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Posts posted by JameSka

  1. I think we need a more nuanced story arc that is in-line with KOTOR 2. I believe the "greyness" of that story allows one singular story to be crafted for both the Empire and Republic side.


    While I don't believe retreading old ground (whether it be the themes, or even characters) is the best idea - I do believe making some connections to Kreia's point of view of the force would not only make for an interesting story but also draw in the fans of that game.


    Black and white, good and evil storytelling is fine as a premise, but the juicy bits really cannot boil down to such a thing. Ultimately, I believe it needs to explore those themes first introduced in KOTOR 2 and expand beyond that.


    And since this is an MMO, I believe these could even be done through flashpoints. I know I'm not alone in this, but I much prefer a flashpoint that focuses on the story rather than blind combat. Combat is good, sure, but blindly fighting waves of enemies gets very tiring. I'd rather have one to two climactic and interesting encounters peppered in with a good story than a minimal story with an abundance of combat that only exists to lengthen the experience.


    But it is double-edged. We've seen it with 7.0. People are complaining about the length. I've not reached the content they are referring to so I cannot comment on it. But quantity should not be the be-all-end-all, in my opinion.


    Lean into the strengths of The Old Republic era.

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