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Posts posted by Terrace

  1. I had around 10k credits, hardly anything and I started fresh and had no issues leveling with class quests only. I just got upgrades through the quests and if my gear was like 10-15 levels outdated, I went on the GTN and bought super cheapo greens for like 5-10k as I would earn money through quests. You outlevel the stuff anyways, all the quests turn green it shouldn't be that hard so don't let it scare you :3
  2. I was surprised that my search results turned up no thread about this.


    I am playing a Powertech (currently in his 20s) and I love doing PVP with this class.


    I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about which trees to follow in order to get the most out of PVP. Also wondering how level 50 PVP Powertechs geared themselves as far as the ratio between Aim and Endurance.


    Lastly is it possible to have a killer PVP Powertech and still be able to Tank in a PVE environment?


    Thanks guys!


    From personal experience I am getting more out of Pyrotech for pvp. I leveled 1-49 as Adv Prototype and then went to Pyro.


    If you want to tank and still do good in pvp, well you can just go shield tech, you don't -have- to get every -1% or so damage reduction talent to do well in pve too, it is just min/maxing for operations. I would just get the basic tank gear that drops and use that for pvp if you want to be shield tech, and at 50 just get the sets and you don't have to worry about aim/endurance.

  3. My (hope) for ships in the future, besides free flying space combat - is since this is essentially player housing, to customize the insides. I would love if you could say for a bounty hunter, take trophies or freeze some terrible sith lord or jedi in carbonite and have him sit on your ship lol You could have all these past relics on your ship, like a tooth from some super hardmode boss or whatever. :]
  4. Pyro is still good damage, not as bursty as the other spec though. It is still good and it is still a bit more mobile. Mercenary isn't the most mobile option, Powertech is very mobile but you are trading being at ranged and a bit higher burst for less mobility. As a Merc you pretty much need to focus on positioning a lot more.
  5. Most of the people I have talked to say BH in pvp are pretty crappy. Yes, they can top the kill list if they time Death from above just right. But from what I have read and heard, 1 v 1 against a Jedi or Sith is pretty much a dead BH.


    Any thoughts on this?


    If you do pvp, would it be PT or Merc?


    BH do very well in pvp. Merc only has problem against melee really if they can't kite or knock them off something but can burst through whoever. Powertech 1v1 is one of the best, really if you are having difficulty you just need more practice. Bind all your spells, make use of the fact you're a ranged/melee and you'll be doing well. How everyone is at level 50 remains to be seen.

  6. for **** SAKE!!



    Thats very annoying.



    Very very VERY ANNOYING.





    I understand why this makes sense, but to have a character all ready to go back to wiped...................Yeh a little pissed


    You knew that going in, that's why I didn't make a character too far in. High enough to test stuff but not far enough in to hate losing my character. You'll get a new character all leveled up quick.

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