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Posts posted by Nonnolol

  1. No one cared about it when it was a mez. As a mez it'd be totally fine. It'd be another grenade, nbd. As is, it's far and away the most imbalanced thing in the game. Every class has an aoe stun that is off the gcd, can be used during a stun and generates negligible resolve. Complete joke.


    Just dodge it.. what's the problem?

  2. Always, under any circumstance, focus the sorc.. Everyone knows that..


    Targets priority:

    1. Healers

    2. Bubblestun sorcs

    3. Snipers

    4. Pt pyros

    5. (on huttball) Juggs


    Why bubblestun sorcs? You can just avoid the bubble stun.. When you see it, move!

  3. What is the cookie cutter spec that seems to make Sorcs do 700-1 million dmg in pvp? I can only do around 350 average.


    Lightning/madness hybrid. They typically get these sort of numbers in extremely lengthy ranked games, where they are basically left to free cast the entire time. But 350k average damage is low even as pure madness.

  4. I'll just go show this Thread to all the Operatives who have knocked me down and took off 3/4 of my life before I even stand up.


    People apparently have a hard time understanding that the ability to take away 60-70% of the targets life in some sort of 'special combo', every 1.5 minutes, is not overpowered when you basically do nothing else, and when your 'special combo' can be healed through in competitive play.


    This is just the narrow mindset that makes balancing so difficult in MMO's. People don't want to nerf what's actually OP, they demand nerfs for things that they find annoying. In other words, they ignore objective facts.


    The fact is this: deception sins (which is their inferior pvp specc) severely outperform conceal ops. They have much higher consistent dmg, the burst is comparable, and their survivability is much better.

  5. Because these items are luxuries, both in the game and in real-life, the demand for these cartel market items is elastic


    And how do you know this? What data are you drawing from to reach this conclusion? Your entire argument rests on the assumption that the demand function is highly elastic, but you have failed to actually substantiate this assertion in way whatsoever. It sounds like you were, for whatever reason, suddenly compelled to show off your newly discovered knowledge of basic microeconomics.


    Also, a 'luxury good' is a good for which the demand rises as income rises. It has nothing to do with demand elasticity.

  6. Exactly! So much ignorance on these forums. It was NEVER about the price, it was the fact this was to be a content update free to subs. Now they slap the word 'expansion' on it to justify charging for it.


    The point of my OP was that you (or anyone else for that matter) are not forced to support BW's business model. If you feel strongly about it, and believe that the expansion (or 'content update') isn't worth $10, then you are free to continue playing the game as is (vanilla content). Or, if that doesn't sound appealing to you, you're free to play another game and cut all ties to BW altogether. The choice, again, is yours.


    Everyone keeps talking about some great principle, but it just sounds like group of whiny consumers who feel that they're entitled to the goods/services produced by BW and disregard the fact that BW must turn profits to persist. People on this forum make it sound like BW is forcing them to play the expansion against their wills, and is charging to do so. This simply isn't the case.


    As a matter of fact the consumers of this game are indeed entitled to quite a bit from this company.


    We are entitled to fair treatment, fair pricing, a quality product from Bioware and the honesty to keep their promises.


    Prove it. Where is it written that you have this privilege? What great authority has bestowed such a privilege upon you? When and where did the BW shareholders/execs sign a contract stating any of this? What the hell does 'fair treatment' and 'fair pricing" even mean? What the Fu*k are you even talking about!?

  7. From the announcement of Rise of the Hutt Cartel, some areas of the fan base, my self included, have been angered about the nickle and dimming that EA are doing, but the " expansion " as just made matters worse. This started when the cartel shop / F2P was released, this isnt a nee jerk reaction to one thing or the fact that its about $10 its about whats right and fair.


    After watching the rise of the cartel coins vid, I goto say most of what they say make sense, so I goto ask is this turning into a P.R nightmare for the game ? and really do we subscribers have a right to be angry over $10 ?


    Its fair to say there's a feeling of a lack of trust in EA / Biowear, we are being asked to pre order when there's little or no info on the forums and there's a LOT of questions about this " expansion " that need to be answered, this could be cleared up right here right now, if EA would come out and say " This is what your getting and you will need or not need the expo for the extra 5 lvls " But they wont.


    So people are asking, What are they hiding most people are smart enough to smell a conn when they see it, add in EA track record and that is why people are angry, its not about $10, its about the P.R mess that EA find themselves in, It went from Subs wont pay, to Hmmmm wellllll We dont know, to Give me your money, RWZ was another mess that EA landed itself in its all down to poor communication, something EA as struggled with over this last year.


    So the question for fans is, Do you trust EA enough to give them your $10 and do you think its fair that we cant use cartel coins to get the Expo ?


    All most fans what is more information, then we can say this is fair or not, untill that info is out there, most people will rage stamp there feet arguing or defending the latest P.R mess, this only hurts the game, but questions need to be asked over this one more P.R mess that swtor finds itself in, due to a lack of thought and a money grabbing attitude.


    Everyone's a shareholder these days.

  8. You just don't get it do you. It's not the price people are upset about it. I don't know why people don't get that.


    I never said it was the price that people objected to (though that is the case for many). The point is that you are not entitled to anything, especially the goods produced by bioware. I don't know why people don't get this. So again:


    if you want it, buy it. If not, don't.

  9. The point of my post is that despite people complaining about smashers, they still idiotically stack up together in huge groups. I have seen this happen in a warzone, and it made me laugh, so I posted it here.



    Your cartoon is idiotic and doesn't actually portray the message you were intending to portray. It depicts smash as an incredibly over-powered ability that destroys multiple targets (which is what it actually does). Sure, the victims could run away every time a smash monkey comes anywhere near them, hoping that that smash monkey misses his key ability (in which case, he will only destroy 1-2 targets). But the fact that people have to run for their lives every time a smash monkey even approaches them is OP in itself.


    Sure, I think it may be a bit OP


    Yeah, the same way that Ted Bundy was a bit disturbed.

  10. lol. K brah! Thanks for this huge help. You do realize other classes have better burst, better sustained dps. Right?

    Other classes have multiple stuns, roots, some have heals, stealth, Knockbacks, run speed increases. Obviously when you fight people, they stand there for you.

    I have tons of fun playing my OP, but we are a giant step down from most classes. If we get babied or ignored, sure, we do great. But most classes don't need to have that to do great.

    An extremely well played Op is equal to a below average to average player of the better classes. It's just damage, utility, and survivability math pretty much.


    No bro, an OP once killed him in a WZ when his cds were down, which proves that ops are perfectly fine!

  11. I'm watching this for the next round of class balancing:


    - If they balance based on the amount of QQ from bads on the forums, Smash will be nerfed,

    - If they balance based on what is overpowered in the game atm, Snipers will be nerfed.

    - If they balance based on Metrics on what is overplayed, Assassins will be nerfed.



    I'm super curious which way Bioware goes.


    Obvious marauder is just so unbelievably obvious.

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