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Posts posted by zombiemannsev

  1. so If I get the trooper to lvl 25 can I unlock the speeder perk for my lvl10 bounty hunter?


    No, at level 25 you can get your speeder. At Legacy Level 5 you can unlock it so alt toons can get theirs early. But you will be well past level 25 on your first toon before you hit legacy 5. Legacy kicks in at the end of act 1, right around level 30-35ish depending on how many side quests etc you do

  2. I couldn't care less about those "gathering skill" arguments because if that's what's intended for this skill to be profitable, then there is no reason to have lockbox missions as an option at all.


    So by this logic there shouldnt be scavenging or archeology missions for parts, since they can be gathered in the wild as well....


    I can understand the frustration around the lock box missions loosing profitability, I really can. But lets apply one extremely simple piece of logic to the equation:


    If slicing is supposed to be a mission skill, why is the slicing trainer in the gathering professions training area? Also why is it referenced as a "gathering" skill in the codex for cybertech?

  3. Even with high companion affection slicing has never been anywhere near profitable enough as a mission skill, IMHO. At least not since the early first nerf. BUT as a gather skill in the wild it is excellent. I make more slicing boxes I find along the way doing my dailies than I do from the dailies themselves.


    TLDR: If you want something to make you big money while sitting on fleet, you are wasting your time. If you actually get out into the wilds it is well worth the effort to raise the skill

  4. It's human nature unfortunately.


    For an eye opening experience, work in customer service for a while. Very few people ever call (as an example) the phone company and say "Hey I just wanted to let you know your product is great and I love you guys"


    And as we all know, the internet brings out the worst in people. It's not just the anonymity either, its an overall disconnectedness. People have a tendency to "troll" and flame bait because not only are they safe and sound behind their keyboard, but alot of times they forget that there are living, breathing, feeling humans on the other end.


    TLDR: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy :D

  5. Let's look at this logically:


    Going to use Huttball as an example (even though I despise huttball). Amazingly enough some of the people are actually trying to play the objective of the match. The enemy team has the ball. You are the only person between the ball carried and the end zone. He's a tank and you are a healer, you obviously are going to have a tough time killing him before the end zone. BUT you CAN stun him and give your team a chance to catch up.


    That is just one valid example of why stun should be left alone. I'm sure if you think about it, you can think of other situations where it has a legitimate use.

  6. I actually finished it at 29. I had ALOT of help from a guildy though. I basically skipped everything except class quests from Tatooine on.


    That being said, I don't recommend trying to do it that prematurely.

  7. The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn has always been one of my favorites. Not going to tell you what is about, thats what reading is for :)


    P.S. It's a good enough series that there is an NPC on Tatooine (imperial side) named Corporal Zahn :)

  8. It even follows you places you arent supposed to be able to go. A Sith Warrior needed help in a location (being vague here to avoid spoilers) that I literally had to board his ship and fly with him to help. When we got done I went back to the air lock and it put me on my ship. Keep in mind, this was on my Sith Inquisitor and by all rights I should have probably never set foot on that area.
  9. For practice use it for typing in your authenticator key. keep trying to do it faster and faster using only the mouse number pad. It gets your thumb used to jumping around the buttons fast.


    That is a Grade A good idea. I've used a naga for about a year now, and never though to use this "exercise" to help boost muscle memory

  10. Forcewalker: It is touched on in the Sith Inquisitor story line some (im only level 31 so I don't know how in depth it might get further down the line [no spoilers please]). Basically a sub class of Sith Sorcerer that deals primarily with necromancy. Instead of visiting skill trainers they would have to seek out various ghosts to absorb new skills from.


    I am not 100% sure of this, but I am assuming there is something relatively similar in the republic story line. Even if not in the game there has certainly been a precedent set in the SW universe for Jedi to interact with ghosts.

  11. Best method to trade gear/items cross faction:


    Put two characters on Nar Shaddaa, one from each faction. Use one to place the item you want to sell on the GTN, set it for a vastly inflated price.


    Immediately log out and then in with the cross faction character.


    Buy it.



    You can funnel monies and equipment across faction lines this way, and yes, the GTN takes it's skim... but once you've got a 40+ level on both sides it's really not that expensive.


    Do it while it lasts. I get the feeling that sooner or later this will get nerfed. WoW has a mechanism in place that will not allow you to buy your AH items from a toon on the same account and the one that put it up for sale.

  12. I want to know the purpose/use of the training droid and holo dancer.

    As the VIP room is really nothing to worry about; no one is up there usually anyway.


    Simple, they are "hey look I spent 20 more dollars than you did" items. They serve no function in the game other than appearance.

  13. Yes existing characters will get the items as well. They should show up in your mailbox.


    With that being said, personally I'm not impressed with what I got for my 20 bucks. It's basically all fluff with the exception of the speeder. And a speeder with the same movement rate can be bought in game for 8k credits, after you spend 40k for a license (which you still have to pay 40k for if you upgrade to deluxe)

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