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Posts posted by Enderswar

  1. For me I tend to float in and out of games, I play for a while, get burned out, then return.


    I don't see any point in rage quiting because of item or build changes, its a MMO, you knew it was coming, anyone who signs up knows that this game, as well as others, are always being changed, for better or worse, its the way the game is.


    Who would still be playing this if it was exactly the same as it was at launch? I might have revisted once, maybe twice, but it wouldn't still be selling subs or making money.


    I guess my one, and only reason I leave a game, is that I get bored, I have 16 toons to manage, I've been playing since launch, I get burned out, that easy, that simple, but I always come back, for me its always worth returning to see the new things they have cooked up.

  2. Would be nice to get an explanation, like BW hired Jar Jar to maintain Shadowlands server or something, but nobody is gonna get one.


    Atleast it will be back on at 2:30 right....................


    never mind.

  3. I'll PvP ya for a Direct2Drive access code, oh wait... The server's still down. Ah well, never mind :p





    lol, there's always one person that sees a disaster and thinks "what can I get for free while they're painstakingly trying to fix it?" Gotta love 'em. They're on par with those who think because an item doesn't scan the very first time a cashier rings it, it's free.


    Do you pay for service, oh wait, there is always that guy that buys a lemon and actually eats it. gotta love it! :D

  4. Well, players on this server should get something, some comp time or cartel coins or something.


    I'm not rerolling on another server to play for a few hours with a toon I will never go back to, and since this isn't effecting any of the others ones I think some comp time or comp coins isn't too much to ask when we are sitting here waiting.

  5. Not a lot that I can say here that hasn't already been said.


    Just returned to TOR after a few months away and I personaly do hope that this is coming. I loved how BW handled this in its past games, made for some very interesting situations in ME.


    As far as how people will take it, boo bloody hoo, people will take it the way they do, there will not be riots in the street, you won't see people on parade, it will happen, people will talk, may gain some fans may lose some oh well thats business.


    BW has shown its willingness not to conform to the norm or what people expect before, ME proved that in a million ways through all three games. Some old man on a battle star said some times you gotta roll a hard six, if BW does this great, new shooter coming out.

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