulum seems to be in favor of melee.

  11. The recruit gear is simply an way to enter PvP without having to go with straight leveling gear, which has no expertise. Once you start adding some BM gear, you will really start noticing the difference. I finally got my last peice of BM gear gear last night and I've noticed a major change from starting with just pve gear.

    You'll just have to deal with the fact that you will get blown up for a bit - it's not fun, but if you can get past it, it will be worth it.

  12. OK i don't post often, usually because of the ignorant replies but here it goes,


    Developers you did it yet again....You had the teams evened out and all of a sudden with 1.2 you decided that the empire was not winning enough. You still have yet to do anything about the lighting and the missile spams, and what do you do??? you give them MORE dmg. Great job A##hats. Just for once can you PLEASE make the teams even....and before any of you back births respond with "you just suck" or my personally favorite "Its even"..... don't i will not waste my time with idiots.


    Developers, you nerf the one thing we had, the demo round/grav round, but you refuse to take anything away from the other side to even it out. I have spent a WEEK in PVP matches everyday, and the Reps have won less than a handful, usually its a landslide victory for the empire. Fix your damn game. i cant even count how many people that have left the game because you jerks cant or wont make it even.


    You need to go outside and get some fresh air. The "real world" is an amazing place!

  13. I've certainly seem quitting as a growing trend.


    Funny thing is most of the time the people who quit are replaced by someone who who comes in and can play and makes the match close. The point is, the people who seem to quit aren't very good players.

  14. got 2 medals in the only minute I was able to play. No rewards no valor no commendations no credits.

    Do you realize this is just WRONG?




    Apparently you've read nothing that has been posted by the Devs or other players. Do a little research before you post stuff like this.

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